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Our Mission


The NatCom Board comprises members from both Government and private organizations concerned with education, science, culture and information and it can co-opt, in an advisory capacity, individuals who can help in carrying out UNESCO’s mission.


The function of the Mauritius NatCom is to help to realize UNESCO’S goals through the implementation of specific programmes at the national level. As a decision-making body, it has the following main functions:

to advise Go​vernment on the activities and programmes of UNESCO;
to encourage the active participation of national, governmental and non-governmental institutions and individuals in the formulation and execution of UNESCO's programmes and activities;
to ensure that decisions taken by the UNESCO General Conference are executed at national level;
​​to assume (on its own or in collaboration with their bodies) the responsibility for the operation of UNESCO projects in the country and for national participation in sub-regional or international UNESCO activities;
 to assist in the preparation of: –

the draft Medium - Term Strategy for UNESCO (6 years);

Draft Programme and Budget (2 years) documents and forward relevant views and comments to UNESCO; and
to give directions to the Secretariat for the implementation of various activities



  In accordance with the Charter of National Commissions for UNESCO, the objectives of the NatCom are as follows:

i. ​
Con​tribute effectively in the formulation, execution and follow-up of its programmes;
Encourage participation of national and governmental institution and various individuals in the formulation and execution of UNESCO’s programmes so as to secure for the Organization all the intellectual, scientific, artistic and administrative assistance that it may require;
Disseminate information on UNESCO’s programme and activities;

Contribute to national acti​vities relating to UNESCO’s programme and its evaluation.

​ Contact Us

​  (230) 601 5200 ext. 5414​

 ​​ 6862532​