Present set-Up
The Documentation Unit was set up in November 1983 to serve as a resource centre to officers of this Ministry. It is presently being housed on the 2nd Floor – Room 2.43 at MITD House, Phoenix. The main objectives are to gather, preserve, develop and disseminate relevant and up-to-date data and materials pertaining to Education, Human Resource, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research.
The Unit also assists users in terms of research facilities, consultation services, training facilities, preparation of reports, country papers for both local and international conferences, seminars and workshops, preparation of speeches, formulating policies in the educational field as well as supporting them in their decision-making process.
The Unit has a set of documents on Education and related fields for official distribution to institutions and experts and weekly press-cuttings of articles on Education, Tertiary Education and other related fields.
Among the collections, we have reports on Education and related themes compiled Consultants from UNESCO, World Bank, British Council, UNDP and the Commonwealth Secretariat. Conference reports, both local and international are readily available for reference purposes.
Government publications such as Government Gazettes, the Digest of Statistics, Annual Reports of various ministries/parastatal bodies are also regularly received at the Unit.
Objectives of the Unit
Besides relating the services already outlined above, the Unit has to provide:
| a wide range of data and a constant flow of information among all groups taking part in the educational process, such as policy makers, planners, administrators, to elaborate sound educational policies and plan;
| regular exchange of information, documentation and materials of international interest obtained from research and development at all levels – (i.e. Educational Information at national, regional and international levels);
| to relate the activities of the Documentation Centre for improvement of the information flow on educational innovation at all levels, ultimately contributing to the development of the educational system as a whole.
| To analyse, control and evaluate the documentation on research already carried out and gather information on on-going and future research projects be rendering it accessible to the users, both formally, through bibliographies and content-wise in the form of abstracts;
| To set up a good database in terms of books, pamphlets, periodicals, documents, research findings and reports of conference papers, bibliographies, reference works and directories in the field of Educational Administration, Policy and Management, Curriculum Studies and Education Research and Innovation, Educational Psychology and Philosophy, Teacher Training, Technical and Vocational Education, Pre-Primary, Population and Health Education; Educational Technology; Multicultural Education; Pre-Primary; Primary and Secondary; Adult Education; Higher Education and Distance Education; Special Education; International and Comparative Education; Financing; Media Education; Manpower Training.
Major Activities
The basic functions of the Unit are centered around three main types of activities:
Collection of documentation:
| - Consisting of the location, acquisition and storage of materials relating to Education, Science, Communication and Information Technology; Human Resource, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research.
Processing of documentation:
| - The analysis and evaluation of the materials collected as well as the preparation of bibliographies and abstracts.
We also act as a depository library for the International Institute for Education Planning – IIEP (UNESCO).
Users’ Profile
Actually some 400 users (excluding staff of other departments) regularly borrow books, local and international reports, periodicals, government publications and press-cuttings available at the Unit.
Future Projects
Computerization of the Documentation Unit is in process;
- Links to local and International Documentation Centres are being regularly established.
Local Services
The Documentation Unit is also open to researchers by appointment only.
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 16:00 Contact Persons: Mr. S. Mahadoowa and Mrs. A. Sandhoo
601 5200 (Ext 5417)
(230) 698 5696