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Year 2009
(No. B/165) Mr S. Lauthan (Third Member for Port Louis Maritime and Port Louis East) asked the Minister of Education, Culture & Human Resources whether, in regard to each of the courses run by the Industrial and Vocational Training Board Centre at Nicolay Road, since its implementation todate, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Board, information as to a list of the students enrolled, indicating their respective addresses.
(No. B/230) Mrs F. Labelle (Third Member for Vacoas and Floreal) asked the Minister of Education, Culture and Human Resources whether, in regard to the protocol existing between the University of Limoges, l’Institut Supérieur de Technologie and the Swami Dayanand Institute of Management which expired in February last, he will state if same has been renewed and, if so, when and, if not, why not.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Speaker, Sir, a protocol Agreement was initially signed on 01 October 1999 for a period of three years and renewed twice up to February 2009 between the Technical School Management Trust Fund and the University of Limoges. The protocol provided for the running of a two-year programme at the ‘Institut Supérieur de Technologie’ leading to a “Diplôme Universitaire Supérieur de Technologie”, coawarded by the University of Limoges and IST.
Action has already been initiated for the renewal of the protocol and the TSMTF has written to the University of Limoges accordingly. Consultations have already been held with the delegation from the University of Limoges presently on visit in Mauritius to finalise procedures for the renewal of the protocol. An agreement in principle has been reached with the delegation and will be signed very shortly.
As regards the Swami Dayanand Institute of Management, being given that it is an English Medium Institution and runs programmes in a limited number of corresponding fields to those of the University of Limoges, it has established collaboration with the Technical and Further Education (TAFE) of Australia.
Mrs Labelle: Mr Speaker, Sir, may I ask the hon. Minister whether one of the conditions from Limoges is that the TSMTF should be affiliated or BE under the aegis of a university so that they can keep on with this agreement?
Dr. Bunwaree: This is a fact and we are reviewing the structure of the TSMTF altogether. In fact, we are going to detach the Institut Supérieur de Technologie and the Swami Dayanand Institute from the jurisdiction of the TSMTF and bring them under the jurisdiction of the University of Technology (Mauritius). This will become a reality soon. But we will have to come to the Assembly to amend the legislation. The draft legislation is getting ready at the State Law Office.
Mrs Labelle: Mr Speaker, Sir, may I ask the hon. Minister whether he is aware that the University of Mauritius submitted, I think, in March last year, a draft Memorandum of Understanding? And, may I know whether there is a particular reason why we have not gone forward with the University Mauritius and decided to do it with the University of Technology?
Dr. Bunwaree: There is no difference because they asked for it to go under the aegis of a University and this is what is being done. It has been discussed lengthily and finally we came to the conclusion to bring the two institutions under the aegis of the University of Technology Mauritius.
Mrs Labelle: Mr Speaker, Sir, may I ask the hon. Minister whether it is not a very subtle way to get the fees payable because fees under University of Mauritius are free while under THE University of Technology fees are payable. Actually, fees at l’Institut Supérieur de Technologie ne sont pas payants, and once this will be under the University of Technology what will happen to fees?
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Speaker, Sir, we are looking into the matter. At this point in time and I discussed this with my technicians in the course of the week and we are trying to do our level best for these fees not to be paid in this particular aspect because we are being helped financially by the French Government, and also the TEC will be awarding a budget for it to the University of Technology Mauritius. But the whole framework of university fees is being looked into.
Mrs Labelle: Mr Speaker, Sir, I think I have heard the hon. Minister mentioned that everything will be settled in the coming days. If this is the case, will it be known in the coming days whether the fees will be payable because from what I understand, recruitment for IST is already due. Are we going to advertise for the courses in the coming days and, if so, are we going to say whether the fees are payable or not?
Dr. Bunwaree: The renewal is going to take place in a matter of days as I said and recruitment is going to follow the same pattern as last year for the time being and then we are going to look into the matter for the later years.
(No. B/293) Mr S. Lauthan (Third Member for Port Louis Maritime & Port Louis East ) asked the Minister of Education, Culture & Human Resources whether, in regard to each of the courses run by the Industrial and Vocational Training Board Centre at Nicolay Road, since its coming into operation to date, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Board, information as to a list of the students enrolled, indicating their respective addresses.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Speaker, Sir, the IVTB Centre at Nicolay Road, Port Louis was handed over to the IVTB in June 2008 after its acquisition by Government. This building houses a major IVTB Training Centre, known as Knowledge-Based Training Centre (KBTC). The aim of this Centre is to provide vocational training as well as apprentice courses to students from different parts of the country to enhance competency skills of our human resource to contribute constructively to the development of the country.
I am informed that 10 courses are currently being run for some 414 students who registered in December 2008 following a press advertisement issued in November 2008.
However, I do not consider it proper, Mr Deputy Speaker Sir, to provide a list of students enrolled and their respective addresses but I am arranging to lay on the Table of the National Assembly a breakdown of the number of students in respect of each course, districtwise.
Mr Lauthan: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I want to draw the attention of the hon. Minister to the fact that only last week when the Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Finance was talking about the Additional Stimulus Package, he did mention that this centre was set up to cater particularly for students of the region – using his own words. If the hon. Minister is not prepared to give the addresses, could he, at least, provide the number of students from the region? I mean, not only Plaine Verte, but Roche Bois, Cité la Cure, Ste Croix, Vallée Des Prêtres, Vallée Pitôt, Tranquebar, that is, the periphery of Port Louis, at least?
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, this is a centre which caters for the entire country. There are courses that are run there and only there. Certain courses are run only in this centre and in no other centres. So, we cannot limit it only to the region. But, I must tell the hon. Member that, in any case, out of 414 enrolments, we have 117 from Port Louis. The hon. Member has mentioned a few places and I’ll try to look into the matter. But I want to draw the attention of the House and of the hon. Member that we cannot deprive people from other places in a country to come and follow courses which are obtained only there.
Mr Lauthan: I am taking the words of the vice-Prime Minister where it is mentioned “to cater especially for children of the region”. There is a federation of NGOs in the region which raised the issue that, according to their information, only a hand few of students come from the region.
Dr. Bunwaree: I agree. Of course, people around Port Louis are privileged, I must say. In fact, I am informed that all applications from the region of Port Louis have been taken on board.
Mr Lauthan: Can the hon. Minister lay on the Table of the Assembly a breakdown of these regions I have mentioned?
Dr. Bunwaree: Yes, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I am submitting the information, but then maybe the regions which the hon. Member has mentioned are not precisely there. The hon. Member has mentioned a few regions, we will look into that.
The Deputy Speaker: Next question, hon. Lauthan!
(No. B/374) Mrs L. D. Dookun-Luchoomun (Third Member for La Caverne and Phoenix) asked the Minister of Education, Culture and Human Resources whether, in regard to the budgetary decision to set up a pathway to tertiary academic and tertiary vocational for students leaving schools at Form IV level, he will state where matters stand.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Speaker, Sir, in line with the Government Programme 2005-2010 and the Budget Speech 2008/09, my Ministry is committed to implement technical and vocational education and training (TVET) reforms including the provision of pathways for students who have reached Form IV level.
As such, the Industrial and Vocational Training Board (IVTB) already enrolls students as from Form IV level to follow courses with appropriate pathways as detailed hereunder –
(i) The National Trade Certificate (NTC) level 3 and competency based short courses. After successfully completing any one of these, they may opt to join the world of work. Those completing the NTC 3 may also choose to follow the IVTB’s National Trade Certificate Level 2 (NTC
2) courses which are also open to those with School Certificate (with a pass in Mathematics);
(ii) After completing the NTC2, they can either join the world of work or still continue their training by joining the Applied Diploma Courses at the IVTB. These Applied Diploma Courses are also open to students having completed their Higher School Certificate, and also to those having completed the School Certificate with pass in Mathematics after they have completed a one-year Foundation Course;
(iii) Students completing their Diplomas and/or Higher National Diploma can continue their studies for a degree either overseas, or at the University of Mauritius or the University of Technology (Mauritius).
I wish to point out that access to vocational courses has been increased through -
(i) the setting up of the Knowledge Based Training Centre in Port Louis;
(ii) increase in the number of trades under the Apprenticeship Scheme;
(iii) Increased intake at Diploma and Higher National Diploma;
(iv) New Diploma Courses;
(v) Courses in emerging fields, and
(vi) Top up Degree in Hospitality, Leisure and Recreational Activities.
In parallel, my Ministry is working on a rationalisation of the TVET sector with the new Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) which will take over the functions of the IVTB and the Technical School Management Trust Fund (TSMTF). This new set up will take leverage from the expanded base in the TVET sector to come up with more programmes from NTC level 2, then to HND and consequently pathways to degree programmes both in the academic system and in the TVET system.
Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Mr Speaker, Sir, I just heard the hon. Minister stating that the NTC 2 is opened to both students having completed NTC 1 and students who have completed their SC and HSC. Wouldn’t the hon. Minister agree with me that it is going to be hard for students who have
dropped out at level of Form IV to compete with students who have completed SC and HSC to get a seat in these institutions?
Dr. Bunwaree: No, Mr Speaker, Sir, I don’t agree with the hon. Member but, in fact, these students are doing very well indeed. I can consider the point that is being raised, but we will see to it that there is no injustice.
(No. B/696) Mr J. R. Spéville (Second Member for Rodrigues) asked the Minister of Education, Culture & Human Resources whether, in regard to the officers of the Industrial and Vocational Training Board who joined the Board, on or about 1994, coming from the Industrial Trade and Training Centre, he will state if Government will consider the advisability of introducing a Voluntary Retirement Scheme for those reckoning more than thirty years of service.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, all the staff of the two ex-Industrial Trade and Training Centres (ex-ITTCs), namely those of Beau Bassin and Piton, who joined the IVTB in 1993 are full-fledged employees of the Industrial and Vocational Training Board (IVTB).
I wish to inform the House that, with the setting up of the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD), through the merging of the IVTB and the Technical School Management Trust Fund, all the staff of the IVTB, including those coming from the ex-ITTCs, will be absorbed by the MITD and will be treated equally.
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, the MITD Bill does make provision for staff of both organisations to opt for retirement and be paid pension benefits in accordance with the Statutory Bodies Pensions Funds Act and regulations made thereunder.
Those who wish to retire, may, therefore, do so.
The question of Voluntary Retirement Scheme, Mr Deputy Speaker Sir, in this particular situation does not, therefore, arise.
(No. B/1105) Mr S. Lauthan (Third Member for Port Louis Maritime & Port Louis East) asked the Minister of Education, Culture and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Knowledge Based Training Centre of Nicolay Road, Port Louis, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Industrial and Vocational Training Board
(a) a list of the courses to be run thereat as from January 2010 and
(b) information as to if the Foundation Course for Pre-Vocational students will be run thereat as from January 2010 and, if not, why not.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Speaker, Sir, I am informed that the IVTB is currently offering 25 courses comprising NTC3, Certificate and Diploma courses through either full time, part time, or Apprenticeship mode.
In addition to these 25 courses, the IVTB is proposing to run 8 new courses in 2010 as follows -
· Higher National Diploma (HND) in Sport, Entertainment and LeisureManagement
· National Certificate level 2 course in Automotive Mechanics
· National Certificate level 2 course in Electrical Installation Works
· Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
· Diploma in Logistics and Operations Management
· Diploma in Mechatronics
· Diploma in Hairdressing (City and Guilds)
· Diploma in Beauty Therapy (City and Guilds)
I am circulating the list of the 33 courses.
I am circulating the list of the 33 courses. (Appendix I)
With regard to part (b), as regards the NTC Foundation course, I am informed that the IVTB is not presently in a position to run same at the Knowledge-Based Training Centre as there is no space available in the centre. I am further informed that for 2010 some 362 students from the Port Louis region who have completed their 3-year pre-vocational course, will be admitted to the Foundation course in four IVTB training centres, namely La Tour Koenig, Rivière du Rempart, Prof. B. S. Upadhyaya, and Colonel Maingard Training Centres. It should be pointed out that all 2,188 applicants for a Foundation course for the year 2010 throughout the island have been accommodated by the IVTB in its 15 centres island-wide. However, I am requesting the IVTB to consider the possibility of setting-up a training Centre in Port Louis itself to cater for students of the NTC Foundation course of that locality.
In addition, I wish to take this opportunity, Mr Speaker, Sir, to inform the House that, in addition, in regard to some 600 students who do not succeed in getting a seat for NTC3 Course, even after having done the Foundation course, I have requested IVTB to mount a special 6- month course to better prepare these students for the world of work. Funding implications have been worked out and are being considered by the Ministry of Finance.
Mr Lauthan: Mr Speaker, Sir, we remember well that when the hon. Minister inaugurated the centre, it was meant primarily for poor students around Port Louis. I can understand that these students go for diploma courses, but still now we see that they are giving most of the seats to the diploma students, whereas there is a dire need for more space for the foundation course for the students.
Dr. Bunwaree: But I have said to the House that I have already given directives to the IVTB to find another place, especially for students of the foundation course.
Mr Lauthan: May I know by when the hon. Minister thinks that we would be able to find a place?
Dr. Bunwaree: I think it should be in the course of the year in any case.
(No. B/1296) Mr Y. Varma (First Member for Mahebourg & Plaine Magnien) asked the Minister of Education, Culture and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Chairperson of the Human Resources Development Council, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Council, information as to the –
(a) name of the incumbent, and
(b) terms and conditions of his contract of appointment.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would wish to refer the hon. Member to the reply made to PQ No. B/356 which was set on 15 May 2007 on a similar question. All the information sought is found in there. Mr Deepak Tulsidas is the Chairperson of the Council on a part time basis. He has been reappointed for a period of two years as from May 2008 in consultation with the Mauritius Employers’ Federation in accordance with section 7 of the Human Resources Development Act 2003. He is provided with a mobile phone and he is drawing a monthly fee of Rs15,000. But, in reality, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, he draws only Rs12,500 after tax deduction. We know it is very important for us to pay our taxes, if not, we may be chased by the Mauritius Revenue Authority. I hope the hon. Member knows what I am saying.
I wish to inform the House of my entire satisfaction, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, of the work done by the HRDC. In fact, the previous Chairperson was drawing double the sum, i.e. Rs30,000 monthly.
I am circulating a list of achievements of the HRDC under the Chairmanship of Mr Deepak Tulsidas which is an outstanding one. (Appendix)
Mr Varma: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, as per the terms and conditions of his contract, would the hon. Minister inform the House whether he can engage in active politics?
Dr. Bunwaree: I do not know whether he is engaging in active politics, but I am sure that he has not been knocking at the doors of Ministers to get other contracts.
The Deputy Speaker: I would like you to come to the point.
Mr Varma: Mr Deputy Speaker, this is not the way…
The Deputy Speaker: Order, order! Please, be seated both, I am on my feet! This is an august Assembly. I would like …
Please remain seated! Please be seated when I am on my feet!
The Deputy Speaker: Hon. Minister, you have been asked a straightforward question, please give a straightforward answer without erring outside the bounds of what has been asked for. And I would ask both of you to please help to foster the decorum of this House. Thank you.
I am not asking for a question, I am simply asking for a reply which is correct and remains within the bounds of decorum in this House. Whatever problems that may exist are not to be sorted out here, and I expect both of you to abide by my ruling. Thank you very much.
Dr. Bunwaree: I am not aware of any political activity of Mr Deepak Tulsidas.
The Deputy Speaker: Thank you.
Dr. Bunwaree: But I know that he is very active in the whole of Mauritius, trying to do his work.
Mr Varma: Is the hon. Minister aware that the said Mr Deepak Tulsidas is campaigning for him in his constituency, and he even presented him as a future Labour party candidate in Constituency No. 12?
The Deputy Speaker: Are you aware or not, hon. Minister?
Dr. Bunwaree: I don’t reply to questions I don’t understand.
Mr Varma: Mr Speaker, Sir, one more question. Is the hon. Minister aware that the said Deepak Tulsidas has been proposing ladies working on contract to go out with him at the HRDC and when they refuse to go out with him he does not renew their contract?
The Deputy Speaker: I overrule this question. I will not allow this question. Next question, please!
(No. A/59) Mr K. Ramano (Second Member for Belle Rose and Quatre Bornes) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will –
(a) for the benefit of the House, obtain from the MITD, information as to the names of the board members, indicating their respective
(i) date of appointment and
(ii) terms and conditions thereof, and
(b) state if the employees of the former Industrial and Vocational Training Board and Technical School Management Trust Fund have been informed in writing as to their employment status indicating –
(i) if an option form has been sent to each of them and
(ii) the status of the existing unions of employees of the former IVTB and TSMTF.
Reply: As regards part (a) of the question, the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) Act was proclaimed on 16 November 2009. In line with Section 7 of the MITD Act 2009, the MITD Board has been constituted as follows –
1. Mr Ashvin Ramdin Chairperson
2. Mr François de Grivel, CBE Vice Chairperson, President, Mauritius Employer’s Federation (MEF)
3. Mr Girish Gunesh Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and Human Resources
4. Mr Swaminathan Ragen Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations & Employment
5. Mr Anil Kumar Kokil Representative of Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
6. Mr Anwar Joonas Immediate Past President of Mauritius Employers’ Federation (MEF)
7. Mr Shashi Puddoo Head, Human Resources, Mauritius Telecom Group (MT)
8. Mr Raj Auckloo Director, Human Resource Development Council (HRDC)
The MITD Board members have been appointed in early February 2010 with the following terms and conditions –
1. Fees for Chairman Rs21,000 per month
2. Fees for members Rs2000 per sitting
As regards part (b) (i), Section 28 (2) of the MITD Act 2009 makes provision for the MITD to employ staff of the former Industrial and Vocational Training Board (IVTB) and the former Technical School Management Trust Fund (TSMTF). Those who were posted at the Institut Superieur de Technologie (IST) and the Swami Dayanand Institute of Management (SDIM) are not covered under the MITD Act 2009 and they have been redeployed to the University of Technology, Mauritius (UTM).
A new organisation structure for the MITD together with the schemes of service have been worked out. The organisation structure was approved by the MITD Board on the 12 June 2010. The schemes of service and salary grading have been worked out in consultation with the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reform (MCSAR) and the Pay Research Bureau (PRB). Consultations were held with representatives of staff on the schemes of service. They were given two weeks (from 17 January 2011 to 31 January 2011) within which they could submit views and comments. These views and the draft scheme of service were submitted to the MCSAR for approval.
On 18 March 2011, the MCSAR gave its agreement for the schemes of service to be approved by the MITD Board. The MITD Board approved same on 28 March 2011.
An agreement on procedures to be followed regarding appointment of staff will be signed by mid April 2011 between the MITD and a Joint Negotiating Panel comprising the MITD Training Officers and Instructors as well as the staff representatives of MITD. Following the signature of the agreement, Option Forms will be issued to all staff to enable them to exercise their option to join the MITD or to opt for retirement on the ground of abolition of office or to request for redeployment in another statutory body where vacancies in similar positions are available. This will be effected before end of April 2011.
As regards part (ii), as at date, there exist three registered staff associations catering for employees of the ex-IVTB and the ex-TSMTF. In line with the provisions of the Employment Relations Act 2008, once the staff concerned become employees of the new organisation, the MITD will be in a position to recognise them as Unions.
(No. B/284) Mr D. Khamajeet (Second Member for Flacq & Bon Accueil) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to land made available near the Flacq Fire Station, earmarked for the training needs of the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the MITD, information as to -
(a) the date of the acquisition;
(b) the extent thereof, and
(c) if any project related to training has been identified and, if not, why not.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Speaker, Sir, the details sought are as follows -
(a) the land was acquired on 17 February 2005;
(b) 12,663m2 (3 arpents) were acquired, and
(c) a project was approved in February 2005 by the ex-IVTB Council to set up a training centre at an estimated cost of Rs34m. However, due to non-availability of funds, the project could not be implemented.
Following the setting up of the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) in 2009, there has been necessary follow-up on the project.
In fact, two French Consultants conducted a study and recommended the introduction of BAC-Pro as the Brevet de Technicien (BT) course which is presently being run, is being phased out.
The recommendations of the Consultants have been examined and it has been decided to implement them, in the first instance, as a pilot programme.
The MITD is proposing to use the land acquired at Flacq for the implementation of the new training programme. The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development has already been contacted to make provision to the Training Programme under the Public Sector Investment Programme. Procedures have already started at the level of the MITD to implement the BACPro Project on a pilot basis as from 2012.
Mr Khamajeet: Being given that the Flacq area has many hotels and the training needs are badly felt in this sector, can I ask the hon. Minister if he could decentralise the activities of the Sir Gaëtan Duval Hotel School at Ebène to Central Flacq.
Dr. Bunwaree: This is already under consideration. In fact, we are going in line.
Mr Speaker: I suspend for one and a half hour.
At 1.00 p.m. the sitting was suspended.
On resuming at 2.32 p.m with Mr Speaker in the Chair.

(No. B/447) Mr S. Obeegadoo (Third Member for Curepipe & Midlands) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the student strike at the Lycée Polytechnique of Flacq, he will state if an inquiry has been carried out into the causes thereof and, if so, the measures taken, if any.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, with the coming into effect of the MITD Act in 2009, the Lycée Polytechnique Sir Guy Forget, which was operating previously under the aegis of the former Technical School Management Trust Fund (TSMTF), now falls under the purview of the MITD.
This is in the context and in line with the overall reform of the Education and Human Resources Sector and to give a new direction to Technical Vocational Education and Training, TVET as it is commonly called.
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, on 19 May last, the students of the Lycée Polytechnique Sir Guy Forget started staging a sit in and the management of the MITD inquired, and, following discussions it had with students and parents, certain grievances and apprehensions came to light and were in relation to the following -
(i) recognition of the “Brevet de Technicien” (BT) course, currently run by the Lycée Polytechnique Sir Guy Forget of Flacq;
(ii) enrolment of students for the “Diplôme Universitaire Supérieur de Technologie”
(DUST) at the Institut Supérieur de Technologie (IST) after completion of the BT course, and (iii) award of Scholarship to best students of BT course for pursuing studies at the IST.
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, it is necessary to point out that the MITD has been empowered under the MITD Act 2009 to award certificates and diplomas or any other technical and vocational qualifications. Before the establishment of the MITD, the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate (MES) was awarding certificates and diplomas for technical courses jointly with the former IVTB and TSMTF.
In line with the provisions of the MITD Act 2009, the MITD is now in the process of developing its own Awarding and Certification Unit. The process has started for the conversion of the MITD into an awarding institution. MES and MQA are collaborating for the conversion.
This process however takes time as it involves laying appropriate process for assessment and evaluation, putting up fool-proof system of confidentiality and providing training to personnel on arrangements and procedures for conduct of examinations and certification of qualifications.
In the meantime, there will be no change as MES will continue to collaborate with MITD and the Brevet de Technicien qualification will continue to be awarded with the collaboration of the MES. In the same way, after the completion of the BT courses, successful students will be admitted at the Institut Supérieur de Technologie, as has been the case in the past.
Similarly, the best student of the Lycée Polytechnique de Flacq will continue to benefit from scholarships to pursue studies at the IST.
I must here point out, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, that there has been no change brought to the curriculum and the course certificate previously issued by MES together with the former TSMTF, now MITD continues to be duly recognised.
It is therefore clear that there is absolutely no reason to have any apprehension as regards to the recognition of the BT certificate, award of certificate and grant of scholarships to students to follow their studies at IST. Assurance has already been given in writing by Management to students and a communiqué has already been issued in the press on Wednesday 25 May 2011. A copy of the communiqué has also been sent to the parents.
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, the merging of the Lycée Polytechnique de Flacq with MITD is in line with international trend to rationalise and consolidate the Technical Vocational Education and Training Sector in order to equip our young to meet the requirements of the world of work.
I also wish to inform the House, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, that the Director, MITD paid a visit to the Lycée Polytechnique de Flacq on Monday 30 May - yesterday - and had a positive meeting with the students. A second meeting is being held today in the morning with both parents and students in presence of the Director of the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate. The students have, again, I am told, raised issues pertaining to the validity of the certificates and stated that the word ‘MITD’ does not appear on the certificate. The students have been given the guarantee, however, that relevant authorities will be consulted in view of finding a positive solution, especially during the transitional period.
Mr Obeegadoo: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, being given that the hon. Minister has given a statement in defence of Government policy and not answered the question, which was to state if an inquiry has been carried out, and being given that the hon. Minister is not just the Minister of Education, but also the Minister of Human Resources, with direct responsibility for the MITD and the Lycée Polytechnique, will he tell us why is it that he himself and his Ministry have washed their hands from this whole affair of the Lycée Polytechnique, which is now at its 12th day of strike? Even this morning, the meeting held by the Director of the MITD could not succeed, because there was no representative of the Ministry and, yet, another meeting has had to be fixed to Friday.
Dr. Bunwaree: First of all, an inquiry has been conducted because I have given the results of what have been the findings so far. The inquiry is continuing because I do not believe that the students are acting on their own, and this is one of the main reasons why we have been following this thing very closely and not entering directly in that; not to use the students as boucs emissaires in this business. The hon. Member, I believe, has had meetings with those concerned there and I would appeal to him that they do not use the students as scapegoat.
Mr Obeegadoo: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I do my work as an MP, and I am here to meet any person, any member of the public who wants to meet me.
Dr. Bunwaree: This is what I said. I said yes…
Mr Obeegadoo: I am paid for that. I am on my feet, and I will not give way. Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, will the Minister confirm that the Lycée Polytechnique has not had a full fledged manager ever since 2003 or 2004, and there is only be an officer in charge who has serious health problems and is not in a position to run this institution properly?
Dr. Bunwaree: The hon. Member is remembering well, because he removed the manager from there and he appointed the officer in charge.
Mr Obeegadoo: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, will the hon. Minister confirm as a fact?
Because I put it to him that when the merger took place in 2009, there was never any communication, any explanation vis-à-vis students or parents or staff and that, as at to date, there is no PTA that exists. There is no Student Council with members chosen by the students; the staff and the trade union have had to go and demonstrate before the Ministry in front of the IVTB House because there is no dialogue with the authorities.
Dr. Bunwaree: The hon. Member is mixing issues. What I have to say is that the union has been consulted, and I myself chaired a meeting where they were present. But then, we were not agreeing on certain issues, and the matter had to be sent to the mediator for mediation. That took time, and we are in the process or in a transitional period. What I am sensible to insofar as what the students are saying, is that many of them have joined the courses before the MITD was set up and, therefore, they were under the impression that whatever was being done previously would continue. I am very open to that, and I am trying to find a solution.
Mr Obeegadoo: No answer has been given to the fact that there is no Student Council and PTA etc. The public will know! Is the hon. Minister aware - he must surely be aware! – and explain why no diplomas have been awarded to students ever since 2009 and that when students pay their fees the receipts are still there - the name and logo of the TSMTF - two years after?
Dr. Bunwaree: This is the reason, because we are in a transitional period and, of course…
The Deputy Speaker: Order! Let the hon. Minister answer please!
Dr. Bunwaree: The hon. Member is speaking of the Student Council.
The Deputy Speaker: Let the hon. Minister answer!
Dr. Bunwaree: The hon. Member is speaking of Student Council, why did he during four and a half years or five years not put a Student Council when he was Minister.
The Deputy Speaker: Last question!
Mr Obeegadoo: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, is the hon. Minister aware that the equipment at this polytechnique is not being replaced, is not being properly maintained? There are serious security threats, and for the last two years there is not even a photocopy machine at Lycée Polytechnique of Flacq.
Dr. Bunwaree: This is not only at the Lycée Polytechnique de Flacq.
I can again go back in time to give the reasons why he was probably responsible for that.
Now we are changing, and the hon. Member has to bear with me.
The Deputy Speaker: Please!
Mr Obeegadoo: Why will the hon. Minister not confirm that just…
The Deputy Speaker: Order!
Mr Obeegadoo: Why will the hon. Minister not confirm that, just as in the case of the ZEP, just as the case of the Prevoc, the Lycée Polytechnique is not receiving any attention from the Ministry, because these are children coming from poor families?
The Deputy Speaker: Please don’t impute motives.
Dr. Bunwaree: I will never accept that. Shame! Shame on you!
The Deputy Speaker: The hon. Member should not impute motives.
Dr. Bunwaree: He is responsible for the failure of what is happening there. He is responsible for the manquement that is being found there. Shame! A man of this calibre! Je n’aurais jamais penser à ça ! La honte!
The Deputy Speaker: Order! Order please! Next question! Hon. Lesjongard!

(No. B/514) Mr S. Obeegadoo (Third Member for Curepipe & Midlands) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Lycée Polytechnique de Flacq, he will state if the issues raised by the students and by their parents, in connection with the strike action thereat, have now been addressed and, if so, indicate the measures that will be taken with a view to improving the management and overall running thereof.
(No. B/554) Mr S. Obeegadoo (Third Member for Curepipe & Midlands) asked Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Lycée Polytechnique de Flacq, he will state if the issues raised by the students and by their parents, in connection with the strike action thereat, have now been addressed and, if so, indicate the measures that will be taken
with a view to improving the management and overall running thereof.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, in the context of the sit-in organized by students of the Lycée Polytechnique Sir Guy Forget of Flacq, the following issues have been raised by students and parents -
(i) recognition of the Brevet de Technicien (BT) course run by the Lycée and the award of the BT Certificate by the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate (MES);
(ii) assurance that on completion of the BT course successful students will be able to pursue their studies at the Institut Supérieur de Technologie (IST);
(iii) replacement of the Management of the Lycée and appointment of a new Manager;
(iv) setting up of the Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) and the Students Council;
(v) addressing health and safety issues;
(vi) allowing students to take part in regional inter-institutional sports events;
(vii) renewal of equipment, and
(viii) cooperation with French Authorities.
I would like to point out that in a point de presse, on Thursday 02 June 2011, the following were imparted -
(i) the Brevet de Technicien (BT) is to be exceptionally awarded by the MES;
(ii) a Team comprising the Director of the MES, the Director of the Mauritius Qualifications Authority (MQA) and a representative of my Ministry will look into inherent problems and come up with recommendations to remedy the situation at the Lycée;
(iii) the Management of the Lycée will be consolidated, and
(iv) “cours de rattrapage” will be organised in due course in order not to penalise students.
I would like to point out to the House, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, that the Brevet de Technicien (BT) Certificate has been awarded exceptionally by the MES to some 64 successful candidates at an award ceremony held on 09 June 2011.
The Team constituted has submitted its report on 20 June 2011, making recommendation for a change of management at the level of the Lycée. In this respect a Manager, on a contract basis of one-year duration, has been appointed from Trainers who were senior in terms of years of service and having the required experience. The complete Report of the Team has been recently produced - as I mentioned - and a managing committee comprising management and senior staff among trainers of the Lycée Polytechnique Sir Guy Forget of Flacq is also being set up to support the newly appointed manager in his responsibilities.
A team comprising Occupational Safety and Health Officers of the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment and of the Occupational Safety and Health Unit of the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms paid a visit to the Lycée and has submitted its report and also remedial measures to be taken in many cases not compliant with the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
Procedures laid down by the Registry of Associations will be followed for the setting up of a Parent Teachers Association (PTA) and measures are being taken to constitute the Students Council.
Students have been informed that there is no objection to their taking part in sports activities or inter-institutional sports events as well as artistic events. In fact, I am going to encourage these types of activities. Trainers will be identified to be responsible for the different activities mentioned.
In regard to the representation made by students for cooperation with the French Authorities to be reactivated, I would like to point out that the cooperation existed since 1982, but there has been no follow-up since 1998. At my request, two experts from l’Académie de La Réunion were deputed from 02 to 06 August 2010 where they recommended the necessity to review the course curriculum of the BT programme and its eventual replacement by the BACProfessionnel.
A meeting was held with representatives of the French Embassy on 22 April 2011 on the modalities to convert the BT into the BAC-Pro on a pilot basis at the Lycée.
The other aspects discussed were the training of trainers, design of new curriculum and renewal of equipment. Arrangements have been made to approach the French Authorities to make available the services of a French Expert to carry out an audit to review course curriculum, to renew essential equipment and make recommendations on training of trainers. I have been given to understand that the French Expert has confirmed his visit to Mauritius as from 24 June 2011, that is, coming Friday. It is necessary to bring out that discussions are underway for the renewal of the Convention de Coopération with the French Authorities.
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I also met the representatives of the students on Saturday last.
All issues were cleared and they agreed to resume courses normally. A communiqué has been recently released to inform parents and students of resumption of the courses as from Monday 20 June 2011, yesterday. A programme for cours de rattrapage has already been elaborated in view of the fact that students have missed courses for some days. Indeed, courses are now running normally.
Mr Obeegadoo: I would like to raise three supplementary questions, Sir. The first is: will the hon. Minister tell the House why it took him two long weeks…
Do I have the floor Sir? Why did it take him two long weeks to give some attention to the Lycée Polytechnique issue and three long weeks to eventually meet the students, whereas had he done so before, it would have diffused the whole situation and we would have avoided all this trouble caused over the last three weeks?
Dr. Bunwaree: I don’t agree with the hon. Member. In fact, we are dealing with students and we know what it means. I must say something very curious appeared to me, because this is the second year after the setting-up of the MITD that we are running courses. Last year examinations were held, nothing happened. So, I had to put myself a few questions. This is number one. The second thing is that we are exactly in the period where a joint negotiating panel has been set up and employees of the ex-IVTB and ex-TSMTF have been asked to exert their options. That was something very curious to me and I needed some time to understand what was happening. I always stayed by the side of the students. In fact, the meeting on Saturday proved itself.
Mr Obeegadoo: The reason is that no diplomas have been awarded since 2009, but I will not argue with the Minister. My second point is: he’s had a meeting Saturday last with the students. They have asked for a written statement of points agreed because they would like to have a firm commitment from the Ministry to implement the undertakings made at that meeting.
Will the Minister agree now to provide them with this written statement of undertaking commitments made by the Ministry?
Dr. Bunwaree: I am not going to fight with the students and I don’t know from where the hon. Member gets the information. I mentioned to the students that I’ll put all this on paper and give it to them. They have already been given a copy of the communiqué that was released after the meeting with them and, of course, I am preparing another paper because these students were representatives of the whole population of students. I wish them to keep their heads high so that their friends know what has been happening in my office.
Mr Obeegadoo: I am very happy that the Minister is now at long last so considerate visà- vis the students. My third issue is to ask the Minister whether he can explain how it is that the Head of the Trade Union of the Lycée Polytechnique was made to resign on one day and, on the second day, offered …
The Deputy Speaker: Are we with a union here?
Mr Obeegadoo: Yes.
The Deputy Speaker: Are we with the students?
Mr Obeegadoo: Yes, concerning the management of the Lycée Polytechnique, Sir. I am talking about the issues raised concerning the management of the Polytechnique and overall running. So, my issue is: will the Minister kindly explain to us, how it is that the Head of the trade union was suddenly invited to retire and the very next day offered the position of manager?
How it is that there was no advertisement, no call for applications, no open selection procedure?
Is the hon. Minister aware that this person may not hold the basic qualifications as per the scheme of service and can the Minister tell us whether as per the law the Board appoints…
The Deputy Speaker: Please, may I urge the hon. Member to come with a specific question as regards that particular gentleman? We are here with the issue about the students. I am sure that if …
Mr Bérenger: I heard the Minister, if I am not mistaken, talking about that officer and saying that he has been offered a contract of one year. So, we are entitled to know how things like that can happen.
The Deputy Speaker: I am open if the hon. Minister can give the answer. I have no problem.
Dr. Bunwaree: I am informed, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, that all procedures have been followed.

(No. B/559) Mrs L. Ribot (Third Member for Stanley & Rose Hill) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the persons recruited at the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development during the year 2010, he will give a list thereof, indicating
in each case the –
(a) name;
(b) residential address;
(c) post for which the person was recruited, and
(d) date of recruitment.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, the list is being compiled and will be laid on the Table as soon as possible.
Mrs Ribot: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like to know from the hon. Minister how is it that general assistants recruited last have been placed on the permanent and pensionable establishment right away contrary to those instructors and training officers who had been on contract for 10 consecutive years?
Dr. Bunwaree: I will need notice of this question. I will look into the matter.
Mr Bérenger: The hon. Minister says that the names, addresses and so on are being compiled. The rumour has it that a majority of those employees were recruited from the Minister’s constituency. I am sure he has had the occasion of looking at that. Is it a fact or not?
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Speaker, Sir, I am suing the people who mentioned it outside.
This has been said outside. But I am happy that the hon. Leader of the Opposition is raising the matter here. It is a fact that in certain constituencies, there have been schools coming up for the first time in 2010. There is one in Union Vale in my constituency, there is the New Bel Air Training Centre and one in Goodlands.
When we look at the list which should be on the Table, we will definitely see constituencies around the place where schools have been coming up. We can’t ask people to travel all over the country to come and work as general workers, etc. I am again saying that I am taking serious legal action against all those people who have spoken outside and mentioned these things.
Mr Bérenger: Is it a fact that a majority of those employees come from his constituency?
Dr. Bunwaree: I have explained that I am suing those people who made these allegations. But I have also explained that there will be, of course, more people from constituencies around the place where the schools have come up.
Mr Obeegadoo: Can the hon. Minister indicate how many general workers or general assistance were recruited in that one year 2010?
Dr. Bunwaree: The list is being compiled. In fact, I have been given a list, but I have preferred not to lay it today because when I look at the list, I have found that one case has been mentioned where the address is Rivière des Creoles, Mahebourg. But Rivière des Creoles is in Constituency No. 11; Mahebourg is in Constituency No. 12. Definitely, I have to look at the list before laying it on the Table.
Mrs Ribot: M. le président, j’aimerais savoir du ministre quand et où l’avis d’appel de candidature a été publié?
Dr. Bunwaree: I have been told that everything has been done according to procedures. I mentioned it here, I will stick to that. If the hon. Member has a specific question or she has noticed any irregularity, of course, I will give the information.
Mr Obeegadoo: My question is very simple. While the hon. Minister was in post at that Ministry in 2010, recruitments took place. He must surely be aware what the procedure was for this recruitment. Was there a call for applications public?
Dr. Bunwaree: Procedures have been followed as they are supposed to be followed. I can’t go outside that.
The Deputy Speaker: Time is over!
(No. B/572) Ms S. Anquetil (Fourth Member for Vacoas & Floreal) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the cruise ships, he will state the training available to young persons wishing to take up employment on board thereof, giving details thereof.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Speaker, Sir, I am informed that the Ecole Hôtelière Sir Gaëtan Duval, operating under the aegis of the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, provides training at various levels from certificate to diploma in various fields, namely housekeeping, restaurant and bar, front office, butchery, laundry, bakery, tour guiding, travel and tourism, and leisure and entertainment for the hospitality and tourism sector. The training offered provides the trainees with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude for them to take up employment in Mauritius and abroad, including on cruise ships, if they so wish. For the employment on board the cruise ships, the trainees, after successful completion of their course at the Ecole Hôtelière Sir Gaëtan Duval, are required to undergo additional training at the Mauritius Maritime Training Academy.
I am also informed that, at the request of the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, a specific programme has been developed by the Ecole Hôtelière Sir Gaëtan Duval to train 400 persons willing to take up employment as public area cleaners on cruise ships. The selection exercise has been carried out, and these 400 persons will undergo at the Ecole Hôtelière Sir Gaëtan Duval a training course of 52 hours on public area cleaning and stewarding services, which is expected to start in mid-July 2011.
These candidates will also have to complete another training session at the Mauritius Maritime Training Academy, prior to taking up employment on board cruise ships. This training at the Training Academy is essentially meant for safety and firefighting measures.
Ms Anquetil: M. le président, est ce que le ministre pourrait confirmer à la Chambre qu’après la formation, ces jeunes seront directement dirigés vers des compagnies de croisière pour être recrutés?
Dr. Bunwaree: En effet, et c’est pourquoi on a choisi 400, parce qu’on sait que, dans l’immédiat, il y a ce nombre qui est disponible. Mais, il y aura sûrement encore plus à venir.

(No. B/657) Mrs L. Ribot (Third Member for Stanley & Rose Hill) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the new Training Centres/Schools of the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) which came into operation in 2010, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the MITD, information as to -
(a) the location thereof;
(b) the date of their coming into operation;
(c) if additional staff were recruited therefor and, if so, indicate the
(i) number and;
(ii) grades of persons recruited, and
(d) procedures followed for the recruitment thereof in each case.

(No. B/713) Mrs L. Ribot (Third Member for Stanley & Rose Hill) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the new Training Centres/Schools of the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development which came into operation in 2010, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the MITD, information as to –
(a) the location thereof;
(b) the date of their coming into operation;
(c) if additional staff were recruited therefor and, if so, indicate the -
(i) number, and
(ii) grades of persons recruited, and
(d) procedures followed for the recruitment thereof in each case.

(No. B/727) Mr J. F. François (Third Member for Rodrigues) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Mauritius Institute of Technical Development of Le Chou, Rodrigues, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain therefrom, information as to the human resources and training programmes available thereat indicating if -
(a) any assessment need thereof has been carried out over the past five years, and if not, why not, and
(b) consideration is being given for any improvement thereof.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Speaker, Sir, I would like to inform the House that in terms of human resource the Le Chou Multi Purpose Training Centre of the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) consists of the following -
1 Officer in charge
4 Training Officers
17 Instructors
5 Administrative Staff
14 Supporting Staff
It currently offers the following training programmes -
(i) on a full-time basis a range of training in the fields of Welding and Metal Fabrication, Automotive Mechanics, Plumbing & Pipe Fitting, Wood treads, Electrical Installation Works, Building Maintenance and Agriculture;
(ii) training under the Apprenticeship mode in respect of Pastry and Basic Housekeeping;
(iii) NTC Foundation Course, and
(iv) part-time courses in relation to E-Marketing, Basic Book Keeping, Basic Life Skills Management and courses adapted to the needs of Rodrigues in relation to Pig Rearing, Sheep and Goat Rearing.
With regards to parts (a) and (b) of the question, it is necessary to point out that the different training courses run by the Le Chou Multi Purpose Training Centre have been developed after prior consultation with stakeholders in Rodrigues and are demand driven.
Taking into consideration developments in the Hospitality and Tourism Sectors, courses in Pastry, basic House Keeping, Restaurant and Bar Service and Front Service have been accordingly mounted through Apprenticeship mode in collaboration with Restaurants and Hotels in Rodrigues. Being given that honey production is a major source of livelihood for inhabitants of Rodrigues, a course on bee-keeping has also been mounted.
In April 2011, an official mission was carried out by the MITD to make an assessment of new training requirements in view of considerable developments witnessed by Rodrigues in recent years. Consultations were held with the following -
(i) the Commission of Rodrigues Regional Assembly responsible for Tourism, Employment, Education and Training;
(ii) the SMEDA;
(iii) the Water Company;
(iv) the Central Electricity Board (CEB), and
(v) private bodies operating in the tourism and the construction sectors.
On the basis of feedback received it is envisaged to bring improvements to the overall training packages and MITD has elaborated a comprehensive Training Project to extend training in the following areas in Rodrigues -
• Hospitality and Tourism;
• Automotive Electricity and Electronics;
• Carpentry and Joinery Works;
• Refrigeration and Air Conditioning;
• Fabrication and Installation of Aluminium and UPVC Openings;
• Machine Maintenance;
• Information Technology;
• Communication and Consumer Electornics, and
• Hairdressing and Beauty Care
It is contemplated to convert the Le Chou Training Centre into a Training Centre of Excellence for Rodriguans offering quality training to enhance skills and competencies for the growth and development of Rodrigues.
Mr François: Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir. May I ask the hon. Minister whether he is considering of upgrading the National Certificate Level III to Level IV or V, and why not upgrading up to Brevet de Technicien, Diplôme National in priority programmes such as Mechanics, Electrical and Hôtellerie to sustain future demands in Rodrigues?
Dr. Bunwaree: As I have mentioned, this is being looked into. I fully agree with what the hon. Member is saying and we are, in fact, going in that direction.
Mr François: With regard to Human Resources, is the hon. Minister aware that for the last three to four years no promotion exercises have been carried out at MITD Le Chou? There is no coordinator as per le plan de gestion de MITD at Le Chou. No Assistant Manager has been proposed despite the advertisement and the seven technical fields. Will the hon. Minister inform the House whether this situation will be looked into and remedied shortly?
Dr. Bunwaree: I have already replied to a similar type of question for MITD here in Mauritius and, in fact, it is the same problem. MITD is in a transitional phase and discussions are on-going with the Unions. We have reached the final stage, I must say, to give satisfaction to what the hon. Member is saying.
Mr François: Will the hon. Minister inform us whether the Government and MITD are looking into the possibility of awarding technical scholarship for successful Rodriguan students as an encouragement and better promotion of technical studies for Rodrigues future development requirements?
Dr. Bunwaree: Yes, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, we are considering what the hon. Member is saying. But, in addition, I can say that facilities are extended to Rodrigues Students to take advantage of training at MITD Training Centres in Mauritius, for instance, École Hôtelière Sir Gaëtan Duval.
Following discussions with the State Bank of Mauritius, I am pleased to announce and inform the hon. Member that the SBM is agreeable to offer bursaries to needy students of Rodrigues, to enable them to follow the NC3, NC4 and NC5 courses in Mauritius. Provision is being made for one scholarship for each of the seven courses. Under the scheme, payment of air fares of Rodriguan students will be met by SBM Ltd.
Mr François: Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir. Just a last question, there was a proposal for a hotel application project for practical purposes and a showroom as an encouragement for technical studies. Are these still in the pipelines or under consideration?
Dr. Bunwaree: Yes, it is still in the pipeline.
(No. B/926) Mrs L. Ribot (Third Member for Stanley & Rose Hill) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Lycée Polytechnique de Flacq, he will state if he has received representations from the students and from the Parent/Teachers Association thereof complaining of the lack of equipment and of the bad state of the existing one thereat and, if so, if an inquiry has been carried out thereinto, indicating the outcome thereof.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like to inform the House that the issue of the state of equipment at the Lycée Polytechnique Sir Guy Forget of Flacq has been the concern of the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) since the integration of the Lycée with the Institute. Furthermore, representations have also been received about the state of equipment at the Lycée both from students and parents. It must be brought out that some of the equipment, although functional, existed since the setting up of the Lycée almost 20 years ago.
It is necessary to point out, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, that the following measures have recently already been initiated -
• the breakdown of computers in the Computer Laboratory has been attended to.
The repair has been completed and appropriate software has been installed for the operation of the computer;
• installation of wifi within the compound and installation of internal security through the presence of Security Officers on a 24-hour basis within the premise of the Lycée;
• the Automated System at the Lycée dates back to more than 10 years and is getting obsolete. Arrangements have therefore been made for students to benefit from adequate practical sessions on an up-to-date Automated System at the Ebène Training Centre;
• provision has already been made in the Budget 2012 and necessary procedures are ongoing for replacing an obsolete “maquette” utilised for simulation exercise at the Electrical Section by a new updated version;
• students used to get practical experience on old vehicles for the Motor Vehicle Mechanical Engineering Programme. Innovative measures have now been adopted to expose students to new systems and up-to- date technologies for integrated enhancement of skills of students;
• defective electric bells within the premise of the Lycée have been replaced by new ones, and
• remedial action has been taken to provide for safety shields for equipment and to make provision for safety protective panel for electrical connection to adhere to health and safety norms to safeguard students and staff.
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like to inform the House that in the course of my recent mission to Reunion Island from 13 to 14 September last, the question of assistance for renewal and upgrading of equipment at the Lycée Polytechnique de Flacq was raised. In fact, two experts from l’Académie de la Réunion are presently on mission from 4 to 7 December 2011 for a comprehensive study on the training programme and improvements to be brought to the Lycée.
At the same time, they will make proper recommendations for the replacement and updating of equipment more adapted for the course programme of the Lycée taking into account the introduction of the new Professional Programme Bac Pro in the future.
Mrs Ribot: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would just like to make an appeal to the hon. Minister to see to it that the upgrading of equipment be done on a regular basis and let us not wait for such a state of equipment again to act.
Dr. Bunwaree: I think my reply went in that direction.
(No. B/632) Mrs S. B. Hanoomanjee The Honourable Second Member for Savanne & Black River) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain therefrom, information as to if one Mrs Y. M. was employed thereat as Instructor in Information Technology, from June 2010 to in or about May 2012, and if so, indicate the salary drawn during her period of employment.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Speaker, Sir, I am informed by the MITD that one Mrs Y. M. has been employed by the MITD as follows -
(i) from 01 July 2010 to 31 March 2011 as Instructor B (Information Technology) on a month to month basis with a salary of Rs13,200;
(ii) from 01 April 2011 to 11 June 2012 as Supply Instructor B (Information Technology) on a contract basis, with a salary of Rs13,200, and
(iii) from January 2012 to 31 March 2012, she was assigned duties of Head of Section (Information Technology) at the Knowledge Based Training Centre (KBTC) with a monthly salary of Rs13,200 plus Rs600 as Head of Section Allowance.
Upon completion of one year service, she was paid a salary of Rs13,500 and Rs700 as Head of Section Allowance as from April 2012.
Mr Speaker, Sir, I wish to draw the attention of the House that allegations were made against Mrs Y. M. at different levels, particularly with regard to her qualifications. Moreover, one trade union had informed that the lady had been previously convicted and fined for giving false information. ICAC and Police had initiated an enquiry into the matter. The attention of then Director of the MITD had also been drawn by my Ministry, and he was requested to initiate proper action.
I was subsequently informed that the lady had resigned from MITD with effect from 11June 2012.
Mrs Hanoomanjee: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, can I ask the hon. Minister whether he is aware that, before joining MITD, that lady was employed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and that Ministry found out that she had fake certificates. The case was referred to the PSC. The PSC found her guilty. She was prosecuted and fined and, in spite of that, she was re-employed by the MITD.
Dr. Bunwaree: I am not aware if she was employed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, but I have read the allegations. All these were treated as allegations, and we initiated enquiries.
In fact, the matter has been referred to the Police.
Mrs Hanoomanjee: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I should say that they were not allegations merely because these have been proved. The Commission had found guilty and she had been fined. Can I know why no action was taken by the Director of MITD, in spite of the fact that evidence was produced to the effect that she had fake certificates and even a copy of the court judgment was produced to the Director of MITD?
Dr. Bunwaree: Yes, this is why I have said in my reply that the attention of the then Director of the MITD had also been drawn by my Ministry, and he was requested to initiate proper action. I was informed subsequently that the lady had resigned, but the matter has been referred to the Police.
Mrs Hanoomanjee: Can I ask the hon. Minister whether he is aware that the Director was informed since January and he did not take any action till June? Why is it that he did not take any action?
Dr. Bunwaree: I have said and I repeat that an enquiry had been carried on and, in fact, the enquiry is still on, and the matter has been referred to the Police. Concerning the then Director, the procedures are ongoing by the new Director of the MITD.
Mrs Hanoomanjee: Now that she has worked for two years without qualification and she has received promotion as Head of IT Unit, what is being done to recoup the salary that has been paid to her, and what is being done to repair the damages that have been caused to the trainees? They have been trained by a person who had fake certificates.
Dr. Bunwaree: This is a very complicated matter. In fact, I am not satisfied at all with the way things have been going out there. My Ministry has on various occasions intervened, and I have said what has happened. With regard to the question that has been raised by the hon. Member, in fact, the Managing Committee is working on that, and accordingly action will be taken.
Mr Bérenger: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, this lady from what we hear was employed at the Ministry of Youth and Sports with fake certificates and then at MITD, and clearly the previous Director did not do the necessary when he was informed by the Ministry. Now the hon. Minister tells us that he is not satisfied at all. But, apparently, that former Director is now an Advisor at the Ministry of Finance. Has the hon. Minister informed his colleague that the gentleman is before ICAC and that he is not satisfied at all with what has happened?
Dr. Bunwaree: There is an enquiry going on. In fact, Professor Torul is also leading an enquiry in all these matters. So, I have to wait. The report will come to me incessamment, and following this we will see what action has to be taken.
Mr Jhugroo: Can I know from the hon. Minister for what reason this case has not been referred to the Police?
Dr. Bunwaree: It has already been referred to the Police, and action has been taken.
MITD – RECRUITMENT (17/11/2012)

The Leader of the Opposition (Mr P. Bérenger) (By Private Notice) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain therefrom information as to –
(a) the names and qualifications of the persons recruited thereat, since February 2010 as at to date;
(b) how Mrs Y. M. was recruited thereat despite her prior conviction for having produced fake certificates to the Public Service Commission when she applied for
a post at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and
(c) If one Mr N. C. was re-instated in June 2012 after he had been dismissed in January 2012 following his arrest by the Police, indicating if the Child
Development Unit has submitted thereto a report on him, having allegedly had a sexual relationship with one of his minor students.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Speaker, Sir, in my reply to PQ No. B/559 on 21 June 2011 on recruitment at the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, MITD, I had informed the House that I would table a full list of officers recruited for the training centres since February 2010. This was subsequently tabled.
Information being sought today on the other officers recruited subsequently is being complied and will be tabled.
I wish to highlight that the MITD has advised me that the recruitment of officers has been done in line with practice and procedures that have been put in place for the past 10 years or more.
Regarding part (b) of the question, Mr Speaker, Sir, in my reply to PQ No. B/632, I had informed the House that one Mrs Y. M. had been employed as Instructor (Information Technology) from 01 July 2010 to 11 June 2012. I had also drawn the attention of the House that allegations had been labeled against her at different levels, especially with regard to her qualifications. Following the representations received, it was established after enquiries conducted from the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate (MES) that she possessed fake certificates. It was also been found that she had been convicted by the District Court for having produced false documents to the Public Service Commission. As I indicated in my reply, Police and ICAC were and are still enquiring into the matter. It would appear that the photocopies of her certificates that were produced were tampered with and were not counterchecked against any original. The attention of the then Director of the MITD had been drawn to that fact and to the need to investigate into the circumstances that led to her recruitment in spite of the fact that she had fake certificates. My Ministry has also issued a formal letter dated 09 November 2012 to the MITD for an enquiry to be carried out on the circumstances that led to the recruitment by the MITD of an instructor with fake certificates. It has been specified clearly to the MITD that such enquiry should situate responsibilities with regard to –
(i) the screening of the application form and verification of information provided by her as qualifications against original certificates;
(ii) overlooking the fact that she had previously been convicted for a criminal offence and dismissed by her former employer and not taking those elements into account in the recruitment process in spite of the fact that these were declared by her in the application form, and
(iii) ascertaining the submission of detailed information on criminal offence and dismissal by previous employee.
This enquiry, Mr Speaker, Sir, is being conducted under the general supervision of a committee set up recently by the MITD Board.
I also wish to add that Mrs Y. M. has been fined in a Court case No. 3780/08 in the District Court of Curepipe for giving false information.
As regards part (c) of the question, Mr Speaker, Sir, there is - I must say from right at the beginning - a confusion that needs to be cleared. The way the question is put - I don’t blame the Leader of the Opposition, of course - there are a few things and there has been mixing of issues and I am trying to clear this.
The contract of Mr N. C., instructor, was terminated in January 2012, following information received that Mr N. C. had been arrested on 24 January 2012, for the offence of breach of protection order sought by his wife against him, a matter pertaining to his personal family live. However, the case was subsequently withdrawn by the wife in April 2012.
Following consultation at a later stage, with the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, it had come to light that the charges in relation to the case of Mr N. C. pertaining as they did to a personal family matter did not have any bearing on his work.
The SLO advised that it was up to the MITD to take a decision on the way forward. In view of the above, it was decided to re-employ Mr N.C. as soon as possible. But, regarding a case of alleged sexual relationship with one of his students reported in November 2011, the MITD conducted an enquiry in December 2011, chaired by the-then Director himself and he convened all the people he thought right and he also gave Mr N.C. a hearing on the matter. An enquiry was also conducted at the level of the CDU and no report had subsequently been received from the CDU.
I am giving the facts as they are.
It must be highlighted that the minor student denied the allegation and no the statement was made by her to the Police. The Board of the MITD subsequently approved the reinstatement of Mr N. C.
Mr Bérenger: Mr Speaker, Sir, I am sure the hon. Minister is aware that the first part my question asked not only for an updated list of names, but of qualifications and, as I proceed, he will understand why I insist now on having the qualifications or lack of qualifications of those recruited.
If I can start with the case of Mrs Y.M., Mr Speaker, Sir. The hon. Minister has informed us that an enquiry is being carried out by a committee set up by the Board of the MCIT. Can I know the composition of that committee?
Dr. Bunwaree: Yes, the committee has been set up under the provisions of Article 10 of the Act and the committee is being chaired by the acting Chairman of the MITD, Mr De Grivel and then a PS of my Ministry and the Director of the HRDC sits on the Board of the MITD.
Mr Bérenger: I heard the hon. Minister say that the fact that she had been convicted by the Court and so on, was in the form which she filled to find employment and in spite of that, therefore, the MITD did recruit her, although they were informed that she had been convicted for producing fake certificates. We will see how this enquiry explains this. Will the enquiry also find out, after she was recruited, after having been convicted by the Court, how come she had no
certificates, except fake certificates? How come she was promoted to Head of section Information Technology without any certificate, except fake certificates?
Dr. Bunwaree: The hon. Leader of the Opposition is right. This is why I said last time, when I was replying to the question, that I was amazed and I was not at all satisfied. But I cannot go and take action myself. I had to go through the procedures. The attention of the then Director was drawn to all these facts. J’étais irrité parce que les actions ne venaient pas. In fact, at the time I was giving information to the House last time, I was not aware that she had herself mentioned on her application form, that she had had problems and had declared them. C’est qui est plus grave encore. Donc, il y a une enquête qui est en cours par ce comité, il faut attendre ce que l’enquête nous dit. Si l’enquête tarde je vais voir d’autres façons, et qui va prendre la responsabilité de toute cette affaire. Mais il y a eu un problème majeur au niveau de MITD pour l’embauche de cette personne.
Mr Bérenger: Is hon. Minister aware and will it be brought to the attention of that committee that quite soon after 2010 elections, that lady was chaperonnée, was brought to the MITD Head office and so on, was helped to fill the forms and so on, chaperonnée, therefore, by the Senior Adviser to the Minister himself ,one Mr D. T.
Dr. Bunwaree: I am not aware of this, Mr Speaker, Sir. I will look into the matter. I don't know on what date that lady came there and what date that person became Adviser to me, because the Adviser came after the elections. I will look into the matter and give the information to the House.
Mr Bérenger: Can I move on to the case of Mr N. C., Mr Speaker, Sir? There also, we are told that now an inquiry is ongoing by MITD and that an inquiry has been carried out by the CDU and no report from the CDU has emerged today. Can I know the date on which the CDU was informed of that case?
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Speaker, Sir, I have asked the information from the CDU this morning, before coming here. There has been no report from the CDU sent to us.
I am not responsible for the CDU, let it be clear! The CDU mentions here that the case of Mr N. C. was referred to the CDU of Phoenix by the officer in charge of the MITD. So, the officer in charge did inform, and then I know that the wife of Mr N. C. also went to the CDU.
There have been things done at the level of the CDU and I am also informed that the CDU proceeded to the MITD on the same day. But the date is not mentioned. The date is asked, but I don't have the date here. I will check that. The facts are like that.
The CDU convenes this victim’s family to attend the office of the CDU for urgent psychological appointment and the officer of the CDU, who has given me the information, mentioned that during the session, it was noted that the parent of the victim were very annoyed by the allegations made against their daughter and the intervention of the CDU in that case. Both the parents and the alleged victim strongly denied the allegations. This is information given to me by the CDU. The minor reported that the rumors arose - this is what I am told. Ça arrive aux enfants, il faut comprendre ; il ne faut pas s’exciter pour un oui pour un non. Comprenez ça un peu!
Mr Speaker: Order !
Dr. Bunwaree: The hon. Leader of the Opposition is jumping on conclusion.
Mr Speaker: Proceed hon. Minister!
Dr. Bunwaree: The Leader of the Opposition said it is shocking. It is shocking because this is according to information he has gathered. I am giving him information from the file.
I was saying that the minor reported that the rumours arose after that she joked with her classmates about Mr N.C and minor X did not show any signs of victimisation or trauma during the session held with the psychologist. This is the information that I am given, and I must also say that the information I have in my hands, mentions that no statement was recorded at the CDU of Phoenix regarding the alleged case on minor by Mr C., that is, the CDU was informed directly, but there was no case reported by the family themselves to the CDU. So, this is the information I can give, which I have gathered from the CDU.
Mr Bérenger: Mr Speaker, Sir, it is shameful. Can I ask the Minister whether he is aware that on 28 October 2011, a lady psychologist interviewed that 14-year old student, student to that so-called instructor, Mr Speaker, Sir. Before I move to that, is it not a fact that, that instructor was recruited as physical education instructor in July 2010 without any qualification once more and that he is now following a course at MIE for Teacher’s Diploma in Physical Education?
Dr. Bunwaree: If we go along these lines that will be for the splashing the news.
In the list that I am going to give, there are so many things that appeared queer, but it is not the first time. That person is doing the job and the appointment has taken place according to procedures –
I have said it in my reply – which have been there for the past 10 years. There has been nothing new in the recruitment.
Mr Speaker: Order!
Mr Bérenger: I wonder how many in that list have been recruited without any qualifications except fake qualifications. Now, let me move on to the real thing.
The Minister must be aware that, on the 28 of October 2001, a lady psychologist, well-qualified, met with the 14-year old student and the 14-year old student confirmed to her that she had been having a sexual relationship for quite a while with Mr N. C. her teacher. The psychologist gave her report on the 03 November to MITD. Is the hon. Minister aware of the contents of that report? I am going to table a copy, but I would request that the name of the student and of the parents be deleted for obvious reasons. Is he aware, therefore, that, in her report, she confirms that the child has said that she has had a relation sexuelle – therefore relation sexuelle avec mineure, Mr Speaker, Sir. She writes that the same person a fait des propositions à d’autres filles and the conclusion is, I quote:
‘Il semble donc que monsieur C. ait des difficultés à contenir ses pulsions sexuelles et qu’il présente donc un danger pour les élèves du MITD car il use de sa position de professeur pour arriver à ses fins’.
I table a copy of that report and was the Minister aware of that report?
Dr. Bunwaree: M. le président, je suis tout à fait au courant de ce rapport. En fait, c’est à la suite de ce rapport que le MITD a demandé à la CDU - comme je l’ai dit tout à l’heure - d’étudier le cas. Je suis surpris. Je ne vais pas mettre en doute la psychologue qui a fait un travail. C’est à la suite d’une visite de routine – c’est ce qu’ils font – que la psychologue a été dans la classe et a laissé cette information à ses supérieurs. Les supérieurs ont regardé dans cette information. Je suis moi aussi au courant de cela. Je ne veux pas envie de mettre en doute ce qui a été dit dedans mais seulement je peux vous dire que tout ce qui a suivi a été fait selon des enquêtes sérieuses. La CDU a reçu la jeune fille et ses parents et la fille - c’est ce que j’ai dit ici – has denied. Cela arrive aux enfants.
M. le président, il y a des enfants qui….
Allez dire cela dehors, on va prendre cela en considération.
Mr Speaker: Order! Address the Chair please!
Dr. Bunwaree: Allez dire cela à la police.
Mr Speaker: Order! Order!
Dr. Bunwaree: Si vous avez le courage vous allez dire cela à la police.
Je ne suis pas là pour laisser l’opposition faire de la démagogie et puis faire croire à la population….
Mr Speaker: Un peu de silence s’il vous plaît!
Silence !
Dr. Bunwaree: Quelqu’un de l’autre côté de la Chambre peut venir défendre les enfants mieux que moi.
C’est faux ce qu’on est en train de dire tel qu’on a les informations.
Si les membres de l’opposition ont des informations que moi, je n’ai pas, je vais….
Cela a été dit ça, ça a été ruled out.
Mr Speaker: Order! Order!
An hon. Member: It is a shame!
Mr Speaker: I invite hon. Members to let the Minister answer.
Dr. Bunwaree: Je ne suis pas ici pour défendre qui que ce soit. Mon problème c’est que quand cela est arrivé j’avais demandé au MITD de voir pourquoi la psychologue est venue avec ce rapport et de faire une autre enquête parce que je n’ai pas compris. Il y a eu beaucoup de palabres que j’ai entendus mais que je ne peux venir dire à cette Chambre.
Rempli de palabres là bas.
M. le président, je ne comprends pas. Je n’ai pas eu le rapport pour savoir ce qui s’est passé; quelle suite a été donnée à ce rapport de la psychologue. Je ne suis pas au courant mais seulement je suis bien agacé parce qu’il fallait étudier; faire appeler la psychologue et lui demander de faire enquête sur enquête. Si la psychologue a raison bien sûr les choses auraient été faites différemment….
On a fait des enquêtes supplémentaires et on nous a dit que les faits qui sont mentionnés concernant cette enfant ne paraissaient pas exacts.
Mr Bérenger: Autre enquête which had supposedly been carried out by the management of MITD itself with the pressure one can imagine….
Mr Speaker: Put your question!
Mr Bérenger: Is the Minister also aware of a meeting which took place again, chaired by that psychologist – what I have just heard the Minister say about this psychologist, a professional highly qualified; if you read the report, Mr Speaker, you will be very impressed – at which were present the minor student herself and her mother. I shall table copy of the minutes of proceedings. In the course of that meeting, the minor child confessed, I quote: that she has a close relationship with Mr C. They had sexual intercourse on eight occasions in a pensionnat at Bonne Terre. They did not use any contraceptive method. The mother said that she is surprised; that she locks the gate whenever she leaves her daughter alone at home. The student explained how she managed to get out. She has a spare key.
The Chairperson – the psychologist – requested the mother to sign a paper stating that she has been notified of the above which she did and that signed paper is in the file if the hon. Minister had cared to look carefully or maybe he knows and I table a copy of the minutes of proceedings of that meeting.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Speaker, I never said that things were left like that. En deux heures de temps, je n’ai pas eu le temps d’aller chercher tout ce qui a été fait mais je viendrais surement à la Chambre avec un statement pour donner exactement toutes les autres informations. What is mentioned by the hon. Leader of the Opposition is what the psychologist says was told to her, but when these points were taken one after the other at the level of the inquiry by the MITD including inquiry carried out under the chairmanship of the director himself; all these points were not found to be founded on facts. Même le Commissaire, dans sa letter, nous dit: I have to inform that no case of physical relationship has been reported to the police station. Nous avons forcé les parents; nous avons donné aux parents la protection pour aller à la police mais ils ont nié en disant que c’est faux ce qu’on est en train de raconter. Il faut savoir qu’est-ce qui est vrai, qu’est-ce qui est faux et s’il y a quelque chose, il faut prendre action.
Mr Bérenger: May I know how the Minister and Government intend explaining to the country that, whilst MITD was already aware of all this, that person is arrested for not respecting a protection order against his spouse. All this is already known. He is arrested, he is dismissed and then he is reinstated instead of all this being on record, Mr Speaker, Sir.
Dr. Bunwaree: M. le président, il ne faut pas…
Non, je ne vais pas accepter cela, je vais prendre ma responsabilité, car des allégations sont faites et sont prouvées de ne pas être vraies, je ne peux pas prendre des actions contre des personnes.
Ne comptez pas sur moi pour faire cette sorte de politique.
Je sais que l’information a été remise…
Je connais qui vous a remis l’information. Je connais quels sont les palabres qui sont en dessous.
Je vais venir avec toute la vérité pour expliquer…
Tas de palabres par …. MITD...
Oui. Et palabres deviennent politiques.
Mr Speaker: I said, silence!
Dr. Bunwaree: Même politique. Il ne faut pas venir ….
Mr Speaker: Silence! Order!
I said, order! Hon. Baloomoody, please!
Hon. Minister! Next question!
Mr Bérenger: An exception before the others. That person who is recruited, as many others, just after the 2010 elections, in that case, without any certificate again, in that case, I do not have the information. In the first case, I said that the person was accompanied by the Senior Adviser, in that case, has the hon. Minister found out who recommended the employment of that person and who insisted that he be reinstated after he had been dismissed?
Dr. Bunwaree: I’ll have to seek the information. I cannot give a reply offhand, but I must again repeat what I’ve said that in all cases, not only in that case, because there are cases, I could have been on the side of the hon. Leader of the Opposition and mentioned so many cases which I find very queer in the lists that are there, but in each case, the procedures have been followed and, therefore, I cannot do anything.
Dr. S. Boolell: Mr Speaker, Sir, considering the gravity of a sexual assault alleged or otherwise upon the body of a 14-year old, could the hon. Minister inform the House as to whether his Ministry, the MITD or the Child Development Unit has caused the child to be examined medically towards her gynae status?
Dr. Bunwaree: There also, I do not know what type of examination has been carried out, but when the enquiry was taking place, I, personally, did mention: ‘do not let any leaf unturned’.
Everything has been done, at least, the House and the country can rely upon it. But, I have had information which I am giving, let us say it may appear that there is some hidden information. I have been informed on - not one - but various occasions, that there has been no assault. But I say, if you have further information, if you can allow the Police to continue the enquiry through any means, because the Police has done its enquiry as he could, but I said that it could … …
Mr Jugnauth: Can the hon. Minister table any medical report on which he has based himself to rule out the report of this psychologist?
Dr. Bunwaree: For this, I’ll have to take the point with the MITD to see what can be done. Probably the report cannot be laid the Table, but can be looked into, definitely.
Mrs Labelle: We have heard the hon. Minister mentioning that the CDU has given, even verbally, a different opinion than that of the psychologist. May I know from the hon. Minister who interviewed the girl at the CDU and whether it is the policy of the CDU not to have minutes of meeting, neither a report when they look into such cases?
Dr. Bunwaree: This question has to be looked into by the CDU. I cannot answer offhand, but I said: I know that the CDU has looked into the matter and has not submitted a report to us as such…
but there is a file at the level of the Ministry where all other information can be obtained concerning this case.
Mr Obeegadoo: Mr Speaker, Sir, will the Minister not agree that, in fact, the connection between Mrs Y. M., Mr N. C. and all these recruitments at MITD is that there are all, as in the in the case of Mrs Y. M. and Mr N. C, people very close to the Labour Party? So much so, this is my question…
Mr Speaker: I have to interrupt the hon. Member. I allowed the hon. Member to put a question, but not to make a statement.
Mr Obeegadoo: My question: is this not correct, so much so, that when Mrs Y. M was recruited without any interview, without any HR vetting, it was on the basis of two referees, known members of staff and notorious people notoriously close to the Labour Party, so much so that when Mr N. C. was reinstated, it was on the basis of a Board paper coming from the Ministry and denounced to ICAC, so much so that the Minister himself, two weeks ago, admitted to unions that there were lots of people now at MITD who have been recruited month to month on a contractual basis, that they have no qualifications and now they are going to be provided the opportunity to sit for the School Certificate Examinations?
Dr. Bunwaree: No, no, no.
I did not say so. This is not exact what I said to the unions. I said to the unions: ‘there is a list of people, I am not aware of all of them, have been recruited by the MITD.’ In fact, I must inform the House that the list of these workers were being submitted to the Board for them to be placed on permanent basis and this is where my Ministry intervened. This is where the PS of the Ministry said this cannot be done like that, because we have had evidence of, at least, one person having fake certificates, so how can we now take all these people and put them on a permanent basis. This is where we intervened. It is not what hon. Obeegadoo is saying. In fact, we stopped and until now all this question of promotion to be put on a permanent basis has been frozen by me, not by the unions. I said that to the unions ‘this is what I am going to do’. Because there have been flaws in so many things before et puis les palabres, je dois répéter cela encore. En fonction de cela, j’ai pris la décision de freeze toutes ces démarches de MITD et puis de mettre de l’ordre, c’est pour cela qu’on a institué un comité avec les trois personnes que j’ai mentionnées tout à l’heure pour qu’on puisse mettre un meilleur ordre dans le MITD. Moi-même j’ai dit que je n’étais satisfait de la façon dont cela se déroule.

Mr Uteem: Can I know from the hon. Minister, how is it that MITD just threw away a psychological report without on his own admission having received a copy of the report from CDU? On what basis did they throw out that psychologist report?
Dr. Bunwaree: I thank you for this question. In fact, the question was just being put by hon. Mrs Labelle and this is where the problem would appear complicated.
The officers of the CDU who saw the girl and the parents, asked for the people to come for a psychological appointment and they have been seen by a psychologist who is as well trained and as well qualified as the other one. It is on the report of this psychologist whom I mentioned…
The question has to be put to the CDU. When the CDU does a report, the CDU does an enquiry, the CDU looks into the matter, of course, I cannot, today, at this point in time, give any report, but I have just mentioned…
Mr Speaker: I say order, please!
Dr. Bunwaree: our file, there has been no report sent to us. I mentioned I did not say the CDU did not enquire. On the contrary, I said they looked into the matter and I thank the hon. Members for putting me this question that the child was taken care of by a competent psychologist at the CDU.
Mr Bérenger: Supposedly at one point in time, after receiving the report of a well fully qualified independent psychologist, after having received minutes of proceedings of meetings where all this was confirmed, supposedly the MITD found cause to refer the matter to the CDU, but to the Police: No. We are dealing with a 14-year old child. This should have been referred to the Police straightaway. This person, without any qualification, is still teaching I don’t know how many minor girls. Can I appeal to the hon. Prime Minister to first have the Police open a case on that? Better late than never! And, secondly, to have a senior Magistrate, not a committee of the same MITD, to enquire into this question of qualifications of persons recruited since February, 2010?
Dr. Bunwaree: I take the point raised by the hon. Leader of the Opposition. But what I want to say is that the parents have refused to go to the Police.

Mr Speaker: Silence!
Dr. Bunwaree: I will look into what the MITD did with the Police because I know there have been correspondences. In fact, I just mentioned that this is a correspondence coming from the Commission of Police.
Mr Speaker: I say silence, please!
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Speaker, Sir, I maintain that whatever could be done at our level has been done, and the child was sent to the CDU. There could have been other procedures taking place. The enquiry was even taken up by ICAC. I asked the question: why ICAC? Because the case of Mr N. C. was taken up …
Mr Speaker: I say silence!
Dr. Bunwaree: This is the information.
Mr Speaker: Order! I say order! Hon. Baloomoody, I say order!
Dr. Bunwaree: I am saying that this case was also taken up by the Ombudsperson for children, and we had no information allowing us to say that there is something wrong and he has to go. Well, I will look into the matter again if need be. But I don’t think that the MITD has not dealt with the Police in that case. 

Mr Speaker:
 Time is over!
YEAR 2013





(No. B/42) Mr S. Soodhun (Second Member for La Caverne and Phoenix) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to Mr H. M., Trade Unionist at the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the said institute, information as to the reasons for the suspension thereof, indicating if an inquiry has been carried out in relation thereto and if so, the outcome thereof.


Reply: I am informed by the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) that on 20 November 2012 at around 0830hrs, Mr H. M., Assistant Manager at the MITD made serious and unfounded allegations against the MITD on a private radio.


This matter was viewed with much concern by the MITD Management which decided to initiate the following actions -


(i) To report the matter to the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA). A letter of complaint was issued by the MITD to the IBA on 21 November 2012.


(ii) To report the matter to the ICAC, Commissioner of Police and Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare. Letters were issued on 21 November 2012.


(iii) To make a complaint at the Phoenix Police Station on 21 November 2012.

Mr Speaker: Okay!
Dr. Bunwaree: But, the recording by whom?
Mr Speaker: No, the hon. Minister has no right to put a question.
Dr. Bunwaree: I don't know which recording.
Mr Speaker: The hon. Minister has no right to put a question. Are you aware or you are not aware?
Dr. Bunwaree: But the question…
Mr Speaker: Are you aware or you are not aware?
Dr. Bunwaree: Yes, I am aware….
No, I have not finished. I have to reply to the question. I am aware and well aware of what is being mentioned, but I can say that there are many allegations in that question. Let me tell you that that was not the same meeting which the hon. Member is talking about. There have been two meetings where Mr L. was involved.
He says no, he knows better!
Mr Speaker: I am sorry. Try to be brief, hon. Minister, because time is up. I will allow only two questions. One to hon. Dr. S. Boolell …
Dr. Bunwaree: Time is up!
Mr Speaker: Wait! I am on my feet! Just try to be brief. I have two more questions, one to hon. Dr. S. Boolell and the last question to the hon. Leader of the Opposition.
Dr. Bunwaree: Let me tell you there were two meetings with Mr L. and what is being mentioned is in regard to the second meeting, and I have in my hand a letter which has been given to me by Mr L., because he has been put questions, because his name has been mentioned in the press, in the weekend, and he is saying, let me quote: “He never requested Mrs S. S. to record the short meeting…”
This is why I was putting the question. “… to record the short meeting which she had…” Enn specialist de recorder partout senela! “…which she had with me together with the minor V. A. some time in November, 2011.
This meeting was held on the request of Mrs S. S. who told me that the minor V. A. wanted to talk to me.” This is why Mr L. held the meeting and during that meeting “Mrs S. was the one who was prompting minor V. A. to relay (…).”
This is an official letter.
What happened between the latter and her teacher - if you want me to continue I can continue.
Mr Speaker: No, I don't want the hon. Minister to continue.
Dr. Bunwaree: But this is what is happening there.
Mr Speaker: Silence, please! I say order. Hon. Boolell!
Hon. Minister, order!
Dr. S. Boolell: Mr Speaker, Sir, considering that part of the answer of the Minister
referred to is a medico-legal examination, I would like to know under whose authority this medico-legal examination was conducted, especially in view of the fact that the case had not been referred to the Police initially?
Dr. Bunwaree: I think the Police was enquiring at one point in time, but the examination was held by the Chief Medical Officer of the Police, Dr. Gungadin.
Mr Speaker: Last question to the hon. Leader of the Opposition!
Mr Ganoo: Is the Minister aware, Mr Speaker, Sir, that neither the Chairman of the Board of the MITD nor the Officer in Charge gave their consent to Mr Y. S. before the latter went to make his statement at the Central CID and, in fact, it was two advisers of the Minister who conspired with Mr Y. S. before he went to give his declaration…
Mr Speaker: I am sorry hon. Leader of the Opposition, I said…


Please, I am on my feet! The question has to be clear. The hon. Leader of the Opposition puts a question and he gets into the habit of giving information.


Mr Ganoo: My question was whether the Minister is aware that neither the Chairman of the Board of the MITD nor the Officer in Charge of the MITD gave their consent, their authority, for Mr Y. S. to go and open up this declaration and it wasin fact, before meeting two…
Mr Speaker: No, but the fact …
Mr Ganoo: Is he aware that it was before meeting two advisers of the Minister that Mr Y. S. then went to Central CID to open up this enquiry and this was because Mr Y. S. is known to be a political protégé of the Minister?
Dr. Bunwaree: How can you talk of political protégé! Mr Y. S.…
Mr Speaker: Please, answer the question!
Dr. Bunwaree: But he has mentioned that I can’t allow this to go.
Mr Speaker: Answer the question.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Y. S. has been working there since 1993. So, if he was a political protégé, it must have been by these people who were there at that time, not me! When I came to the MITD, he was already there. Now, what is being mentioned by the Leader of the Opposition is false because the Chairman of the MITD and a few other Members of the Board were together with the Director – I have said it in my reply – they had a preparatory meeting for Mr Y. S. to be
briefed to go there and he went there at the level of the MITD…
Mr Speaker: Silence, please! Time is up!
I want some order! Questions addressed to the hon. Prime Minister!
Hon. Jhugroo, I have said questions addressed to the hon. Prime Minister! You have got your question.
Mr JhugrooMalpropre, dirty Minister, step down! B/315!
Mr Speaker: Wait, wait! Hon. Jhugroo, you have to withdraw whatever you have said.
Whatever you have said you have to withdraw.
Mr Jhugroo: I withdraw.
Mr Speaker: Now, you may proceed with your question.
Mrs Ribot: Mr Speaker, Sir, on a point of personal explanation!
Mr Speaker: Is the hon. Member raising on a point of order?
Mrs Ribot: On a point of personal explanation, Sir.
Mr Speaker: No personal explanation, point of order!
Mrs Ribot: M. le président, j’aimerais m’élever contre l’accusation gratuite du minister de l’éducation.
Il vient d’affirmer à l’effet que les honorables dames de l’Opposition n’ont jamais rendu visite à la victime alléguée. M. le président, c’est précisément…
Mr Speaker : I am sorry to interrupt you, hon. Member, it is not a point of order.
You are explaining.
This is not a point of order, you are explaining. You may have the chance afterwards to come to this.
Mr Speaker: Silence!
(No. B/363) Mr S. Obeegadoo (Third Member for Curepipe & Midlands) asked the Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment whether, in regard to the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will state if he has taken cognizance of the protests of the Trade Unions and of the Non-Governmental Organisations, further to the -
(a) termination of the contract of Mrs S. S., as teacher thereat;
(b) suspension of Mrs P. B., as psychologist thereat, and
(c) issue of a severe warning to Mr H. M., a trade unionist and, if so, will he state if his Ministry has inquired thereinto.
(No. B/406) Mr N. Bodha (First Member for Vacoas & Floreal) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the alleged case of sexual abuse at the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Institute, information as to if mention was also made of alleged sexual abuse of students, other than minor V. A., in the report submitted by the psychologist, P. B., in October 2011 and, if so, indicate the actions taken, if any, in relation thereto.
MITD – MR N. C. – APPOINTMENT (28/05/13)
(No. B/383) Mr P. Jhugroo (First Member for Mahebourg and Plaine Magnien) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to Mr N. C., he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, information as to –
(a) his date of appointment thereat;
(b) post held;
(c) qualifications possessed at the time of recruitment, and
(d) if he is presently under interdiction, and if so, indicate if his re-integration is being envisaged.
Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Speaker, Sir, with regard to parts (a) and (b) of the question, I am informed by the MITD that the services of Mr N.C. were enlisted as Supply Instructor B (Physical Education) at the MITD on 16 July 2010 on a month to month basis for an initial period of three months, which was subsequently extended on the same terms and conditions. He was offered employment on a month to month basis as Instructor (Physical Education) again from 09 May 2012 to December 2012 but he resigned on 20 November 2012.
As regards part (c) of the question, I am informed that Mr N.C. held the following qualifications at the time of recruitment -
(i) Cambridge School Certificate;
(ii) Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level - 5 subjects, and
(iii) Cambridge GCE ‘A’ Level – 2 subjects.
He also possesses a Certificate from the Mauritius Police Force for having completed the Basic Police Duties Course in 2002 and a Certificate for having passed an examination in Essentials of First Aid from the St. John Ambulance Mauritius.
Mr Speaker, Sir, with regard to part (d) of the question, Mr N.C. resigned on the 20 November 2012 and is therefore no longer an employee of the MITD as from that date.
Mr Jhugroo: Can the hon. Minister inform the House whether the vacant post occupied by Mr N.C. had been advertised, if not, why not and, if so, when and how was the selection done for his recruitment?
Mr Speaker: This is a problem, you put too many questions.
Dr. Bunwaree: There has been no post advertised because the MITD is in the process of going forward with a whole scheme of service reviewed and the unions have already agreed on the conditions of various posts. The first thing we are going to do is to advertise for the post of Director and once this is done all the other vacant posts will be advertised. In the meantime, there are internal arrangements which are made for all posts that are vacant to be taken up by
qualified people to do the job in the various centres.
Mr Jhugroo: Can the hon. Minister inform the House whether Mr N.C. had the required qualification for the post which he occupied at the MITD when he was recruited?
Dr. Bunwaree: I am told yes by the MITD. I have put the question many times because I know the question has been put and, in fact, the answer is yes.
Mr Speaker: Hon. S. Boolell!
Dr. S. Boolell: Mr Speaker, Sir, I would like to ask the hon. Minister what subjects he was actually teaching at the MITD and whether he was qualified for these subjects because from what I hear from the Minister only 5 ‘O’ Level and 2 ‘A’ Level.
Dr. Bunwaree: Yes. These are the minimum requirements that are asked. He had that and he was teaching physical instruction. I think he was enlisted for the NTC Foundation Course only which is a basic course meant for pupils being prepared for vocational courses.
Mr Speaker: Hon. S. Boolell!
Dr. S. Boolell: Was there any other subject than PE being taught by this gentleman?
Dr. Bunwaree: No, Sir.
Mr Jhugroo: Would the hon. Minister inform the House whether Mr N.C. had followed any course on physical education at the MIE, and, if so, can he confirm whether he had the minimum required qualification to be admitted in that course?
Dr. Bunwaree: I need notice of this question because it is a question for the MIE to reply not for the MITD, but offhand I cannot reply to that.
Mrs Ribot: Mr Speaker, Sir, I would like the hon. Minister to confirm whether Mr N.C. was teaching PE together with life skills or not?
Dr. Bunwaree: Life skills is taken up in many other subjects so when you teach PE, there could be life skills. This is for all other teachers as well.
Mr Jugnauth: Can the hon. Minister state upon whose recommendation did he ensure that Mr N.C. gets a basic salary of Rs18,400 although he ought to have started like so many others with a basic salary of Rs13,000?
Dr. Bunwaree: This question is a difficult question I must say because it is a post on contract and, in some cases, even for the psychologist it was the same thing. A terrible case of industrial relations has been created there because the salary of one person, taken on contract, is higher than the salary of the others, but I am told that what has been done is acceptable and according to the procedures.
Mr Speaker: I allow only two more questions.
Mrs Ribot: Mr Speaker, Sir, I would like the hon. Minister to tell us whether the
recruitment requirements at the MITD are different from all other secondary schools where any teacher to teach any subject must have ‘A’ level together with the Teacher’s Diploma?
Dr. Bunwaree: I don’t think they are the same. There are cases where the requirements are not the same. In fact, for physical instruction, the post for which Mr N.C. was enlisted, if I go according to what the criteria are for Government Supply Teachers - because he was enlisted as Supply Teacher in the first instance - I see the conditions are still more flexible because here for Government Service they ask for two subjects at Higher School Certificate or Advanced Level and they say the candidates should have, on top of that, a good physique; produce a written evidence from a recognised organisation regarding experience either as an athlete or an official in sports competition or an animateur coach. That is all. They do not ask for any other diploma - I am quoting from the official communiqué for employment for Supply Teachers Health and Physical Education in Government primary schools. These are children who end up with CPE and who go to Pre-Voc as we know. I believe for the MITD, it was still better than this one.
Mr Speaker: Hon. Jugnauth!
Mr Jugnauth: The hon. Minister has just said that the post was not advertised so therefore may I know who has recommended Mr N.C. for that particular post?
Dr. Bunwaree: I don’t know who has recommended but I can say THAT the post was not advertised and it is not the first time. It is often like this at the MITD. In fact, I said that we have to look into this and this has ongoing for years, 10 years, 12 years. I am not happy with this way they enlist people, but it has been like that. In fact, I’ve tried to stop it, but it is continuing because they are in the process of transitional period whereby this will have to change at any time.
Mr Jhugroo: Is the hon. Minister aware that there is a Dancing Clip of Mr N. C. with students of the MITD? Would the hon. Minister consider introducing these in the curriculum of activities of all the students throughout the island?
Mr Speaker: No!
Mr Jhugroo: If not, why not, because we have seen one…
Mr Speaker: No. This question is not allowed!
Mr Jhugroo:… music teacher?
Mr Speaker: Silence!
No! Wait a minute!
Wait! Silence! Look, according to Standing Orders, you have no right to challenge.
Please, withdraw!
Silence! I am speaking to hon. Jhugroo. You withdraw!
Mr Jhugroo: Would the hon. Minister withdraw what he said first?
Mr Speaker: You can raise on a point of order.
Mr Jhugroo: Yes. On a point of order! Would the hon. Minister…
Mr Speaker: You withdraw the word ‘challenge’. You withdraw it.
Mr Jhugroo: First the Minister withdraws, then, I will withdraw.
Mr Speaker: Look, I am addressing to you! You withdraw your word and I will tackle the Minister.
Mr Jhugroo: Okay, I withdraw.
Mr Speaker: Now, what is your point of order?
Mr Jhugroo: My point of order is what he said about me, tell him to withdraw.
Mr Speaker: Well, Silence! I am the Speaker! What is the problem now? I have not…
Mr Jhugroo: He imputed motives to my character. Tell him to withdraw.
Mr Speaker: You withdraw the words.
Dr. Bunwaree: What did I say?
Mr Speaker: I do not know.
Mr Jhugroo: He said: ‘li paret, pou moi aussi li conné.’ Be, montrer si to enn bon zom!
Dr. Bunwaree: I do not know what he is saying.
Mr Speaker: Silence!
Dr. Bunwaree: But to make him happy, I do as if I said nothing. I withdraw.
Mr Speaker: Well, Okay. Now, let us proceed to the next question of hon. Quirin!
Mr Quirin: P.Q No. B/384, please!
Mr Speaker: Yes.
Hon. Aimée, who has authorised you to speak?
I am putting a question to you: who has authorised you to speak? You stand up and apologise!
Mr Aimée: I apologise, Mr Speaker, Sir.
(No. B/459) Mr P. Jugnauth (First Member for Quartier Militaire & Moka) asked the Prime Minister, Minister of Defence, Home Affairs and External Communications, Minister for Rodrigues whether, in regard to the recent case of alleged sexual abuse at the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Commissioner of Police, information as to -
(a) if the Police has applied for a Judge’s Order as regards the phone calls and messages exchanged between the suspect and -
(a) the minor;
(b) Dr. the hon. Minister of Education and Human Resources, and
(c) the hon. Minister of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions and, if so, indicate when and the outcome thereof.
The Prime Minister: Mr Speaker, Sir, I am informed by the Commissioner of Police that in connection with the alleged case of sexual abuse on a minor at the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD), three cases are under investigation at the level of the Central CID: one for ‘Sedition’, one for ‘Alleged sexual relationship with a minor’ and one for ‘Conspiracy’.
On 05 March 2013, Police wrote to the Director of Public Prosecutions to initiate actions for a Judge’s Order with a view to obtaining information with regard to certain telephone calls and SMSs, as well as relevant details of subscribers of mobile phone numbers, which are required for the purpose of the enquiry. The Judge’s Order was obtained on 20 May 2013.
The House will appreciate that it would not be proper to disclose any information
obtained as a result of the Judge’s Order.
As I have already indicated to the House, Mr Speaker, Sir, paedophilia is a despicable and heinous crime which no society worthy of this name should condone. No stone will be left unturned to bring paedophiles to justice.
Again, I appeal and urge individuals, whether they have already given, or are hesitant about giving, to give their statements freely, they have nothing to fear to give statements and see if there is anything that needs to be done further. But the enquiry is ongoing on the three cases.
Mr Jugnauth: May I declare my interest in the supplementary question which I am going to ask?
Mr Speaker: Yes.
Mr Jugnauth: It is with regard to a statement that was taken from myself on 03 January by the Police wherein I gave all the detailed phone numbers of some parties with regard to this allegation. May I know why since 03 January up to 05 March, no action has been taken by the Police with regard to a Judge’s Order?
The Prime Minister: The reason is, Mr Speaker, Sir, once they get the information, I take it that it is the same information that the hon. Member gave us in Parliament. The reason is they have to go through their list first and then they have to apply a Judge’s Order. They cannot as if anybody brings whatever information, they must verify it and they try to do it through a Judge’s Order to be able to go to the telephone company to be able to see. That is why it took
them time. They applied on 05 March, they went to the DPP to ask for the application to a Judge’s Order.
Mr Jugnauth: May I know from the hon. Prime Minister what kind of verification the Police had to do with regard to the information that was submitted on 03 January?
The Prime Minister: First of all, they had to check the telephone numbers for people.
They had to check whether the telephone belongs to the very person that they have been alleged to belong. And thirdly, then they have to look through the numbers and then to be able to get further information they go for the Judge’s Order and that is what they have done.
Mr Jugnauth: May I ask the hon. Prime Minister that it is precisely the very fact that the Police cannot, on its own, verify those numbers and whom they belong to that the Police should go and ask for an Order from the Court in order to be able to ascertain that the information is correct?
The Prime Minister: First of all, they have to look at the information they get and then they decide whether they need a Judge’s Order. That is what they have done.
Mr Ganoo: May I ask the hon. Prime Minister, in the case of the alleged sexual relation with the minor, whether in this case witness Mrs Sudha Singh who was arrested in another….
Mr Speaker: The hon. Leader of the Opposition should avoid…
Mr Ganoo: Has she been invited to give a statement in this case?
The Prime Minister: I don’t delve into the details of the enquiry as the hon. Leader of the Opposition is probably aware, but I suppose yes, she would be able to.
Mr Speaker: It’s not proper to mention names. Last question!
Mr Jugnauth: May I know from the hon. Prime Minister whether the request that has been made from the Police, does it also include the contents with regard to SMSs that have been texted with regard to those parties that are mentioned in the question?
The Prime Minister: The answer is yes.
Mr Obeegadoo: Considering that the Fact-Finding Committee, in fact, recommended that the Police should act promptly upon receipt of such complaints and recommended further enquiries, could at least the report of that Fact-Finding Committee now be made available to Members of this House?
The Prime Minister: As I explained, I invited the Leader of the Opposition if he wants to look…
…but there are details about the small child in this. It cannot just be put in public like this…
La Cour va décider, but not here. There is a procedure that the Police have to follow, unfortunately. That is why we are bringing PACE among other things.
That is one of the reasons.
At the moment, the Police cannot enquire unless there is a statement. If there is no statement, the Police cannot act at the moment. That is what they are following.
That is what has been done all the time whether they are here or not here, born or not born. That is the thing.
They have their procedures and that is what they are following and, therefore, if there is no complaint from the child, no complaint from the parents, they cannot go and start enquiring. That is the situation we want to remedy through PACE.
Mr Speaker: Time is up! The Table has been advised that Parliamentary Question No. B/461 addressed to the Dr. hon. Prime Minister will now be replied by the hon. Minister of Environment. We have said it. Now, the Table has been advised that Parliamentary Question Nos. B/488 and A/171 have been withdrawn. Also, the Table has been advised that Parliamentary Question Nos. B/460 and B/462 have been duly and simply withdrawn. Now, we proceed to questions addressed to hon. Ministers.
(No. B/477) Mr P. Jugnauth (First Member for Quartier Militaire & Moka) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the recent case of alleged sexual abuse at the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Institute, information as to if actions have been taken against the then Director for not having revealed the existence of the minutes of the second meeting held by the
psychologist in the presence of the mother of the minor involved therein prior to the production thereof in the House, and if so, give details thereof and, if not, why not.
The Minister of Housing and Lands (Dr. A. Kasenally): Mr Speaker, Sir, with your permission, I will answer this question.
Mr Speaker, Sir, I am informed by the MITD that it has not been established at which particular point in time the then Director of the MITD was made aware of the minutes of the second meeting held on 25 November 2011 by the Psychologist in the presence of the mother and the minor involved.
I am further informed that the MITD, for all intents and purposes, took cognizance of the minutes dated 25 November 2011 after the then hon. Leader of the Opposition tabled the document on 17 November 2012 in the context of a Private Notice Question.
I wish to point out that, by that time, the then Director of the MITD had already resigned on 17 September 2012, and was no longer an employee of the MITD.
Mr Jugnauth: May I know from the hon. Minister how the Ministry was aware that this document from the Psychologist was in the possession of the then Director?
Dr. Kasenally: Mr Speaker, Sir, I think that this answer was already given by my
colleague, the substantive Minister. But, in PQ No. B/477, the MITD had also informed that sometimes or around June 2012, a bundle of documents, including the Minutes of the second meeting held on 25 November 2011 by the Psychologist, which were in the possession of the then Director, were handed over by him to the Human Resource Division.
I wish to point out that no formal handing over was carried out. I am surprised!
And MITD has informed that when the former Director left in September 2012. It was only when they were going through the bundle of documents that eventually this was found after the PNQ of the hon. Leader of the Opposition.
Mr Jugnauth: May I know on which date it came out that they examined this bundle of documents and found out about this report?
Dr. Kasenally: I am not aware of it. But it would appear that this bundle was examined when they were looking whether there was a report. Since there was no formal handing over, this is why they went through each and every one and this was after the PNQ of the hon. Leader of the Opposition.
I must point out, it is a matter of regret that a Director of an institution does not formally do a handing over when leaving an institution.
Mr Jugnauth: May I ask the hon. Minister if he is aware that upon receipt of the
document from the Psychologist, in fact, the then Director on 22 December 2011 had conveyed an enquiry, whereby he set up a panel of himself, Mr L. and another person and interviewed, at least, four people, that is, Mr G., Mr M., Mr M. and the suspected paedophile and the teacher who has been now provisionally charged and released on bail? They have all given evidence during that enquiry.
Dr. Kasenally: To be frank, Mr Speaker, Sir, I am not aware. I have not been informed about all these meetings by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources.
Mr Jugnauth: If the hon. Minister is not aware about this, fair enough. But then, may I know if the hon. Minister has replied to say that it is only when there was no proper handing over and when they looked at the bundle of documents that they found out about this document.
Therefore, may I know what action the Ministry has taken against the then Director to, at least, have his explanation with regard to why this document has been farouchement gardé, comme a dit le ministre?
Dr. Kasenally: Mr Speaker, Sir, as my colleague had informed, there is currently a Police enquiry and there is also an inter ministerial committee. In the light of their findings, they will take whatever appropriate actions that need to be taken, being given also that this Officer is no longer employed by the MITD or the Ministry of Education and Human Resources.
Mr Jugnauth: May I know, therefore, from the answer of the hon. Minister whether that inter ministerial committee is enquiring into the case of the then Director not having – according to the Ministry – done anything with regard to that report?
Dr. Kasenally: Mr Speaker, Sir, the inter ministerial committee and the Police enquiry will look at all the aspects related to this case for which so much ink has been spilled.
Mr Speaker: Last question!
Mr Jugnauth: We should be given, at least, an indication about when this inter
ministerial committee will come up with its findings.
Dr. Kasenally: With all the goodwill I can show, I am not in a position to say exactly when …
Not being also a member of the inter ministerial committee, I am unable – I humbly accept – to give a timeframe.
Mrs Hanoomanjee: Mr Speaker, Sir, the hon. Minister just said that no action could be taken against the then Director since he had resigned. Can the hon. Minister confirm that the same ex-former Director is now working as Advisor with the hon. Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Finance?
Dr. Kasenally: Mr Speaker, Sir, the hon. Member misquoted me. I said that the inter ministerial committee, in its deliberation and its wise judgement, will take whatever action that may deem to be necessary. As far as the then Director is concerned, I am officially not aware where he is working at the moment.
(No. B/438) Mr S. Obeegadoo (Third Member for Curepipe & Midlands) asked the Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment whether, in regard to the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will state if he has taken cognizance of the protests of the Trade Unions and of the Non-Governmental Organisations, further to the -
(a) termination of the contract of Mrs S. S., as teacher thereat;
(b) suspension of Mrs P. B., as psychologist thereat, and
(c) issue of a severe warning to Mr H. M., a trade unionist and, if so, indicate if his
Ministry has inquired thereinto.
(No. B/449) Dr. S. Boolell (Second Member for Curepipe & Midlands) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Fact-Finding Committee set up to look into the recent case of alleged improper behaviour of an instructor of the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Institute, information as to the total cost thereof, indicating the fees paid to each member thereof.
(No. B/453) Mr N. Bodha (First Member for Vacoas and Floreal) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the alleged case of sexual abuse at the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Institute, information as to if mention was also made of alleged sexual abuse of students, other than minor V. A., in the report submitted by the psychologist, P. B., in October 2011 and, if so, indicate the actions taken,if any, in relation thereto.
(No. B/516) Mr P. Jhugroo (First Member for Mahebourg & Plaine Magnien) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the alleged cases of malpractices by a massage instructor at the Knowledge Based Training Centre at Port Louis, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, information as to if an internal inquiry has been carried out thereinto and, if so, the (a) outcome thereof, and
(b) actions taken.
(No. B/520) Mr S. Obeegadoo (Third Member for Curepipe & Midlands) asked the Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment whether, in regard to the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will state if he has taken cognizance of the protests of the Trade Unions and of the Non-Governmental Organisations, further to the -
(a) termination of the contract of Mrs S. S., as teacher thereat;
(b) suspension of Mrs P. B., as psychologist thereat, and
(c) issue of a severe warning to Mr H. M., a trade unionist and, if so, indicate if his
Ministry has inquired thereinto.
(No. B/521) Mr N. Bodha (First Member for Vacoas & Floreal) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the alleged case of sexual abuse at the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Institute, information as to if mention was also made of alleged sexual abuse of students, other than minor V. A., in the report submitted by the psychologist P. B., in October 2011 and, if so, indicate the actions taken, if any, in relation thereto.
(No. B/522) Dr. S. Boolell (Second Member for Curepipe & Midlands) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Fact-Finding Committee set up to look into the recent case of alleged improper behaviour of an instructor of the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Institute, information as to the total cost thereof, indicating the fees paid to each member thereof.
(No. B/577) Mr N. Bodha (First Member for Vacoas and Floreal) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the alleged case of sexual abuse at the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Institute, information as to if mention was also made of alleged sexual abuse of students, other than minor V. A., in the report submitted by the psychologist P. B., in October 2011 and, if so, indicate the actions taken, if any, in relation thereto.
Reply: I am informed by the MITD that in the Report dated 03 November 2011
regarding visit effected on Friday 28 October 2011 at Sir Rampersad Neerunjun Training Complex (SRNTC) by Mrs P.B, Psychologist, no other case of alleged sexual abuse as such on students was reported. The Psychologist had, however, made mention about a proposal to a minor student of the Centre whose initials were indicated but referring to a fictitious name.
In terms of action, it should be noted from the report that was circulated that the minor was being followed by the Psychologist P.B. herself
MITD – NGOs – PROTESTS (02/07/13)
(No. B/621) Mr S. Obeegadoo (Third Member for Curepipe & Midlands) asked the Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment whether, in regard to the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, he will state if he has taken cognizance of the protests of the Trade Unions and of the Non-Governmental Organisations, further to the -
(a) termination of the contract of Mrs S. S., as teacher thereat;
(b) suspension of Mrs P. B., as psychologist thereat, and
(c) issue of a severe warning to Mr H. M., a trade unionist and, if so, indicate if his Ministry has inquired thereinto.




(No. B/696) Mr P. Jhugroo (First Member for Mahebourg & Plaine Magnien) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the alleged cases of malpractices by a massage instructor at the Knowledge Based Training Centre at Port Louis, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, information as to if an internal inquiry has been carried out thereinto and, if so, indicate the -

(a) outcome thereof, and

(b) actions taken, if any, in relation thereto.

Dr. Bunwaree: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I am informed by the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) that following complaints received in July and August 2012 against a former Instructor (Beauty Care) by former trainees of Hair Dressing and Beauty Care section of the MITD Knowledge Based Training Centre (KBTC) regarding alleged malpractices, an enquiry was conducted by the MITD at the request of my Ministry.

It is to be noted, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, that according to information obtained from MITD, a preliminary enquiry did not establish any malpractice. However, my Ministry, upon receipt of several complaints, requested the MITD to investigate again into the matter.

In this connection, the MITD accordingly appointed an Internal Enquiry Committee comprising three Divisional Managers of the MITD. The Committee was mandated to investigate into the allegation of these ex-trainees and to make necessary recommendations.

Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, with regard to part (a) of the question, I am informed by the MITD that the main outcome of the Enquiry Committee as well as the recommendations are as follows -




(i) The trainees who were interviewed by the Committee had maintained their allegations against the Instructor concerning harassment towards them and her absence from classes.

(ii) They have also maintained allegations with regard to favoritism to acquaintances.

(iii) According to the Training Centre Manager, some of the allegations could be


Moreover, the Report mentions a number of shortcomings/malpractices in the management of that section and makes the following recommendations -



(i) The Instructor should be reminded about her responsibilities in the submission of Weekly Plan and Progress Reports.

(ii) The Instructor should be warned that she should be in her classes as per the time table that has been worked out.

(iii) A proper procurement plan should be worked out for these courses and regularly monitored and updated.

(iv) Access should be controlled in the Beauty Care and Massage Therapy Sections and properly recorded.

(v) Proper control should be exercised at the level of purchasing of items so as to ensure that no unauthorised person makes use of same.

(vi) Strict compliance should be ensured with respect to all established procedures concerning delivery/monitoring of training, purchase, Human Resources and stock control.


Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, as regards part (b) of the question, I am informed that the MITD Board has, at its meeting held on 7 June 2013, and after taking cognizance of the outcome of the report of the Internal Enquiry Committee, decided to terminate the employment of the Instructor with immediate effect in line with the provision of her contract.

Furthermore, the MITD Board has decided that the Internal Auditor of the MITD would carry out a full-fledged audit with regard to procurement and control mechanism on training materials purchased including access control at the Knowledge Based Training Centre. The report of the Internal Auditor is being finalised at the level of the MITD.

Corrective action as appropriate is being taken on the recommendations of the Enquiry Committee. Further action will be envisaged in the light of the recommendations of the Internal Auditor.

Mr Jhugroo: Can the hon. Minister inform the House who gave the instructions to set up a panel comprising of Mr M. S., the Ag. Divisional Manager of the MITD and Mr S. C., the Assistant Procurement Manager to interview Mrs D for the post of massage instructor, a post which was not advertised?

Dr. Bunwaree: The hon. Member is talking of the recruitment of that person. I am informed that everything went according to procedures and I don’t know who gave the instruction. I can’t answer this question.

Mr Seeruttun: M. le président, est-ce que l’honorable ministre est au courant que cette dame, Madame D n’a pas les qualifications nécessaires pour ce poste de massage instructor et qu’elle a juste un certificat d’attendance dont la MQA avait trouvé que ce n’était pas un certificate reconnu? Donc, qui a permis à cette dame d’être recrutée?

Dr. Bunwaree: Ce n’est pas l’information que j’ai. Au contraire, dans le dossier que j’ai eu l’occasion de voir, elle paraissait hautement qualifiée, mais seulement…



Pas les qualifications, selon les recommandations où elle avait travaillé avant, etc.

Il y avait des recommandations très fortes en sa faveur, je dois dire, mais la MQA a donné son accord pour que la personne puisse être embauchée, mais récemment il y a quelque chose qui existe concernant ces recommandations de la MQA. Elles ont une durée de temps et ce temps a expire au mois de février et à la suite de cela, la personne n’a pas refait de demande de recommandation. Donc, c’est une des raisons pourquoi le contrat a été résilié.

Mr Uteem: May I know from the hon. Minister whether the outcome of the inquiry has been referred to any legal advisers and whether the internal inquiry has revealed any potential criminal offences that might have been committed?

Dr. Bunwaree: This is being looked into. We are waiting for the internal audit report as I have said and this is still under investigation I must say, but the legal adviser of the MITD is the State Law Office.

Mr Jhugroo: Is the hon. Minister aware that Mrs M. D. has only a Certificate of Attendance in Beauty Therapy where the MQA in year 2009 found her not eligible to be a trainer in beauty care and massage?

Dr. Bunwaree: I don’t know what the hon. Member is, in fact, stating, but theinformation that I have is that the MQA was aware of that lady working over there and, in fact, it is the MQA itself which has not renewed the contract because the renewal was not asked for.

The MQA drew our attention to the fact that that contract has a certain duration and at the end of that contract there has been no request for renewal and therefore that lady could not continue to work.

Mr Jugnauth: Will the hon. Minister table the qualifications of that massage instructor together with the two reports: one that has been done by the MITD and the other by his Ministry?

Dr. Bunwaree: For the reports, I’ll have to ask the MITD to look into that, but for the qualifications, I have no quarrel at all. All the qualifications, whether academic or non academic, will be tabled.



Mrs Ribot: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like to know …



The Deputy Speaker: Order, please!

Mrs Ribot: I would like to know from the hon. Minister whether he is aware that the MQA at a certain time carried out an enquiry on the very contents of the courses being delivered by the said instructor and, if yes, the outcome thereof.

Dr. Bunwaree: Yes, the MQA did; because the ex-trainees also sent a copy of their complaints to the MQA and then the MQA did an investigation. In fact, it is at the end of this investigation that we were informed that the duration of the recommendation that was given to her to work had lapsed.

Mr Jhugroo: Is the hon. Minister aware that the massage instructor had, on several occasions, forced some young male students to massage her while being topless and partially covered et parfois faire des épilations à la cire en guise d’exercice d’évaluation.



The Deputy Speaker: I am sorry! Next question, hon. Jugnauth!



Order, please! Order!



I want some order in the House! Next question, hon. Jugnauth!

Mr Jugnauth: Will the hon. Minister...



The Deputy Speaker: I want some silence in the House, please!

Mr Jugnauth: Will the hon. Minister say whether the enquiry has revealed any implications of minors and, if so, whether the matter has been reported to the CDU for any investigation?

Dr. Bunwaree: No. I don’t have this information as such, but I will look into the matter.

Mr Seeruttun: Dans sa réponse plus tôt, le ministre a dit qu’il y avait des recommandations, autre que les qualifications, pour le recrutement de cette dame. Peut-il nous dire de qui proviennent ces recommandations?

Dr. Bunwaree: But I have just mentioned, when the question was put to me by hon. Jugnauth that I am going to lay copy of all the recommendations and qualifications of that lady.

Mr Jugnauth: In the course of his answer, I heard the hon. Minister saying that there has been the case of procurement of items. Is he...


The Deputy Speaker: I don’t want any hon. Member to make any remarks from a sitting position!


From both sides, of course!

Mr Jugnauth: Is he, therefore, aware that there have been allegations of misappropriations with regard to the procurement of items and if the enquiry has also looked into that aspect?

Dr. Bunwaree: Yes, the enquiry has looked into that aspect and this is one of the reasons why there is an internal audit. The Board has decided that there will be another enquiry by the internal audit and that is being finalised. I think it is ready already and it has been sent to the Manager of the Centre for his comments before it is sent to the Audit Committee of the MITD.

Mr Jhugroo: Can I know from the hon. Minister for what reasons the Acting Divisional Manager of the MITD and Mr D. T., the Director of HRDC, had the privilege to have a special massage done on several occasions by that lady?

The Deputy Speaker: I am sorry! Next question, hon. Jugnauth!

Mr Jhugroo: So what? It is a question!


It is a question! It is a question! This thing was going on there!


It is a question! He should answer!

The Deputy Speaker: Hon. Jhugroo, please!

Mr Jhugroo: Massage by top officers.


The Deputy Speaker: Hon. Jhugroo, please resume your seat!


Mr Jhugroo: Cover up! Shame!


Mr Jugnauth: May I know from the hon. Minister...


The Deputy Speaker: I want some order, please! Hon. Jhugroo! Yes, hon. Jugnauth!

Mr Jugnauth: The hon. Minister has mentioned that after the two enquiries, there is the internal audit that is now looking at the recommendations and the outcome of these two enquiries. So, after that, may I know which Body is going to take any decision or any action? Is it the MITD or is it the Ministry of Education and Human Resources?

Dr. Bunwaree: It will be the Board of the MITD.

Mrs Hanoomanjee: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, the students have been trained for a certain period of time by somebody who is not qualified. What does the hon. Minister propose to do for these students?

Dr. Bunwaree: No. I am not saying that the person is not qualified. This has been mentioned by hon. Members on the other side. I will table the certificates and so on and even the methods which were used for that person to be recruited at that section of the MITD. But, on the contrary, according to the report that has been obtained on that lady - forgetting what the trainees have said - at the MITD, for the work she is doing, we don’t have any reason to say that she was not up to the standard.

Mr Jugnauth: May I know the exact reasons why, therefore, the contract of the massage instructor has been terminated?

Dr. Bunwaree: Well, I mentioned that after the first enquiry took place - in fact, the first and the second enquiry, because after the first one, the Ministry directed the MITD to review the reasons that had been raised, the enquiry that has been conducted before because nothing was found in the first enquiry. And, as I mentioned, it is after the second enquiry where there were three people, Divisional Managers, that form part of that Enquiry Committee and it is then that we did, in fact, come to hear about shortcomings and malpractices in that section. After that, the Board reviewed all this and decided that that lady’s contract had to be terminated following all that was obtained from the Enquiry Committees. But, I mentioned also, that there was an important point that the MQA had found and had sent to the MITD, that is, that lady’s registration at the MQA had lapsed because it was for a period of time.

Mr Roopun: Can the hon. Minister confirm whether high officers of the MITD have been involved in practical sessions of massage?

Dr. Bunwaree: I have heard that, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, but we have not had any concrete examples or serious facts going in that direction.

Mrs Labelle: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, the hon. Minister, himself, has mentioned that the contents of the course have been questioned. I think I relate that to the question put by hon. Mrs Hanoomanjee. Since now, we are aware that the contents of the course were questionable. What will be done for these students to overcome this difficulty of not having been trained properly because of the contents of the course?

Dr. Bunwaree: I don’t agree with what the hon. Member is saying. I don’t know

whether hon. Mrs Hanoomanjee meant that. I don’t think so. We have not mentioned the contents of the course. We were talking of the qualifications of that lady. Even concerning the qualifications of that lady, I have no reasons to say, even now, that that lady was not qualified when she took over that job. But, now concerning the contents of the course, no one is talking about that. The contents are there and the syllabus is there. There is another lady who is replacing that lady already and the course will continue.

Mr Jugnauth: The hon. Minister has replied to my earlier question in general terms saying that there have been malpractices and shortcomings. My question was: may I know exactly what is being reprocher to the instructor about the malpractices and the shortcomings?

Dr. Bunwaree: Well, this, we cannot say at this stage, because the enquiry is going on, because there is procurement of goods and so many things in that. So, we have to wait for what the Audit’s Report will tell us and then, we will be able to situate maybe further responsibilities.

But, at this point in time, the reason is mainly because that lady’s recommendation from the MQA had lapsed.

Mr JhugrooLe ministre vient de confirmer qu’il avait entendu qu’il y avait une session de massage faite par des hauts cadres de son ministère. Will he consider having an internal enquiry done, and then inform the House of the outcome of the enquiry which will be carried out?

Dr. Bunwaree: L’honorable membre a mentionné des hauts cadres de mon ministère. On n’a jamais parlé de cela. Je m’élève vivement contre ça. Ce n’est pas de cela qu’il s’agit. J’ai entendu dire qu’il y avait des étrangers qui allaient dans cette institution. Il y a des sessions pratiques qui sont réalisées. Normalement, les élèves eux-mêmes partagent cela. Mais, à mon avis, il ne faut pas que les étrangers arrivent. Je ne suis pas pour que les étrangers viennent là, à condition qu’on trouve un autre endroit, un laboratoire en particulier où cela pourrait se faire. Mais pas dans l’enceinte de cette institution en tant que telle. Donc, je m’élève vivement contre ce qu’on dit. Ce n’est pas du tout les cadres de mon ministère. Si l’honorable membre a des renseignements, il peut me les faire parvenir.

The Deputy Speaker: Hon. Jugnauth, last question!

Mr Jugnauth: M. le président, est-ce que je peux savoir quand la première enquête a été initiée?

Dr. Bunwaree: La première enquête a été initiée deux ou trois semaines après que nous, au ministère, avions reçu la première lettre de ces trainees qu’on avait envoyée au MITD. Cela devait être – si je ne me trompe pas – en août ou septembre 2012.

The Deputy Speaker: Next question, hon. Mrs Labelle!







Ministry of Education and Human Resources - Programme Code 425: Technical and Vocational Education was called.


Mr Obeegadoo: Under item 26313 – Extra-Budgetary Units, we are asked to approve supplementary expenditure of Rs2 m. having regard to salary compensation for 2012 MITD.

Now a recent case this year, concerning allegations against a member of staff who has since resigned, suggests that a number of staff at the MITD do not have qualifications required and are recruited without advertisement of positions. May we have an undertaking that this amount, in fact, went to properly qualified staff of MITD and not political protégés.


Dr. Bunwaree: Chair, I am not aware of people working at MITD who have not the qualifications what I am aware of, and I’ll say it loud and clear here, there are procedures that were used to enrol certain people were not according to me acceptable and this was something that existed since long and we have put an end to that.


Mr Obeegadoo: Chair, on the same point, do I understand that the monies we are voting are going, at least, partly to persons who were not recruited according to proper procedures?


Dr. Bunwaree: These procedures were existing since the past. I don’t know whether they were proper or not proper, but I was not agreeable with that type of procedure and I stopped it.


Mrs Ribot: Mr Chairperson, I would like to ask the hon. Minister some clarification under item 26323027 - Capital Grant – Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, on the consultancy services in respect of the development of a business plan. I would like to know the name of the consultant or the consultancy agency and whether there was any tender and the names of the bidders as well as some details on the business plan itself?


Dr. Bunwaree: Chair, in fact, the business plan concerns a very laudable initiative of the MITD which has to position itself as a regional training of trainers centre. The second part of the question: the MITD did hire the consultancy firm to conduct a business plan for the setting up of that regional training of trainers centre which cost the sum of Rs2 m. and was financed by this additional grant of Rs2 m. The selection of the consultancy firm was done, I am informed, through restricted bidding process where nine firms were invited and at closing of bids – I can circulate the names of the nine, I don’t have them here - only one consultancy firm namely KPMG Centre submitted its proposal for a total of Rs2 m. An appraisal committee was set up to analyse the proposal received and it was found to be responsive. This is the information I can give to the hon. Member and, of course, I’ll make arrangements for the list of firms that were invited to be laid on the Table of the Assembly.


Mr Uteem: Chair, did I hear correctly the hon. Minister under item 26313 answering to a question from hon. Obeegadoo. He stated that there may be some people who have benefited from payments when they should not have received these payments and that it was a practice that was there before.

MITD – MRS Y. M. – RECRUITMENT (22/10/13)


(No. B/799) Mr P. Roopun (Third Member for Flacq & Bon Accueil) asked the

Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to Mrs Y. M., he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Mauritius Institute of Technology and Development, information as to if the Committee set up to inquire into the circumstances which led to her recruitment on the basis of a faked certificate while disregarding her previous conviction has completed the inquiry carried out thereinto and, if so, indicate the findings thereof.







(No. B/678) Mr S. Rughoobur (Second Member for Grand’Baie & Poudre d’Or) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the Human Resources Development Council, she will, for the benefit of the House, obtain therefrom, information as to -
(a) if the Board thereof has been constituted and, if not, why not;
(b) the initiatives undertaken to ensure that Mauritius has the required trained human resources to develop the Information Communications Technology, financial services and tourism sectors;
(c) if any action plan is/will be implemented therefor and if so, give details thereof, and
(d) if a strategic partner has been appointed therefor and, if so, give details of the
partnership and, if not, why not.
Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, at the very outset, I wish to inform the
House that in the context of the Budget 2015-2016, amendments were brought to the Human Resource Development Act by way of Section 22 of the Finance Act 2015 to provide for the Human Resource Development Council’s membership to be reduced from 26 to 11 members and for the repeal of the provisions relating to its Executive Committee which comprised eight members. The rationale behind this review is to make provision for an efficient- sized Council that will enable better performance and quick decision-making at the HRDC.
While keeping in view the above objective and given that the former Council and
Executive Committee have been repealed and lapsed, consultations are being held with stakeholders for the constitutions of the new Council which will be set up shortly. Madam Speaker, as regards part (b) of the question, the HRDC by virtue of its mandate should provide the necessary human resource thrust for the successful transformation of Mauritian economy and has recently undertaken a number of initiatives to ensure that Mauritius has the required trained human resources to develop the Information Communications Technology, Financial services and Tourism sectors which has been mentioned in the Economic
Mission Statement (Vision 2030) of the Rt. hon. Prime Minister as having the potential to generate growth, value and employment.
As part of such initiatives to determine the skills gap, the HRDC has, amongst others, conducted labour shortage surveys in ICT, Finance, Tourism and the skills surveys each involved some 100 companies. The outcome of the survey revealed that there was a need to improve skills across a number of these occupational groups.
An important initiative which goes in the direction to endow the country with the pool of trained human resources relates to the HRDC being the coordinating agency for the implementation of the Graduate Training for Employment Scheme and also acting as facilitator for the execution of the Youth Employment Programme (YEP), the Dual Training Programme, amongst others. The YEP is targeting unemployed youth whereas the Dual Training Programme is focusing on Programme for both unemployed and existing youths.
The HRDC is working closely with the industry associations of the respective sectors and has during year 2014 financed a refund of some Rs75 m. for the training of about 15,400 employees for these three sectors. In addition, the HRDC is also partnering at the level of the consultative meetings which the University of Mauritius is having with the private sector for the mounting of demand-driven training programmes.
As regards the ICT/BPO sector, the findings of the labour shortage survey which was complemented by response from industry associations has provided inputs regarding occupational and skill needs in respect of job creation in the sector. In addition, the HRDC, in collaboration with major IT operators, also developed Nomenclature des Métiers for the ICT/BPO sector that gives a description of job profiles for the said sector and a guide for a decent career path to future entrants in this industry. Moreover, a Career Development Stairway has been developed and published specifically for the ICT/BPO sector to provide information on
various employment and career opportunities through a web portal.
As mentioned above, it is also assisting in the implementation of a Graduate Training for Employment Scheme to provide sponsorship for training of unemployed graduates. Under this initiative, a postgraduate training in ICT is being mounted in collaboration with the industry operators. The YEP database would be used for the scheme. Some 1,900 employees were trained in ICT sector and involved some Rs11.3 m. for the ICT/BPO sector.
As for the financial sector, the HRDC survey identified priority skills in terms of training programmes for Financial and Investment Analysts, Tax Compliance Specialists, Anti-money Laundering Specialists, Insurance Underwriters, Auditors and Financial Consultants. The HRDC sponsored training for up to Rs47 m. for some 7,275 employees in the financial sector. The HRDC is also collaborating with professional associations for provision of a specific training programme such as the Professional Banker’s Certificate and the mounting of a conversion
courses for unemployed graduates in the field of Finance/Accounting.
In the tourism sector, the HRDC is working in collaboration with l’Association des Hôteliers de l'île Maurice (AHRIM), l’Ecole Hôtelière Sir Gaëtan Duval and participating hotels, to facilitate training in the field of tourism and hospitality.
The HRDC is facilitating the implementation of a Skills Development Project for unemployed in the tourism sector. Salient examples include training in Hazards Analysis and Critical Control Points, (HACCP) implementation, luxury pastry production, basic food hygiene training, handling customer complaints, service procedures, among others. The HRDC has refunded around Rs17 m. for some 6,200 persons last year.
In addition, the HRDC is sponsoring the dual mode of apprenticeship scheme which is being implemented by the MITD, especially for the hospitality sector. Under this Apprenticeship Scheme, some 300 persons benefited under the HRDC sponsored scheme for the hospitality sector.
Madam Speaker, as for part (c) of the question, all the initiatives mentioned earlier will be complemented by the formulation of a new National Skills Development Strategic Plan for Mauritius. The HRDC Action Plan includes the conduct of national skills studies for 10 sectors of the economy, covering some 1,500 enterprises.
Part (d) of the question, Madam Speaker. As for part (d) of the question, no strategic partnership has been established at the HRDC. The HRDC is not a training organisation per se.
However, we have received technical assistance from Singapore under the World Bank sponsorship to undertake a scoping mission for the HRD sector, this in view of setting up the polytechnics which will be covering the ICT, tourism and paramedical fields. Recommendations are being finalised.
Mr Rughoobur: The hon. Minister has been speaking about the National Human
Resource Development Plan. Actually, the plan was prepared in 2009, I think, and I wanted to know from the hon. Minister whether there has been any evaluation of the recommendation to date and what has been the outcome because we note that there is actually a deficit in the services sector, that’s why I mentioned the three sectors?
Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: In fact, Madam Speaker, we have learned a lot about
mismatch between the training people are getting in Mauritius and the world of work, and this is why we have been reviewing the whole sector and we are coming up with new surveys and new training programmes.
Madam Speaker: Yes, hon. Rughoobur!
Mr Rughoobur: Speaking about the Grant Scheme, it is true that we speak of big sums that are being spent, but probably if the hon. Minister can look into the funds that are really being used by those employers in sectors where we need really training, that is, we encourage employers in the services sector, for example, to use those schemes, those grants because even in this Human Resource Development Plan you have issues, recommendations where employers
have to be encouraged to use the Grant Scheme which is not being used adequately.
Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, employers are refunded up to 60% of this amount spent and the projects that are being carried out right now involve consultations between the training centres, the university and the private sector. I feel that the private sector has plenty of encouragement being given to them through the HRDC and through the other institutions, which are working in collaboration with them, so as to ensure that training provided will suit the
world of work.
Madam Speaker: Hon. Fowdar!
Mr Fowdar: Thank you, Madam Speaker. I heard the hon. Minister saying that the
number of Board members was reduced to eight. Does it mean that some sectors of the economy represented in the HRDC are no more there now?
Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, the number has been reduced from 26 to 11and we feel that this will be more efficient and less cumbersome.
Madam Speaker: Next question, hon. Rughoobur!






Mr A. Ameer Meea (Second Member for Port Louis Maritime & Port Louis East): Madam Speaker, I wish to raise a matter, which will be addressed to the hon. Minister of Education, and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research and who is also responsible for the MITD. It concerns the examinations for the NC No. 3 Electricity subject where the candidates have sat for the said exams some six months back and, up to now, there has been no result published. Each time the candidates and parents call at the MITD, they are told that the results will be available very soon. So, may I ask the hon. Minister to look into the matter?



The Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research (Mrs L. D. Dookun-Luchoomun): I will certainly look into the matter.





(No. B/589) Mr S. Mohamed (First Member for Port Louis Maritime & Port

Louis East) asked the Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment and Training whether, in regard to the skill gap that exists in our labour market, he will state the –


(a) measures that have been implemented to address same;

(b) actions taken to revamp the training/vocational sector, and

(c) role of the national employment policy in addressing the labour challenges.



Mr Callichurn: Madam Speaker, I wish to refer the hon. Member to the reply I made to PQ B/480 on 24 May 2016, on the measures adopted to address the prevailing unemployment issue, which is fuelled by the skill gap. Despite being a major concern, there has been so far no study at national level to determine the skill gap sector wise as well as subsector wise.



I am informed that the HRDC is currently developing the National Skills

Development Strategy in collaboration with relevant stakeholders and with the technical assistance of the Agence Française de Développement. With the objective of improving the current skills development system and contribute to addressing the mismatch, 12 sectors have been identified for the study, namely –


• the agricultural and fishing sector;

• construction and allied services;

• tourism and hospitability;

• financial and insurance services;


• manufacturing, textile and non-textile;

• freight, logistics and transport;

• wholesale and retail trade;

• building services and real estates, and

• life sciences, healthcare and wellness.


As regards part (b) of the question, I am informed that the HRDC has initiated the

following actions to improve the training/vocational sector, that is -

(i) upgrading of MITD Training Centres;

(ii) continuous professional development of MITD trainers;

(iii) opening of new training centres at Côte d'Or, and setting up of Petit Bel Air

Training Centre with state-of-the-art technology;

(iv) strengthening of the quality assurance system, and

(v) rebranding of the Technical Vocational Education and Training.


As regards part (c) of the question, my Ministry is in the process of formulating the National Employment Policy which will promote productive employment and improve the general working conditions of workers.


Assistance of the International Labour Organisation has been sought for this



Mr Mohamed: Madam Speaker, to start with part (c), the national employment

policy, there was a national employment policy that was put together with consultants from Mauritius and the International Labour Organisation and the National Employment Policy had already been launched. In that context, since there is a deterioration in the figures with regard to employment et le chômage, could the hon. Minister say whether a consultant has been identified as yet to revamp the already finalised national employment policy in line with the new vision 2030 of the Rt. hon. Prime Minister, in order to address his particular vision

and to increase employment in Mauritius?


Mr Callichurn: We have already sought for technical and financial assistance from

the International Labour Organisation and we are awaiting a reply from them.


Mr Uteem: Madam Speaker, may I know from the hon. Minister whether there is any coordination between HRDC and the Ministry of Education and especially in the Career Guidance Unit of that Ministry to channel people right from school?


Mr Callichurn: Can the hon. Member be explicit with his question, please!


Mr Uteem: The question is about skill gap that exists, which means that the demand for the labour and the supply are different. That starts from school. If there is a shortage of scientists, it is from school that you have to channel the students to opt for scientific matters.


So, that is why I am asking the hon. Minister whether there is any coordination between HRDC and the Career Guidance Unit of the Ministry of Education.


Mr Callichurn: There is coordination between the HRDC and the Career Guidance

Unit. They are working in close collaboration. This I can assure the hon. Member.


Mr Mohamed: That was a very good question. According to some information I

have, the Career Guidance Unit that was once at the Ministry of Education has now moved to the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment and Training. What could be done by the hon. Minister in order to increase visibility or lack of communication on that particular aspect? Because ever since it has moved from the Ministry of Education to the Ministry of Labour, there is still the impression by people out there, students and parents that the Career Guidance Unit is still at the Ministry of Education, when, in fact, it is now at the Ministry of

Labour. So, what could be done by the hon. Minister to increase visibility, increase communication and put, at least, a team of specialists who could advise students on career guidance and deciding what they are going to study in line with what the requirements of country are?


Mr Callichurn: Well, according to a recent Cabinet decision, Career Guidance has

been reallocated to the Ministry of Education. I can tell the hon. Member that it was me who had proposed the Cabinet for such course of action because with the coming of the nine-year schooling, it is understandable that it would be most appropriate that Career Guidance remains at the Ministry of Education.



Mr Ramful: During the last budget exercise, it was announced that provisions would be made for about 3,000 gradués chômeurs for them to take part in crash courses that are going to be designed by the University of Mauritius and that apparently Government is going to take charge of the fees, I think, Rs80,000 per student. May I know, since then, how many students have started those courses and how much money has been spent?



Mr Callichurn: I have been told that around 93 graduates are actually benefitting

from the G-test which is being implemented at the level of the Ministry of Education.



Madam Speaker: It has sufficiently been debated. Next question, hon. Ramano!





(No. B/802) Mr M. Gobin (First Member for Rivière des Anguilles & Souillac) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, she will, for the benefit of the House, obtain therefrom, information as to the –

(a) composition of the Board thereof, indicating in each case, the terms and conditions of appointment thereof, including the allowances drawn;

(b) name of the Officer-in-Charge thereof, indicating the-

(i) terms and conditions of appointment thereof, including the allowances drawn, and

(ii) the reasons as to why no Director has been appointed following the retirement of Professor Dubois on or about 2012, and

(c) reasons as to why the transfer of staff from the ex-IVTB to the MITD has not been completed as at to date.






(No. A/35) Mr M. Gobin (First Member for Rivière des Anguilles & Souillac) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, she will table the Report of Professor V. P. Torul in relation thereto which was submitted to her Ministry on or about July 2012.







(No. B/106) Mr S. Rughoobur (Second Member for Grand' Baie & Poudre d'Or) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the Ecole Hôtelière, she will, for the benefit of the House, obtain therefrom, information as to the total intake of students thereat for each of the years 2013, 2014 and 2015, indicating the total number thereof who are -

(a) foreigners, and

(b) graduates.


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I am informed by the MITD that the total intake of full-time students at the Ecole Hôtelière de Sir Gaëtan Duval for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015 stood at 447, 473 and 505 respectively.


As for apprenticeship courses, MITD has enrolled 688 apprentices in 2013, 672 in 2014 and 746 in 2015. I am circulating the details regarding the enrolment for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015 with respect to the courses offered.


With regard to part (a) of the question, I am informed that the number of foreign students enrolled at the École Hôtelière was 3 in 2013, 3 in 2014 and 4 in 2015. They have also benefited from placement in industry. The foreign students came from Malagasy Republic, Syria, India and Latvia. I am advised that the procedures for admission of foreign students have been followed as per established guidelines.


With reference to part (b) of the question, I am informed by the MITD that the number of students who have passed in 2013, 2014 and 2015 stood at 199, 194 and 225 respectively and the level of qualifications ranged from National Certificate Level III to Diploma in Tourism Management and High National Diploma in Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts.


As far as the apprenticeship courses are concerned, the pass rates for years 2013, 2014 and 2015 were 76 per cent, 80.4 per cent and 78 per cent respectively.


Madam Speaker: Yes, hon. Rughoobur!


Mr Rughoobur: I thank the hon. Minister for her reply. Based on the importance of the tourism industry, will the hon. Minister enlighten the House if there are plans by her Ministry to construct a modern infrastructure for the hotel school so as to meet the capacity building strategy of the Government in the future?


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, may I inform the House that an extension of the École Hôletière at Ebène is being contemplated and the new building will be set up and the estimated cost of the project is Rs50 m. The architect has already been appointed. At the same time, the Politechnics at Montagne Blanche will be dealing with hospitality and tourism.


Madam Speaker: Last question, hon. Rughoobur!


Mr Rughoobur: My last supplementary, Madam Speaker, is based on the possibility that we have on cruise ships for those students who are interested in the industry. May I request the hon. Minister to look into the possibility of having a sort of strategic partnership maybe locally with the Sea Training School and the Hotel School of Mauritius?


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, the Mauritius Maritime Training Academy is already working in collaboration with the MITD and they are about to sign an MoU soon.


Madam Speaker: Hon. Jahangeer!






Second Reading




(NO. IV OF 2017) (16/05/17)


Order for Second Reading read.


The Prime Minister: Madam Speaker, I move that the Supplementary Appropriation (2015-2016) (No. 2) Bill (No. IV of 2017) be read a second time.


Mr Baloomoody: With regard to item 32155.045 – Shares and Other Equity Purchase - Knowledge Parks of Mauritius Ltd – Provision required for equity injection in Knowledge Parks Ltd for payment of contractual obligation in connection with the setting up of 3 polytechnics at Pamplemousses, Réduit and Montagne Blanche. May we know where matters stand with regard to that Knowledge Park Ltd? Is it functioning? Does it have a Director? Are the polytechnics operational? Have there been an agreement signed with foreign institution with regard to the running of these institutions?


The Prime Minister: As regards the Knowledge Parks Ltd, the post of CEO is vacant and has been advertised today itself. What was the other question?

Mr Baloomoody: Where are we with regard to the polytechnics? Are they functioning? We are supposed to sign agreement with foreign institutions to run the polytechnics, so may we know? In the Audit report, there have been certain remarks regarding the non-use of this building. The auditors have made a severe remark with regard to this building.


The Chairperson: The Minister of Education can reply if she wants.


Mrs Dookun–Luchoomun: For polytechnics Mauritius, we have a team at the Ministry who is working with the different bodies, different institutions signing MoUs with us, but the Director will be appointed soon, the advertisement is out.




(No. B/500) Mr V. Baloomoody (Third Member for GRNW & Port Louis West) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the proposed setting up of the polytechnics, she will state when same will become operational, indicating the -

(a) names of the foreign institutions which will be collaborating therewith;

(b) minimum qualifications required to join same, and

(c) total capacity of students' intake thereat.


Reply: As the House is aware, the Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd has been set up in

March 2017 and has under its aegis three Polytechnics found at Montagne Blanche, Pamplemousses and Reduit respectively. One of its main objectives is to ensure that students develop the right skills for increased employability especially with regard to new, emerging economic


My Ministry has been actively engaged in discussions with partners both international and local (including industry), for the joint development and delivery of programmes. These partners will also initially act as warding bodies.


I am pleased to inform the House that -

• A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with Waikato Institute of Technology (WINTEC), New Zealand on 09 March 2017, for courses in the field of Tourism and Hospitality. These will be run at the Montagne Blanche Campus.

• A second MoU has been signed on 18 May 2017 with “Le College Communautaire du Nouveau Brunswick, Canada" for courses in ICT at Reduit Campus.

• A collaborative venture has been agreed upon by both the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life and my Ministry for the running of a Diploma course in Basic Nursing at the Pamplemousses Campus.


These courses will be advertised shortly.


In reply to part (b) of the question, the minimum qualification required to join the institutions will be the School Certificate or the Higher School Certificate, depending on the course applied for. The institutions will be dispensing Diploma and Higher National Diploma Courses.


Students having followed a TVET course leading to National Certificate Level 5 will also be eligible for the Diploma courses.


As regards part (c) of the question, the Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd is aiming at enrolling some 1200 students on a yearly basis at the three Polytechnic Campuses.




(No. B/605) Dr. R. Sorefan (Fourth Member for La Caverne and Phoenix) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the training programme by firms on which a levy is imposed, she will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Human Resource Development Council, information as the –

(a) total amount received and subsidies paid for financial years 2015/16 and 2016/2017 respectively;

(b) distribution of training grants by type of training;

(c) amount of subsidy granted to large and small firms respectively;

(d) targeted training subsidies, and

(e) amount of surplus fund up to June 2017 and the alternate uses thereof.


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, with regard to part (a) of the question, I am informed by the Human Resource Development Council that the total amount of levy collected from firms for financial year 2015/2016 is Rs605.8 m. and for financial year 2016/2017, the amount stands at Rs612.1 m.

As for the total grant which has been disbursed, it is Rs202.9 m. for the year 2015/2016 and Rs256.3 m. for the year 2016/2017.

As for part (b) of the question, there are two broad categories of training grants by types of training as follows –

In the first category, there are three incentive schemes, namely -

(i) the in house training scheme;

(ii) the overseas training scheme, and

(iii) the institutional training scheme.

Grants disbursed under these three schemes amount to Rs191 m. and Rs250.3 m. for the financial years 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 respectively.

In the second category, there are also three other incentives schemes namely –

(i) the foreign expertise scheme;

(ii) the multimedia facilities scheme, and

(iii) the training needs analysis scheme.

The amounts disbursed for these three other schemes are Rs11.9 m. and Rs6 m. for the financial years 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 respectively.

I wish to inform the House that the total grants disbursed for the financial year 2016/2017 amounts to Rs256.3 m. and covers sectors namely agriculture and fishing, construction, financial services, information technology, manufacturing, tourism and others.

During the same financial year, some 2,587 firms have benefited from training grants and 55,233 persons were trained.

I am tabling the information on distribution of the training grants at Annex 1.

As for part (c) of the question, the amount of grants to large firms is Rs146 m. and Rs192.8 m. for financial years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 respectively whereas for small and medium enterprises such grants stand at Rs45 m. for 2015-2016 and Rs57.5 m. for 2016-2017. It is to be noted that in year 2015-2016, some 586 large firms and 1,298 small and medium firms have benefited from the training grants.

With regard to part (d) of the question, on the targeted training schemes these fall into three programmes, namely the National Skills Development Programme, the Graduate Training for Employment Scheme and the projects emanating from sectoral committees.

Under the National Skills Development Programme an amount of Rs40.6 m. has been disbursed to date for 85 training courses involving 2,500 trainees who have been enrolled for training in sectors namely: ICT, Tourism, Construction, Financial Services, Nursing and Paramedicals.

As regards GTES, 263 graduates have benefited and the amount involved is Rs15.35 m.

The third category for the targeted training grant relates to projects emanating from sectoral committees. Under this component 524 individuals have been trained from 114 enterprises.

I am tabling the information and grants to large and small firms and targeted training schemes at Annex II.

Dr Sorefan: Thank you, Madam Speaker. Thank you, hon. Minister, for all the information.

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: I have not finished. I am sorry I have not answered part (e).

Dr Sorefan: Sorry!

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: With regard to part (e) of the question, the balance of the National Training Fund stands at Rs1.2 billion and has been invested in the Treasury Bills at the State Bank of Mauritius Ltd. The amount collected as levy is also being used to finance the apprenticeship scheme of the MITD, Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd, HRDC Operational Budget, including Capital Expenditure, and HRD projects, the one that I have mentioned, NSDP, GTES and DTP. Thank you.

Dr Sorefan: Thank you, Madam Speaker. I do not have a supplementary question, but I would like to thank the hon. Minister for giving us all that information. I will move to the second question.

Madam Speaker: Usually, you have to use Question Time to ask questions. Next question, hon. Dr. Sorefan!

Dr Sorefan: Thank you, Madam Speaker. I think this is the last question of the day and probably my last question.


I will go into that question like you stated, Madam Speaker, B/606.





(No. B/712) Mr V. Baloomoody (Third Member for GRNW & Port Louis West) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the setting up of Polytechnics in the wake of the implementation of the Nine Year Basic Education Programme, she will state –

(a) the total estimated cost thereof, indicating the amount of funds disbursed as at to date;

(b) the expected date of coming into operation thereof, and

(c) if appropriate staff have been recruited and, if so, give a list thereof.


Reply: Funds provided for Financial Year 2017/18 in regard to the setting up of

Polytechnics amount to Rs130 m., out of which Rs60 m. has been earmarked for Capital Expenditures and the remaining Rs70 m. for Recurrent Expenditures.


Given that the Polytechnics Board has been set up in December 2016 and has started operating only in January 2017, the sum disbursed as to date stands at Rs2.1 m. only. Since then, a number of strategic decisions have been taken for the full operationalisation of the institution.


As such, the remaining amount will be utilised for staff costs, payment of partnership fees, purchase of equipment and furniture and funds for the running of courses which are due to start at the end of the month and thereafter.


With regard to the second part of the question, I am glad to inform the House that the Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd will start with the running of the National Diploma in Nursing before the end of this month. Applications for the course have been received and a selection exercise for the enrolment of students has been planned for the coming week. This course will be run in collaboration with the Central School of Nursing and the Mauritius Institute of Health. An MoU has already been signed with the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life to that effect.


In addition, discussions are ongoing with CCNB in New Brunswick, Canada and

WINTEC in New Zealand. MoU's have already been signed with these two partners. Courses in the field of Tourism and Hospitality and IT should start before the end of the first quarter of 2018. Further discussions have started with HTMI in Switzerland and is progressing satisfactorily. A team from HTMI is expected in Mauritius on 14 November 2017 to finalise discussions.


With regard to the third part of the question, 5 Managerial Staff have been recruited since 16 October 2017, namely, the Chief Executive Officer, the Administration and Human Resources Manager, the Finance Manager, the Students Affairs Manager and the Facilities Manager. Interviews are currently being carried for the filling in of the 3 posts of Administrative Officer. Call for applications have already been launched for the posts of Programme Leader,

Nurse Educator and Procurement and Supply Officer. Interviews will be carried out soon and the positions will be filled before the end of November 2017.







(No. B/388) Mr D. Ramful (Third Member for Mahebourg & Plaine Magnien) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the issue of skills mismatch on the job market, she will state where matters stand as to the actions initiated to deal therewith, since November 2016 to date.


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, with your permission, I propose to reply to both questions PQ B/388 and B/415 at the same time as they both relate to the same issue.


The mismatch issue is a worldwide phenomenon and with the rapid evolution of the economy and the world of work, matching skills to industry needs have become imperative for any country. Since 2015, my Ministry in collaboration with support institutions, namely the HRDC, the MITD, Public Tertiary Education Institutions as well as the Private Sector is addressing the issue of skills mismatch holistically and has taken proactive measures to enhance employability of our youths.


The HRDC has carried out skill studies to identify skills needs in various sectors of the economy. It has conducted skills studies in 10 sectors, namely agriculture and fishing; tourism and hospitality; construction and allied services; financial and insurance services; ICT; manufacturing; textile and non-textile; logistic and transport; storage; wholesale and retail trade; business services and real estates.


The findings of the ICT, construction, tourism, textile and agriculture sectors have been publicly presented. It has been found that there is an accurate manpower shortage in these occupational groups.


In addition, the HRDC has set up sectoral committees with Private Sector

participation which assist in the mounting and implementation of Skills Development Programmes. 15 skills development projects have been implemented involving 409 trainees.


An important scheme which has been put up in the financial year 2016-2017 is the National Skills Development Programme which has, as main objective, to train unemployed youth to better develop and match their skills with the demands of the labour market.


To date 3,661 persons have been enrolled on the training programmes in various

fields, namely tourism and hospitality, ICT, security, construction, nursing and paramedics, health and social care, wholesale and retail trade, financial services, manufacturing, film industry, environmental services and beauty care. And this, as per the demands of the industry. Training costs are covered. Trainees are also provided with stipend.


In addition, a Graduate Training for Employment Scheme has been put up to improve the skills of unemployed graduates. To date, 310 graduates have been trained with the participation of 63 employees and again, in the following fields: ICT, finance, tourism, HR and business management, construction and agriculture.

Public tertiary institutions, especially the UoM, UTM and UDM, are working in close collaboration with the private sector to address the issue of skills mismatch at tertiary level, and this through consultative Committees.


Thus, the UoM has put up since 2017, a university industrialism office responsible for encouraging, coordinating and strengthening the university industry linkages.


And from now on, as from the first year of new programmes, soft skills are integrated in the curriculum as a compulsory component. Moreover, all new and revised programmes now have work placements or industrial training components as from the second year.


With the view to sustaining closeness to the market, the Higher Education

Commission, or the Tertiary Education Commission, as it is now called, in the context of the implementation of the Higher Education Act will be required to accredit, the higher education courses for their relevancies. Moreover, priority fields of studies which have been worked out in consultation with stakeholders are listed by the Tertiary Education Commission and updated regularly. The information is available on the website.


We are also promoting high technical training at polytechnic level and the curriculum of programmes delivered by the polytechnics is being elaborated with close involvement of the private sector. The graduates of these polytechnics are involved in industries whilst the duration of their studies. The placement of students is rendered more interesting and attractive through training arrangement with campuses abroad. In the field of TVET the issues of skills mismatch is also being attended to. At the level of the MITD, the MITD is implementing the recommendations of a consultancy study carried out by ITEs Singapore.


The recommendations, covering the rationalisation of training centres, upgrading of training equipment, infrastructural development, capacity building of trainers and strengthening the quality assurance system, have been taken on board in the projects implemented by the MITD within its transformation plan.


The transition to green economy also requires skilled workers possessing required

competencies for green jobs, and, this context, Agence Française de Développement is financing a consultancy study on the assessment of green skills in Mauritius. We also have the dual apprenticeship mode. Under this mode, operated by the MITD and dispensed by employers themselves through the world-based component, a total of 4,011 apprentices have benefited from the training and placement in 152 enterprises.


Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, an Integrated Career Counselling System has also been set up at the level of the HRDC with a technical assistance from Cascade UK Ltd., a UK based consultancy firm which carried out a study on the setting up of an integrated career counselling system.


As per recommendation of the consultants, we are reinforcing our career counselling system, my Ministry is also re-engineering its Career Guidance Unit to provide dedicated career counselling to wider audience. We have also already conducted the training of 80 senior educators so that they can improve their career delivery services, and we are planning to repeat this exercise for another batch of 80 educators.


The HRDC is also in the process of developing a digital careers resource that will be equipped with resources, tools and information to help our youth plan their career.


Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, we are trying to tackle the problem of mismatch by coming up with a series of measures, and we hope that this issue will be settled.




(No. B/415) Mrs A. Perraud (First Member for Port Louis North & Montagne

Longue) asked the Honourable Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the job market, she will state the fields in which there is mismatch in the acquired and required skills, indicating the actions taken in relation thereto.


(Vide reply to PQ No. B/388)



RECRUITMENT (22/05/18)


(No. B/432) Mr Osman Mahomed (Third Member for Port Louis South & Port Louis Central) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the post of Executive Director for Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd., she will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Company, information as to if the recruitment thereof has been advertised and, if so, when, indicating the –

(a) number of applications received as at closing date, and

(b) proposed date for filling thereof.


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I take it that the post of Executive

Director for Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd refers to that of Chief Executive Officer.


On 12 May 2017, the post of Chief Executive Officer for Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd was advertised and the closing date was set to 01 June 2017. 31 applications were received by the deadline and 13 candidates were shortlisted and convened for the interview.


Following the selection exercise, an offer was made to Dr Arun Patil, Associate

Professor in Engineering Management at Deakin University, Australia. However, after considering the terms and conditions of employment, he declined the offer.


In view of the urgency of the situation and given that courses were due to start before the end of the year, Government approved on 06 October 2017 that Mr Bhavit Yamal Matabudul be appointed as Chief Executive Officer of Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd given that he was previously employed as Project Manager for the Tertiary Sector at my Ministry. In that capacity, he was also assigned the responsibility for Polytechnics projects under the Capacity Building Programme, from November 2016 to April 2017. He thereafter resigned and took up the post of Consultant at the World Bank.


Mr Matabudul was offered the post of Chief Executive Officer Polytechnics Ltd on 09 October 2017 for an initial period of one year, renewable, subject to satisfactory performance.


He joined the organisation on 16 October 2017.


He is a holder of a BSc in Physics from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, an MSc in Public Policy and Management from the University of London as well as an MSc in Education with specialisation in Higher Education from the University of Oxford.


Madam Speaker: Hon. Osman Mahomed!


Mr Osman Mahomed: Has Mr Yamal Matabudul already assumed duty and how is

he faring so far?


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: As mentioned in my answer, Madam Speaker, he has

assumed duty and joined the organisation on 16 October 2017 and he is working to our satisfaction.


Madam Speaker: Next question, hon. Rughoobur!


– OPERATIONAL (03/07/18)

(No. B/499) Mr R. Uteem (First Member for Port Louis South & Port Louis Central) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd., she will, for the benefit of the House, obtain therefrom, information as to the amount of money paid in terms of consultancy and management fees respectively in relation to the construction of the buildings thereof, if any, indicating the –

(a)               current use made thereof, and

(b)              amount of rent, if any, being charged in respect thereof.

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun:  Madam Speaker, the Polytechnics project has been the subject of numerous Parliamentary Questions in the past, yet for the information of the House, I believe it is important to provide a brief history of the project which was initiated by the previous Government before talking about the present project.

In 2011, the previous Government came up with a policy to set up three buildings at Pamplemousses, Montagne Blanche and Reduit respectively, with the main objective of renting them out to private parties for the running of university campuses. Decision was thereafter taken in May 2013, to set up the Knowledge Parks Ltd, a fully-owned Government Company to own and manage the three new university campuses. The then State Land Development Company Ltd, now Landscope Mauritius Ltd, was appointed as the implementation agency for the Knowledge Parks Ltd Project.

When this Government took office in December 2014, the three buildings which were still under construction were transferred to my Ministry. Given the major reforms taking place in the Education Sector and in particular, in the Technical Vocational Education and Training Sector, the current Government announced its decision in 2015, to use the three buildings to start the Polytechnics project with the objective of running training programmes to serve the emerging needs of Mauritius for a qualified human resource at middle-professional level.

On 19 August 2016, Government approved that a new company, Polytechnics Mauritius be set up to replace the Knowledge Parks Ltd, and thus, the Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd was gazetted in March 2017.

Madam Speaker, in reply to part (a) of the question, the then State Land Development Company Ltd had on 26 October 2010, awarded a contract for consultancy services to Luxconsult Mtius Ltd for the Design and Supervision of the Reduit Building for a sum of Rs34, 287,005 inclusive of VAT.  In June 2011, the consultancy services fees were revised to Rs50,890,691 inclusive of VAT, to also cater for the concept planning, detailed design and construction, supervision of two other buildings located at Pamplemousses and Montagne Blanche.

 However, the contract price was revised to Rs58,557,238 inclusive of VAT for the provision of additional consultancy services for supervision works carried out during the extended period of the works contract.  The additional provision of Rs7,666,546 prior to December 2014 is due to a change in internal designs during the construction period, and hence, extra time period was required to accommodate the changes for the final delivery of the buildings.

            As at May 2018, Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd made a total payment of Rs56,947,956, inclusive of VAT to Luxconsults Mtius Ltd. The remaining amount of Rs1.6 m. will be paid upon completion of snag works at the Reduit Campus by Luxconsult Mtius Ltd and a subsequent handing over to Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd.

As regards management fees, Knowledge Parks Ltd has effected a total payment on 10 November 2013 to the then State Land Development Company Ltd for a total sum of Rs7,020,000, inclusive of VAT.

 Madam Speaker, with regard to the second part of the question, I am glad to inform the House that the three campuses of Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd are now fully operational.

 The Pamplemousses Campus is running the National Diploma in Nursing for some 116 students. The Montagne Blanche Campus will also be running the Diploma in International Hotel and Tourism Management and a first cohort of students is currently enrolled. As regards the Reduit Campus, it is currently housing the Corporate Office.  In addition, the Programme Leader has been recruited for the ICT Faculty at Reduit and Fintech Worshop was carried out last week. Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd is currently finalising the Microsoft certification programmes which will soon start.

Madam Speaker, given that Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd is a body corporate established under the aegis of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research with the objective of running training programmes to serve the emerging needs of the country, the issue of rental does not arise.

            Mr Uteem:  Madam Speaker, the Director of the National Audit,  in 2016 and 2017 - two years  - has been very critical of Polytechnics in Mauritius. And one of the recommendations that was made, and I quote -

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) should be drawn between the PML - Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd - and the Ministry whereby, the responsibilities and obligations of both parties would be clearly defined."

So, may I know from the hon. Minister whether such a Memorandum of Understanding has been agreed upon and if she would table a copy of that Memorandum of Understanding?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd. is operating as a private company although the main shareholder remains the Government of Mauritius. No such MoU has been signed between Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd and my Ministry. However, Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd is operating on its own.

Mr Uteem: According to the Report of Audit, Polytechnics Mauritius  Ltd has borrowed around Rs400 m. from the Government of Mauritius. May I know from the hon. Minister what is the interest rate and how they intend to repay that loan?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I repeat that the previous Government had taken the decision to start up the building and to rent the building later on to private operators, and then the money was to be returned. When we took office in December 2014, discussions were held between my Ministry and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development so as to waive off this rent issue or the repayment of loans. Discussions are still on between the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.

Mr Uteem:  I have a last question. Thank you, Madam Speaker. According to the reply of the Ministry to the Audit Report, the Ministry stated that there is a number of partnerships in the fields nursing, paramedical, tourism, ICT that are being contemplated and being finalised. So, may I know from the hon. Minister since she said that all three campuses are now operational, if she can give the list  of our partners who are running the courses in the three campuses?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: In the case of the Pamplemousses campus, we are having a partnership with the Mauritius Institute of Health through the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life to run the nursing courses.  At the Montagne Blanche Polytechnics, a partnership has been drawn between the Polytechnics of Montagne Blanche and HTMI of Switzerland. And in the case of the Polytechnics of Réduit, there are MoUs that are to be signed with - let me just check and I will let you know - a number of institutions, Microsoft being one of them and there are discussions on with other partners as well.





(No. B/688) Mr E. Jhuboo (Third Member for Savanne & Black River) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the Surinam Mauritius Institute of Training and Development Centre, she will, for the benefit of the House, obtain therefrom, information as to the courses being run thereat, indicating in each case, the number of students enrolled therefor.


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I am informed by the MITD that four courses are being run at the Surinam MITD Training Centre in the following fields as from this year –

·         Electrical Installation Works at NC3 Level with 24 students;

·         Plumbing at NC3 Level with 22 students;

·         Garment Making at NC3 Level with 23 students, and

·         Agriculture at NC3 Level with 21 students.


It is to be noted that the students for Agriculture course registered themselves at the Surinam MITD Training Centre, but follow their courses both theory and practical at the FAREI, Wooton.


In addition, 12 students had followed the course on Electrical Installation Work on the old scheme at NC4 Level at the Surinam MITD Training Centre from July 27 to July 2018.


Madam Speaker: Yes, hon. Jhuboo!


Mr Jhuboo: Since the hon. Minister mentioned the NIC4 course, can we know the reason why the course was cancelled?


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: The course was not cancelled, Madam Speaker. There is a new scheme and the course duration has now been extended to two years. For this particular year, we are waiting for the NC3 students to complete their NC3 Level and to go on a two-year NC4 course. So, we are waiting for this batch to move on. It is a question of space and infrastructure available for the course. So, next year most probably when the 24 students, who are in NC3 this year, will go for NC4, they will be given the course.


Madam Speaker: Yes, hon. Jhuboo!


Mr Jhuboo: Thank you, Madam Speaker. My information is that the NC4 will be cancelled and the students will be transferred to Mahebourg in Beau Vallon. So, there has been some representation from parents and students to the effect to maintain the NC4 course in Surinam.


Madam Speaker: That is your question.


Mr Jhuboo: This is my question.


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: This is what I am trying to explain, Madam Speaker. We do have a rationalisation programme at the level of MITD.  But the very fact that this year there were only four students from the region who opted for NC4, they were provided the opportunity to go for the courses at Mahebourg.


            In the years to come, we will be having a brand new, modern centre at Beau Vallon which will be able to cater for a larger number of students, but for the time being, the NC3 level students are being awaited to complete their course and then they will move on to NC4, which will be a course over two years.  That is why we have a problem of space. Previously, the NC4 course was of one-year duration, and so we had sufficient space for all the students together. Now, we have to wait for the cycle to be completed before recruiting students for NC4.  It is a two-year course now.


            Madam Speaker: Hon. Mrs Perraud!


            Mrs Perraud: Can the hon. Minister inform the House whether, for this MITD, new equipment will be bought and the infrastructure will be upgraded, please?


            Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, there is a whole programme of renovation going on at the level of the MITD. I cannot specifically say what are the equipment that are going to be bought for that particular centre, but I can assure the House that the whole sector is being rebranded.  So, we will be having new equipment in all the centres.




(No. B/156) Mr S. Rughoobur (Second Member for Grand'Baie & Poudre d'Or) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the École Hôtelière, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain therefrom, information as to the –

(a)        total intake of students in 2016, 2017 and 2018, respectively;

(b)        name and qualifications of the Director thereof, and

(c)        list of existing vacancies thereat, indicating the impact thereof on the smooth running of courses thereat.

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, the École Hôtelière Sir Gaëtan Duval dispenses courses in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Trades at national certificate, diploma and higher national diploma levels on full-time, part-time and as well as apprenticeship modes.

With regard to part (a) of the question, the enrolment of trainees in the courses run by the hotel school for years 2016, 2017 and 2018 were 2,075, 2,474 and 2,092 respectively.

Further, with the implementation of the National Apprenticeship Programme as announced in Budget 2018/2019 to enhance prospects of youth employability, there were 881 apprentices enrolled at the École Hôtelière.

With regard to part (b) of the question, I am informed that the centre is presently headed by an acting Training Centre Manager.  The vacant post for the Training Centre Manager was advertised in November 2018 and the selection exercise is underway. The Scheme of Service for the post provides for the following qualifications –

·                     A Cambridge Higher School Certificate or passes in at least two subjects obtained on one certificate at the General Certificate of Education, Advance Level, and

·                     A Degree in Hotel Management, Tourism, Hospitality, Physicals and Science Engineering, Computer Science or Design.

Regarding part (c) of the question, there are three other funded vacancies at the École Hôtelière Sir Gaëtan Duval, namely two Coordinators and one Training Officer in Tourism Management. Necessary arrangements have been made by the MITD for the smooth running of the activities at the centre.  Two Training Officers have been assigned the duties of coordinators to ensure that there is no impediment in the operations of the Centre. As for the Training Officer, recruitment is under process. Scheme of Service for the coordinators is presently being reviewed. The Centre also has recourse to several part-time resource persons from the hospitality and tourism industry for specialised modules.

Mr Rughoobur: Madam Speaker, I had a similar PQ in 2017. At the level of the pass rate for full time students in May 2017, it was more or less 50%.  I would like to know from the hon. Minister whether during these two years, there has been any improvement at the level of this pass rate.

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, the pass rate is more than 80% with a high possibility of employability. In fact, if we go down and look at all the various fields of study, some of them reach 100% as well. But if I can limit myself to a number of the courses, at the level of the National Certificate Level 3, it is around 93.4%, for the National Certificate level 4 – 88.9%, the Diploma and High National Diploma, the pass rate ranges from 88.9% to 93.4%.

Mr Rughoobur: Madam Speaker, we today talking about this Tourism 3.0, may I know from the hon. Minister whether she contemplates, along with this Hotel School to ensure that the courses, curriculum of the Hotel School, the courses that are being offered are more technology driven?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, in fact the MITD normally prepares and designs it courses along with the industry people. I am told that it has reviewed 47 out of the 72 curricular and this includes 14 curricular for the Hospitality and Tourism Sector in the fields of Food Production, Front Office, House Keeping and a number of others.

Moreover, the MITD is working in partnership with the IT Education Services of Singapore and the Académie de La Réunion for implementation of capacity building programmes to review its curricular.

I must also add that in the same area Polytechnics Mauritius are also offering courses and this is being done in line with the trends in the sector with the help of HTMI from Switzerland. I must also mention that technology is being included in all the courses. In fact, in the New International Higher Diploma in Hospitality Management awarded by the Peace and Education Limited, a module on digital marketing has been incorporated. In all hospitality courses, the trainees are trained on specialised hotel management software. In the Travel and Tourism Diploma, Front Office students are trained in the use of specialised software like the Amadians and technology is being included in all the courses.

Madam Speaker: Hon. Jhuboo!

Mr Jhuboo: Thank you, Madam Speaker. The Comité de Gestion of the Ecole Hôtelière Sir Gaetan Duval, the decision making body of the institution has not sit since almost a year now, when the former Chairman, Mr Jean Marc Lagesse, resigned. So, how can such an institution operate without regular meetings?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I must mention that as far as the Management Committee is concerned, in spite of the fact that the Chairman has given his resignation, we have tried to remain in contact with the hotel sector and continuously people from the different groups, even from AHRIM and other individual hotels do come and deal with the Hotel School regularly.

Mr Rughoobur: Thank you, Madam Speaker. I have a last supplementary. Well, the Ministry of Tourism has issued a Strategy Document 2018-2031.  May I know from the hon. Minster whether the school is ensuring the Director that would be appointed shortly is fully in line with this Strategy Document, which is important for the sector?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I have gone through the Strategic Paper from the Ministry of Tourism and, in fact, we are working in collaboration, we have regular meetings. The new Director who will be appointed will, obviously, be briefed on all these policies.




(No. B/227) Mr S. Rughoobur (Second Member for Grand'Baie & Poudre d'Or) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd., she will, for the benefit of the House, obtain therefrom, information as to the student intake thereat over the past 24 months, indicating the number of seats available on courses offered thereat over the same period.


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, the student intake of Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd is to date 709. It is to be noted that the Pamplemousses Campus came into operation in November 2017 and has enrolled four cohorts of students for the National Diploma in Nursing, that is, 290 students out of a total 375 seats. While the two other campuses which came into operation in May and September 2018 have enrolled 419 students in ICT and International Hotel and Tourism Management. For the Réduit Campus, there are 193 students out a total of 207 seats, and for the Montagne Blanche Campus, 170 students for a maximum capacity of 203.


Madam Speaker: Hon. Rughoobur!


Mr Rughoobur: I thank the hon. Minister for her reply.  May I know from the hon. Minister, out of these cohorts of students whether it is nursing or other clusters, what is the total amount of NSDP students that has been recruited?


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I do not believe that these students are from the NSDP Programme.


Madam Speaker: Hon. Rughoobur!


Mr Rughoobur: May I know from the hon. Minister, there has been a couple of MoU that were signed during 2017, HTMI Switzerland, Waikato Institute of Technology, one from Canada, how are these strategic partnerships and MoU that were signed, how is it contributing into the quality of courses being delivered and also increasing the population of students at these?


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, if we take the collaboration between Polytechnics Mauritius and HTMI, I would like to inform the House that we have a number of lecturers that come over, help in the design of the courses. In fact, the number of students at the Montagne Blanche Institution has risen up in spite of the fact that it started operating only recently and to the end of 2018. I have just given you the figures, the number of students has come up to 170.


Madam Speaker: Excuse me! Hon. Minister, can you please resume your seat!

I think that is too much! Now you will have to leave your mobile phone outside when you come into the House!


Mr Rughoobur: I don't know if the hon. Minster has already replied to this question because it was not that clear for me the number of students.


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: I have just mentioned that the number of students at the Montagne Blanche Polytechnics, which is running courses in collaboration with HTMI, has gone up to 193, a total of 193 over a cohort of 203.


Mr Rughoobur: Thank you, Madam Speaker. Last supplementary, the student population has increased drastically, it is true. May I know from the hon. Minister, as per the business plan of Polytechnics Mauritius, for the next financial year, the number of students expected is more than 1,000?


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, the Polytechnics Mauritius, which started its operation in October 2017, has come up with a business plan and they have mentioned in the Business Plan that these are estimates and they had planned that up till 2020, we will be having around 2,000 students. So, right now, we are at 700, we have intakes that are going to be recruited during the year and we expect that by next year the number will rise to 1,400 and it is expected to keep on rising till 2020.


Madam Speaker: Next question, hon. Rughoobur.





(No. B/228) Mr S. Rughoobur (Second Member for Grand'Baie & Poudre d'Or) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd., she will, for the benefit of the House, obtain therefrom, information as to the number of loans contracted as at to date, indicating in each case the –

(a)        quantum;

(b)        terms and conditions, and

(c)        outstanding amount thereof.


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, Polytechnics Mauritius Limited was incorporated on 02 March 2017 and Polytechnics Mauritius Limited, I am informed, has not contracted any loan since its incorporation.


Mr Rughoobur: Thank you, Madam Speaker. Speaking of the financial component, may I know from the hon. Minister whether, the last audited report of Polytechnics which was formerly known as 'Knowledge Parks', I think, whether these have been tabled and filed?


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, Polytechnics Mauritius has started its operation only recently and they are working on the report. I do not think it has been tabled yet, but I must say that Polytechnics Mauritius came up only in 2017 and it has taken up, in fact, the Knowledge Parks of Mauritius Limited, and the audit report would be submitted in due time.


Mr Rughoobur: Madam Speaker, this is a very important issue. I hope that the Minister will agree to that. But, apart from this, the recurrent expenditure of Polytechnics Mauritius is on average Rs40m. to Rs50 m. every year. May I know from the hon. Minister how is the Polytechnics in a position to finance this recurrent expenditure based on the financial situation of that organisation?


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Polytechnics Mauritius has just started operating. It has received funds from the HRDC to start the operation and there is a part of the Budget of my Ministry that goes to Polytechnics Mauritius.


Madam Speaker: Next question, hon. Rughoobur!




The Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research (Mrs L. D. Dookun-Luchoomun): Madam Speaker, with your permission, I propose to make a statement on the implementation status of Polytechnics Education in Mauritius. 

Following technical assistance from the World Bank for the establishment of the polytechnics sector within the training landscape of Mauritius, recommendations were made by a Singaporean Consultant on the development of Polytechnics Education and its legal and institutional framework. Accordingly, in August 2016, decision was taken for the setting up of Polytechnics in Mauritius.

Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd was subsequently established in 2017 under my Ministry with the mandate to address the emerging needs of Mauritius for a skilled and competent workforce at the middle professional level. Its vision “to innovate and craft a high-skills ecosystem" is fully in line with Vision 2030 of this Government to move Mauritius from a middle-income to a high-income economy status and to strengthen the Knowledge Hub.

Youth and graduate employment remains a priority concern of this Government and Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd purposefully aligns its programmes to the needs and demands of industry stakeholders through rigorous practice-based immersion that prepares students for the world of work. Industry stakeholders are brought into the discussion with institutions at the programme design stage to generate a relevant and fit-for-purpose curriculum that addresses skills gaps and builds future ready skill sets for increased employability.

Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd has started operations in three state-of-the-art campuses located at Pamplemousses, Réduit and Montagne Blanche which offer courses in their respective fields, namely, Nursing and Paramedical, Information Technology and Hotel and Tourism.

With a view to develop new and niche fields of study where skills gaps exist and where trainers are unavailable to service programmes, Polytechnics Mauritius has signed a number of MoUs with a number of well recognised institutions. These include La Trobe University and Murdoch University in Australia, Hotel and Tourism Management Institute in Switzerland, AMITY Institute of Higher Education and the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life as well as the Mauritius Institute of Health.

Forthcoming ones will include renowned International Institutions in UK, the US and Malaysia. At all times, this collaboration also satisfies the predominating concern to ensure quality in the teaching and learning process.

Madam Speaker, right from the first cohort of 68 students in Nursing recruited in November 2017, Polytechnics Mauritius has been growing fast and has already increased its student body tenfold to cross the 700-student mark. The figure will definitely increase given the new opportunities being offered by this Government to students under the Free Higher Education Scheme. 50 members of staff, including 13 part time academics, have also been recruited in the last one and a half years. Today, Polytechnics Mauritius regroups 290 students at the Pamplemousses campus in Nursing and will shortly launch specialised nursing courses as well as allied health and paramedical programmes with Australian partners.

The Réduit campus, focusing on IT and emerging technologies, welcomes 193 students enrolled in a variety of programmes, including such cutting edge courses in Diploma in Big Data and Diploma in Internet of Things, in partnership with AMITY University and up skilling courses for industry-demand oriented Microsoft and Oracle certifications targeting working professionals as well as school leavers. Pathways and articulations also exist onto Bachelor programmes for those who wish to progress further. Forthcoming programmes will focus on game design, animation, data science and artificial intelligence and will also bridge the gap around cloud and open source programming.

Some 170 students are enrolled at the Montagne Blanche campus across tourism, hospitality and cruise management programmes. Programmes include Hotel Management with HTMi Switzerland as well as specialised short industry-ready courses on Golf, Spa and Supervisory operations. Forthcoming programmes include landscaping, urban and community planning and sports management. In the near future, Montagne Blanche campus will also be home to the Engineering cluster to service light rail programmes for the Metro Express project as well as bunkering and other specialised programmes targeting the maritime sector.

The concept of Polytechnics education for high skills is new in Mauritius. Polytechnics Mauritius has oriented its cap on 'real skills for the real world' and aims to increase the level of sophistication with Industry to develop impactful collaborative projects. At the core, innovation will drive future offerings and new models of partnership, not limited to programme offering but as an “Innovation Hub" to explore exponential returns to Industry and Government through the Polytechnics and other sister institutions. Polytechnics Mauritius will sustain and refine its approach to competency-based learning and provide holistic education through an equal measure focus on technical aptitude and soft skills and character development.

We have no doubt that the education landscape has shifted according to the demands of the time, and so have our policies through our national education reform, and that is in a promising way, towards one with multiple pathways to success. Polytechnics Mauritius will certainly have an important role to play in this endeavour. Indeed, as per its Business Plan, Polytechnics Mauritius is targeting an enrolment of 2,000 students by the year 2020.

Thank you, Madam Speaker.





(No. B/387) Mr Osman Mahomed (Third Member for Port Louis South & Port Louis Central) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the Technical and Vocational Education and Training, she will –

(a)        table copy of the policy of her Ministry in relation thereto, and

(b)       state the percentage of youngsters having joined same in each of the years 2015 to 2018.

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, at the very outset, I wish to highlight that the potential contribution of the TVET sector in the socio-economic development of the country is fully understood and my Ministry is deploying all efforts to boost up the important component of the education sector.

The strategic goal of the TVET is to create a vibrant sector, responsive to national economic needs so that all graduates emerging from the TVET stream are highly skilled and ready for employment. In this regard, a number of proactive initiatives have been taken, namely –

                    (i)                     Upgrading of the infrastructure with state of the art technology;

                   (ii)                   Reviewing TVET programmes for increased relevance to the emerging needs of the economy, and

                  (iii)                  Capacity building at all levels.

Madam Speaker, with regard to part (a) of the question, the TVET sector has been catered for primarily by the MITD and the Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd which are the implementing arms of my Ministry.  I am tabling a copy of the MITD Strategic Plan as well as the Strategic Plan for Polytechnics Mauritius Strategic Plan 2018/2020. These, in fact, encapsulate the new policy orientation for the sector in line with Vision 2030.

With regard to part (b) of the question, it has been noted that there is a steady and progressive increase in the percentage of secondary age group students who are opting for TVET, the students in the public TVET sector, that is, the MITD, the Polytechnics and FDI, as a percentage of students enrolled in the secondary sector for the period 2015 to 2018 is as follows –

·                     Year 2015 - 15.09%;

·                     Year 2016 - 16.38%;

·                     Year 2017 - 17.39%;

·                     Year 2018 - 17.87%.

Madam Speaker: Hon. Osman Mahomed!

Mr Osman Mahomed: Thank you, Madam Speaker. My question was about policy while strategy is about implementation; policy is about orientation, les grandes lignes. Can I take it that there isn't one at the Ministry right now?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I must inform the House that the Ministry has taken TVET as one of the major components of the Education sector. We are, in fact, working with the Harvard University to totally rebrand the sector. Obviously, we have a policy for the sector and we are stating that we intend to increase enrolment in the TVET sector by 2030 to 30% and that it would be a gradual one, we are expecting to increase it from the present per cent rate to 25% by 2025. So, Madam Speaker, we do have a policy and we are putting everything in place to ensure that the TVET sector gets rebranded and that people favourably opt to go for TVET instead of taking it or considering it as a second class training.

Madam Speaker, I would like to add that our strategy at the level of the Ministry, our policy is, as I've just mentioned, to increase the enrolment rate, and to be able to achieve this, we are building lifelong learning frameworks, creating pathways for career progression for an advanced vocational certifications, we are increasing the value of TVET and we are fostering innovative learning in the courses, and we want outreached programmes for effective information dissemination. We have been having a team from Harvard carrying out a survey, trying to find out how we can best proceed to rebrand the sector.

Mr Osman Mahomed: Fair enough! Their policy is being prepared by Harvard, but we are on the eve of the introduction of the five credits system at HSC. Can I ask the hon. Minister what provisions have been made for the different fields, the capacity and the facilities needed when the time will come? Because if we don't plan now there will be mayhem in a few months' time when these youngsters will come on the market.

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, we are fully aware of this and the Ministry has already started working on that project. Now, what is important to note is that we have been increasing our intake at the level of the MITD. The Polytechnics Mauritius has started increasing their enrolment and they are planning to go still further. What I need also to stress is that not only in terms of space for the students, we are also going through a major process of capacity building. At the MITD, only yesterday, we had a team from ITE, from Singapore, who were here to carry out a workshop over two weeks for the capacity building in curriculum development. So, we need to ensure that the links between the TVET sector and the industry is further strengthened. All this is being done along or simultaneously to ensure that by the time we reach the policy for five credits that we have sufficient space in all our TVET institutions for our students.

Madam Speaker: Hon. Abbas Mamode!

Mr Abbas Mamode: Yes. The Minister must be aware that right now we are having a problem of seats concerning panel beating and mechanics. So, as today these seats are available only for SC and HSC holders and we all know that people leaving school earlier, say, form 3, the question is that…

Madam Speaker: Ask your question!

Mr Abbas Mamode: The question is: does the Ministry have a policy for those who leave school earlier? What are the measures taken by the Ministry so that these students may have places in Technical and Vocational Education and Training to pursue their studies?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I have just mentioned that care is being taken to ensure that all our students do get the possibility to be trained in the TVET sector. I must add that we have courses for students leaving the secondary schooling, that is, after Grade 10, as well as from the age of 16. They can join the TVET training sector, that is, students leaving after Grade 9 also would be given the possibility of joining and are presently following courses at the level of MITD.

Madam Speaker: Last question!

Mr Osman Mahomed: We have now reached the Fourth Industrial Revolution: electronic and biotechnology, machine language, artificial intelligence and internet of things. Gone are the days of the brick and mortar days! Can I ask the hon. Minister whether the policy that Harvard is working right now is geared towards preparing our youngsters for the fourth industrial generation, which big conglomerates around the world now are favouring skills coming from these kinds of fields?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I must say that Harvard University is working with us for the rebranding of the sector; the policy is being determined by my Ministry. Certainly, we are aware of the advances being taken in the technological world and all the courses that are being provided by Polytechnics Mauritius are meant to cater for all these new requirements of the economy. As far as AI is concerned, Microsoft is already working with Polytechnics Mauritius with a certain number of courses. We are coming with a series of new courses to meet the requirements of this modern economy.

Madam Speaker: The Table has been advised that PQ B/389 has been withdrawn.





(No. B/588) Mr A. Duval (First Member for Curepipe & Midlands) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, she will, for the benefit of the House, obtain therefrom, information as to where matters stand as to the implementation of a new organization structure and new schemes of service for the employees thereof following the merger of the Technical School of Management Trust Fund with the Industrial and Vocational Training Board.


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I am informed that following the merger of the Technical School of Management Trust Fund and the Industrial and Vocational Training Board, the MITD has engaged in a restructuring exercise entailing the elaboration of new organisation structure. This exercise has been untaken and pursued in consultation with the trade unions of the MITD and a new organisation structure has been approved by the MITD Board for implementation.


The restructuring exercise involves 3 main elements –


(i)         the elaboration of the organigram for the MITD which has been finalised in consultation with unions and presented on 02 February 2018;


(ii)        the prescription of Schemes of Service falling under the MITD's organisation structure, to date 67 Schemes of Service out of 78 have been finalised and approved by the MITD Board;


(iii)       regularisation of staff employed on temporary, contract and on month-to-month basis.


The MITD has approved that 95 employees of the MITD be put on permanent and pensionable establishment. Letters of appointment on permanent and pensionable establishment were issued to the employees in June 2019.


Following Budget allocation in the present financial year, the recruitment process will be pursued in respect of funded vacancies. Recruitment exercise is on for other posts, that is, Assistant Manager, Procurement, Logistic, MSO and IT Technician.


The MITD has been asked to pursue the implementation of the new organisation structure at an accelerated pace in close partnership with the unions and this in compliance with approved terms and conditions and in line with the procedures in force.


Mr A. Duval: Madam Speaker, may I ask, the MITD was merged in 2009, why is the delay of 10 years in implementing the new Scheme of Service, which should have been done since 10 years, and why is it that only the Director is the only post that has been filled in a substantive capacity while there are 500 staffs?


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I have just mentioned that it is true that the merger was done in 2009. Nothing had been done since then. As we came into power, we started working and we have impressed on the MITD Board to get things moving. We have just put on pensionable post, 95 employees and other posts are in the process of being filled.


Mr A. Duval: Madam Speaker, may I ask how many employees are now filling in on a temporary basis, actingship in the duties in their respective posts, how many staffs are out of these 500?


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I do not have the exact number but I know that, for example, there is a Deputy Director's post which is on actingship but all these posts are being filled. As I have just said in my answer, we have impressed upon the MITD Board to ensure that there is a quick pace of implementation of the organisation structure.


            Mr A. Duval: Madam Speaker, according to the MITD Act, Section 28 (3) says that following the merger the employee should not be worsened off with regard to their duties. Yet, they have been filling in higher duties.  For 10 years, they have not been given a salary compensation, a revision as they should have been and now the new posting are being done externally rather than internally, advertisements.


            Will the Minister, c'est la moindre des choses, give now internally advertisements to all these people who have been filling in for 10 years, give them priority, if they fill the minimum requirement, and then go for external advertisements? 



Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, we have just mentioned the delays that we have had in implementing the whole process. It is because there were discussions with the unions and we have waited until they are all agreeable to whatever propositions are being made. But one thing we have to clear, that actingship does not give a person the right over the others. But we are not saying that when the posts are open to others, that they cannot apply and if they are found to be better, they will obviously be recruited. I will impress upon the MITD to make sure that everyone gets the opportunity to apply for these posts and to be treated fairly.


Mr A. Duval: Madam Speaker, what we do not understand is that 83 staff members were taken on the first intake note basis. Cabinet gave its approval while they did not, for most of them, meet the minimum requirement. Yet for the rest of the staff who have been doing under actingship, now we are being told that they should apply together with the rest of Mauritius, who is going to apply, isn't it not just fair to apply the same principle for everyone?


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Let me explain that these are two different issues. The people that have been put on pensionable posts have been working over there for over 12 years in certain cases on a contract basis, on a month-to-month basis, and the MITD Board found it fair to ensure that they get some stability and to have this security of tenure. But then, for the others who have been on actingship, they will get their fair chance of applying for the post and obviously, if they are found to be among the best, they would be recruited. And I have asked the MITD Board to ensure fairness in all procedures.


            Madam Speaker: Next question, hon. Adrien Duval!




(No. B/589) Mr A. Duval (First Member for Curepipe & Midlands) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the posts of Technical Assistants and IT Technicians at the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development, she will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the MITD, information as to, in each case, the –


(a)        terms and conditions of employment thereof;

(b)       number of employees in the said grades, and 

(c)        scheme of service thereof.


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, with regard to part (a) of the question, I am informed that the terms and conditions of employment for the post of Technical Assistant IT on the establishment of the MITD are as follows –


·                     Cambridge School Certificate;

·                     A certificate in Information Technology or Computer Studies from a recognised institution, and

·                     A certificate in PC troubleshooting from a recognised institution and at least two years practical experience in computer operations.

          Madam Speaker, as for the post of IT Technician, it is a new post and the terms and conditions for this post are as follows –


·                     a diploma in Information Technology or Computer Science or Computer Engineering from a recognised institution or equivalent qualifications acceptable to the Board, and

·                     at least two years of practical experience in repairs and maintenance of computers.


The salary scales for the two posts are as per the provision of PRB and are reflected in the Schemes of Service.

In regard to part (b) of the question, I am informed that there are seven Technical Assistants employed on the permanent and pensionable establishment of the MITD and one new post of Technician ICT which has been created.

With regard to part (c) of the question, I am tabling the Schemes of Service for the two posts.

Mr A. Duval: Madam Speaker, in the PRB 2013, the post of Technician ICT was created, yet up to this day these seven have been filling in the duties of the Technical Assistants. The Technical Assistants have been filling in the duties of Technicians ICT. The question is, Madam Speaker, given that there are 24 centres in Mauritius and Rodrigues and over 850 computers, why is it that these Technical Assistants are doing the duties of Technicians, a higher post, but are being paid the salary of Assistants?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, it is for the Board to see whether there should be any allocation provided. But I will still convey to the Board the proposition being made. But then, we have to be careful. Any adjustment or allocations given has to be within the parameters of the legislation and the MITD Board.

Mr A. Duval: Madam Speaker, can the Minister tell us whether with regard to the proposed new Scheme of Service for the Technical Assistants, whether it is not true that part of the duties of the Technicians have been included in their duties and is that therefore not a breach of that Section 28 (3) of the MITD Act which I said, that they should not be worsened off with regard to their postings?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, the creation of a new post has nothing to do with the post that they are occupying. If there is a new post created, they will have the opportunity to apply for it and by no means it is in a way trying to give them a less favourable position. They can, they may or may not apply for the new post created.

Mr A. Duval: Madam Speaker, if I may, a last question. let me just ask this then, with regard to the new funded position of Technician ICT, will she consider now the eligibility of the Assistant Technicians, even if on paper they do not have the minimum requirement in terms of degree but will she at least give them consideration for that new post given that for 10 years they have been doing the job without any pay revision and given that they have obviously the experience now?


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I have got with me the Scheme of Service for Technician ICT and I am looking at the qualifications required. It requires a diploma, as I have just mentioned, it does not talk of a degree.


Mr A. Duval: Will the hon. Minister take into consideration their eligibility?


Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: But they already are eligible.


Madam Speaker: Next question!




(No. B/642) Mr J. Leopold (Second Member for Rodrigues) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to vocational training, she will state the steps taken by her Ministry for the optimization thereof in order to improve social mobility in mainland Mauritius and Rodrigues.

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, in my reply to PQ B/387, on the 21 May 2019, I had informed the House the important and potential contribution of the TVET sector in the socio economic development of the country.

I also stressed that our goal is to create a vibrant TVET sector responsive to the national economic needs so that all trainees emerging from the TVET stream are highly skilled and ready for employment both in Mauritius and Rodrigues.

My Ministry has issued guidelines for the implementation of a number of measures and programmes through its institution, namely the MITD and the Polytechnics Mauritius to promote further the TVET, which is a viable pathway to enhance the probability and thereby improving social mobility.

The MITD is collaborating with the IT Education Services of Singapore, which is a consultant in the TVET sector. An Action Plan has been put for the transformation of the sector. This includes the rebranding of the sector, the review of programmes and curricular relevant to the existing and new emerging sectors, the modernisation of infrastructure with state-of-the-art technological facilities, the development of structural pathway within TVET, capacity building and also building for a lifelong learning framework which will create pathways for career progression.

Madam Speaker, workshops are carried out regularly for capacity building as to date 48 MITD programmes out of 73 have been reviewed and these were developed in close collaboration with industry. Moreover, a total of 170 MITD trainers have already undergone trade specific technical upgrading and pedagogical training both locally and abroad.

The National Apprenticeship Programme announced in the Budget 2018-19 is being implemented by MITD in different trades. A total of 2,489 apprentices, including 52 Rodriguans have already been enrolled on the National Apprenticeship Programme as at 31 June 2019. In order to boost up the sector, the Government has in its Budget 2019-20 announced the NAP is being extended to 32 trades, from 23 to 30.

The upgrading and expansion of training centres are also taking place. A modern training centre is being set up at Beau Vallon, we should include workshops and labs equipped with the state-of-the-art technologies. The same is being done at Le Chou, I will come to Le Chou just in a minute. These measures, Madam Speaker, clearly indicate that our Government is aiming at ensuring and enhance nexus between training and the world of work to promote employability, enhance social mobility.


Madam Speaker, Rodrigues Regional Assembly has a Commission for Training and Industrial Development and they are collaborating with the MITD. The MITD Le Chou Multi-purpose Training Centre offers training through full-time and apprenticeship modes. Some 241 trainees, including 39 in the apprenticeship scheme have been enrolled in these courses, this year, and 115 trainees have been enrolled in short courses in different fields.

Considerable investment has been made in the expansion of Le Chou Multi-Purpose Training Centre with the construction of a block to accommodate three workshops, to increase enrolment capacity and offer high-level courses in electrical installation work as well as for the introduction of new courses, for example, refrigeration, air-conditioning, etc.


35 trainees from Rodrigues have been enrolled in MITD Training Centres in Mauritius, the new upper level areas, such as hospitality, ICT and nursing.


So, apart from this, we have Polytechnics Mauritius where we have 19 Rodriguans who have been enrolled for expanded training in new areas, especially nursing. Polytechnics Mauritius has also filled a mission in Rodrigues to better sensitise Rodriguans at the course offered and the possibilities of running Polytechnics programmes in Rodrigues is also under discussion, in particular, in digital media, given the present availability of high speed Internet along with training in marine technology.

Madam Speaker, the recognition of prior learning for people who do not reckon any form of qualification but for a significant work experience is also being done at the level of the Mauritius Qualifications Authority and the Mauritius Qualifications Authority has a centre at the Human Resource Centre at Malabar, Rodrigues, and will provide all necessary information there.

Madam Speaker, once again, I would like to draw the attention of the House that the measures that we have taken indicate our commitment towards the mobilisation resources for the development of our human capital and this both in Rodrigues and Mauritius and we are sure and almost confident that this will enhance employability, enhance the movement on the social ladder.

Mr Leopold: May I ask the hon. Minister about what step her Ministry is taking to work with businesses in the Republic of Mauritius to address any gap in the education and the training on the question of skills?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I mentioned earlier in my answer that we have elaborated the course programmes, the design of the courses as well with the industry people and we are hoping that with this collaboration the placement will  be done more easily and with the new National Apprenticeship Programme, we have a collaboration already established with the private sector.

Dr. Boolell: Can I ask the hon. Minister whether we are working towards recognition of high-level programme of TVET with like-minded countries?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Sorry, I did not hear the last part of the question?

Dr. Boolell: Whether we are working towards recognition of higher level programme of TVET with like-minded countries?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Certainly, with Polytechnics Mauritius we are moving towards the high-end skills development and we are working with Singapore and other foreign countries, namely Australia and Switzerland for that.

Madam Speaker: Next question, hon. Jahangeer!







Mr T. Henry (Fourth Member for Mahebourg & Plaine Magnien): Merci, Madame la présidente. Ma requête va à la ministre de l'Education à propos du projet de la MITD à Beau Vallon. Les habitants de Beau Vallon ne sont pas contre le projet d'implanter la MITD dans l'endroit, mais ils sont un peu déçu par l'endroit choisi pour monter le bâtiment. C'est un endroit que tous les sportifs,  les enfants des alentours, pas que Beau Vallon, de Mahebourg, tout le monde vient là pour pratiquer le sport.  

Madame la présidente, malheureusement, les habitants sont en train de s'organiser pour ce dimanche-ci car ils vont faire une marche pacifique pour exprimer leur mécontentement. Il y a d'autres options d'endroit à Beau Vallon même, dans les alentours, pour pourvoir monter ce MITD. Donc je demanderai à la ministre de bien vouloir voir cela avec l'aide des habitants afin de leur permettre de garder leur terrain de sport.   


The Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research (Mrs L. D. Dookun-Luchoomun): Madame la présidente, puisqu'il y avait une question basée dessus, je peux transmettre à l'honorable membre les faits comme ils sont.


Au fait, c'est déjà dès juin 2017, qu'il y a eu des consultations qui ont été faites au niveau du District Council de Grand Port et le District Council m'a fait part du fait que les District Councillors et les Village Councillors de Beau Vallon ont été informés de ce projet et c'est vrai aussi que, à partir de septembre 2017, le terrain a déjà été vested au ministère de l'éducation ; et c'est vrai aussi on m'a informé que le Council est en présence d'une lettre du Youth Network of Mauritius demandant des clarifications à propos du bâtiment.


Et voilà, je peux informer l'honorable membre que le ministère de l'éducation compte aller de l'avant avec le projet de la MITD tout en assurant que les habitants de Beau Vallon ait un terrain de foot à l'endroit. D'ailleurs c'est un terrain de 6 arpents, 3 arpents ont été alloués au ministère de la jeunesse et des sports pour mettre sur pied - pour préparer le terrain de foot et venir avec d'autres aménités telles cloakroom, jogging track, etc. 


En ce qu'il s'agit du MITD Training Centre, toute autre projet sportif que nous aurons sur le terrain c'est-à-dire en terme de terrain de volley-ball etc. seront mis à la disposition des gens de la région.







(No. B/909) Mr V. Baloomoody (Third Member for GRNW & Port Louis West) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the Chief of Polytechnics Mauritius (Ltd.), he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain from the Polytechnics, information as to the –

 (a)       mode of recruitment thereof;

(b)        total pay packet thereof, including fringe benefits, and

(c)       list of missions and conferences attended since his appointment to date, indicating in each case the –

(i)         country visited;

(ii)        duration thereof, and

(iii)       cost of air ticket and per diem allowances drawn.

            Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, in my reply to Parliamentary Question B/432 of 22 May 2018, I informed the House about the details regarding the recruitment of Mr Yamal Matabudul as Chief Executive Officer, Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd.

            Following the approval of Cabinet on 06 October 2017, Mr Yamal Matabudul was appointed as Chief Executive Officer, Polytechnics Mauritius. Mr Matabudul is a holder of a BSc in Physics from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, an MSc in Public Policy and Management from the University of London, as well as an MSc in Education with specialisation in Higher Education from the University of Oxford. He assumed duty on 16 October 2017 on a contractual basis for a period of three years renewable on a yearly basis subject to satisfactory performance. His contract has been renewed on 19 October 2018 for a period of one year.

In regard to part (b) of the question, the emoluments drawn by the Chief Executive Officer comprise the basic salary of Rs116,760 and all-inclusive monthly allowance of Rs40,000.

In regard to part (c), I wish to inform the House that the Chief Executive Officer has undertaken two overseas missions and I am tabling the relevant information.

Madam Speaker: Hon. Baloomoody!

Mr Baloomoody: Thank you, Madam Speaker.

In 2016, this post was advertised and many people who were qualified did apply.  Can I know from the hon. Minister what happened subsequently following that advertisement and the application of qualified people?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, I had just informed at the beginning of my answer that I had already given information regarding the recruitment of Mr Matabudul. So, for the information of the House, I'll go over it again.

The post was advertised in 2016 and following a selection exercise, 13 candidates were shortlisted for interview and the interviewing panel had recommended that Dr. Arun Patil, Associate Professor and Director of Post Graduate Course Work Studies in the School of Engineering of Deakin University in Australia to be appointed as Chief Executive Officer of Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd., but the latter had, in a correspondence dated September 2017, declined the offer made to him, and Government decided to appoint Mr Matabudul for the post.

Mr Baloomoody: So, do we take it that Mr Matabudul was appointed without any selection from the list of those who applied, when the post was advertised in 2016?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, following the recruitment exercise, Dr. Patil was appointed and no other candidates were selected. Following that, we had appointed Mr Matabudul because he had already worked at the Ministry of Education and was responsible for the tertiary education section.

Mr Baloomoody: So, the hon. Minister is confirming that Mr Matabudul was appointed without any selection exercise?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Yes.

Mr Baloomoody: And can she confirm that Mr Matabudul was one of her advisors prior to his appointment?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: No, Madam Speaker, Mr Matabudul was not an advisor to the Ministry.

Mr Baloomoody: Can we know when the selection exercise of 2016 was cancelled, why there was not another selection exercise so as to appoint the most competent person to that post?

Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: Madam Speaker, in my answer to PQ B/432, I had clearly explained to the House the reasons why Mr Matabudul was appointed. I would request the hon. Member to go back to that answer.

