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Year 2009
FENCING (14/04/09)
(No. B/225) Mr S. Dayal (Second Member for Quartier Militaire & Moka)
asked the Minister of Local Government, Rodrigues & Outer Islands whether, he is aware of the state of the fencing of the football ground, found adjacent to the Petit Verger St Pierre Government School, and, if so, will he state the remedial measures that will be taken.
The Minister of Youth & Sports (Mr S. Ritoo):
Mr Speaker, Sir, with your permission, I shall reply to this question.
I thank the hon. Member for having drawn our attention to the state of the fencing of the football ground found at the back of Petit Verger St. Pierre Government School.
I am informed by the Ministry of Housing & Lands that the football ground is not vested in my Ministry and is located on the land acquired for the construction of the school.
The Mauritius Sports Council has confirmed that the fencing and the block walls of the football ground is seriously damaged and represents a hazard for the users of the playground and the inhabitants of the vicinity.
Therefore, as an immediate measure, I have requested the Mauritius Sports Council to remove the damaged fencing and block walls.
My Ministry will liaise with the Ministry of Education, Culture & Human Resources and the National Development Unit to work out the modalities, including funding, for reinstating the fencing and block walls.
Mr Dayal:
Can I know from the hon. Minister how soon the work will start?
Here are the photos showing how dangerous it is and the fencing is almost leaning against several houses in the vicinity.
Mr Ritoo:
I will request the Ministry of Education and the NDU so that we can have a meeting and start work soon.
UPGRADING (14/04/09)
(No. B/226) Mr S. Dayal (Second Member for Quartier Militaire & Moka)
asked the Minister of Education, Culture & Human Resources whether, in regard to the Petit Verger St Pierre Government School, he will state if he will consider upgrading the toilets thereat.
Dr. Bunwaree:
Mr Speaker, Sir, I wish to inform the House that action has already been initiated by my Ministry to implement upgrading works in one of the two existing toilet blocks at the school, the other one being in good condition.
I am informed that the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Land Transport & Shipping (MPI) is presently carrying out a detailed survey at the school and will, subsequently, submit the cost estimates for the project by end April 2009, that is, in a few days' time.
Tentatively the works are expected to start around mid-May 2009 and will be completed around mid-August 2009. I am going to take into consideration the question of the fencing around the football ground, because we have found a way out. In fact, I did not have time to discuss with my colleague and I am sure that this will be taken on board at the same time as we are looking after the toilets.
SCHOOLYARD, ETC. (21/04/09)
Mr G. Lesjongard (Second Member for Port Louis North and
Montagne Longue)
: Thank you, Mr Speaker, Sir, for allowing me to raise the following matters at Adjournment Time.
The first matter concerns the Ministry of Education and it is with regard to the Marcel Cabon Government School at Cité la Cure. The parents of those students, Mr Speaker, Sir, have been protesting against the deplorable state of the school and the school premises. This is not the first time that this is so. Last year, they protested for the same reasons, that is, the state of the school yard, the toilets, the unavailability of drinking water, teachers arriving late in the morning and no regular meetings between the school authorities and the parents.
This morning, Mr Speaker, Sir, I met the parents and they informed me that yesterday they had a meeting with an officer of the Ministry of Education and that it was only today that the lawn was attended to. Mr Speaker, Sir, these parents are under the impression that their voices are not being heard by the concerned authorities and that they have to shout for the Ministry to take the necessary actions.
Mr Speaker, Sir, the toilets also are in a deplorable state. The parents also complained that, very often, teachers arrive late at school. And this morning itself, I witnessed the late arrival of a teacher. I would, therefore,
Mr Speaker, Sir, request the concerned Ministries to urgently look into the matter and find long-term solutions to the said problems.
The second matter, Mr Speaker, Sir, which is very serious, pertains to the CT scan at the Victoria and SSRN Hospitals. I understand that both machines have broken down and are not available for scanning.
Mr Speaker, Sir, you will recall that we had many PQs in this House concerning the malfunctioning of the CT scan at the Victoria Hospital, J. Nehru Hospital and SSRN Hospital. If I am raising this matter today, Mr Speaker, Sir, it is because I, myself, witnessed such a situation where a member of my family was admitted in the early hours of Sunday morning with serious health problems and had to undergo a scan. He was admitted at Victoria Hospital. Unfortunately, at that moment, the scanning could not be done at the Victoria hospital as the CT scan had broken down. While the decision was being taken to transfer the patient from Victoria Hospital to the J. Nehru hospital, he had a massive attack, Mr Speaker, Sir, and went into a coma. Mr Speaker, Sir, you can imagine the seriousness of the case. Under these serious conditions, the patient had to travel from Victoria Hospital to J. Nehru Hospital at Rose Belle for a CT scan. Now, when the scan was done at J. Nehru Hospital, he was not admitted at that hospital. But again, under the same condition, he had to travel from that hospital to be admitted at the Cardiac Centre at the SSRN Hospital because, at that time, there was no bed available with re-animation equipment at the J. Nehru Hospital Mr Speaker, Sir. Those CT scans, Mr Speaker, Sir, are most of the time not in good
working conditions or not working at all. You will agree, Mr Speaker, Sir, that such equipments are crucial to the health of those patients who are in a critical condition. I think the Minister will agree that under such conditions we are putting at risk the lives of those patients. Therefore, I forcefully request the Minister to urgently look into the matter and find long-term solutions to these problems in order to avoid putting at risk the lives of those patients.
Au moment où je fais cette déclaration cette personne est entre la
vie et la mort, M. le président.
My third issue pertains to the 'taxi
Bruniquel at Baie du Tombeau. I understand from those drivers that the Attorney-General was looking into their case. They complained that they have not heard from him for quite some time now. So, I would request the Attorney-General to, at least, inform those people where matters stand regarding the situation.
Thank you, Mr Speaker, Sir.
(7.15 p.m.)
Mr P. Jhugroo (Third Member for Port Louis North and
Montagne Longue)
: Mr Speaker, Sir, regarding the Marcel Cabon Primary Government School…
Mr Speaker
: The matter has been raised hon. Jhugroo. I would just ask you to comment and support the hon. Member. You should not repeat the drawbacks because I have a list of Members, and time will not permit all of them to take the floor.
Mr Jhugroo
: M. le Président, tout abord laissez-moi remercier le
ministre Bunwaree pour avoir agit tout de suite à ma requête hier matin.
Afin de poursuivre sur cette bonne lancée, je demande au ministre de faire le
nécessaire pour que les toilettes de l'école soient dans les normes adéquates
et d'assurer que la fourniture d'eau retourne à la normal afin que la
salubrité des lieux soit respectée.
Mr Speaker, Sir, there is also a water leakage in front of the blocks of the Standard II which results to water stagnation. The old caretakers quarters have become a place which drug addicts have transformed into a
quartier général.
Furthermore, this situation favours lack of discipline in the school where neither the PTA nor the staff can deal with misbehaviour among pupils. I would, therefore, appeal to the hon. Minister to look into the matter so as to see in which way remedial measures can be applied at the earliest possible.
I won't be long, Mr Speaker, Sir. There are also some problems regarding Le Hochet and I am tabling a list of them. Amongst them, there are the problems of lighting, construction of drains and asphalting of new roads. Thank you.
The Minister of Education, Culture and Human Resources) (Dr.
V. Bunwaree)
: Mr Speaker, Sir, I have taken note of what have been mentioned by both hon. Members. In fact, hon. Jhugroo phoned me yesterday. Hon. Mrs Juggoo also talked to the staff of my Ministry. In fact, as hon. Jhugroo himself said, we acted promptly. There is a list of such problems, but this is a very specific school and we are giving special attention to it. I don't want to take piecemeal measures only, I want it to be in such a way that things do not recur. Of course, I'll do the needful. Thank you.
(No. B/461) Mr S. Naidu (Third Member for Beau Bassin and Petite
asked the Minister of Education, Culture and Human Resources whether, in regard to the new primary school set up at Camp Créoles, Albion, he will state if all the sanitary amenities have been installed and are in good conditions.
(No. B/470) Mr D. Rucktooa (Second Member for Grand' Baie and
Poudre d'Or)
asked the Minister of Youth and Sports whether, in regard to the Petit Raffray Football Ground, he will state if upgrading works will be carried out thereat, indicating when.
The project for upgrading works of the Petit Raffray Football Ground is in the list of priority projects of my ministry and comprises the following -
(i) the removal of the existing fencing, supply and fixing of new high level chain link fencing and supply and fixing of new gate;
(ii) renovation of cloakroom and toilets, and
(iii) leveling and turfing of the pitch.
This project will be implemented in phases. My Ministry is in the process of carrying out a restricted bidding exercise for the first part of the project to enable its implementation on a fast -track basis.
(No. B/472) Mr S. Dayal (Second Member for Quartier Militaire and
asked the Minister of Environment and National Development Unit whether, in regard to the Soopaya Soobiah Government School at Réduit, he will state if Government will consider carrying out landscaping works in the yard
thereof, indicating if consideration will be given to the putting up of benches thereat.
: I am aware of a request in this respect. It is under consideration at the Living Environment Unit of my Ministry. The hon. Member will be informed of developments.
Year 2010
Mr R. Bhagwan (First Member for Beau Bassin & Petite Rivière):
Mr Speaker, Sir, sometime back I raised the issue of the situation at Barkly Government School which falls under the category of a ZEP school. For the past three or four years, the results at the CPE level have been very bad. This school is situated, I can say, in a most deprived region of Mauritius. There is a lack of teachers, of discipline not only on the part of school children, but also of parents.
There is also a lack of equipment and I won't mention the problem of environment.
Mr Speaker, Sir, I am appealing to the hon. Minister, once again, to see to it that, at least, urgent action is taken and that site visits be effected, investment be made so that the situation could be redressed in the interests of one and all. Thank you.
The Minister of Education, Culture and Human Resources (Dr. V. Bunwaree):
Mr Speaker, Sir, in fact, the point was raised. We have not left the Barkly Govt. School like that.
There are some problems which have got their reasons for quite some time, but just to give
un aperçu
to the hon. Member, for example, the absenteeism rate at Barkly Govt. School is now being corrected. More children are present in more days of the week. I will just give the figures.
For January 2010, it was 6.5% absenteeism compared to 9.4% last year. For January 2008, it was 19.2%. There are so many improvements that have to be brought to the school, be it on the infrastructural side.
Mr Speaker, Sir, I have just got the figures for Barkly Govt. School. In fact, many infrastructural works are being carried out there. I'll ask the hon. Member to bear with me. We are giving a special attention to the school. I will see to it that we strengthen further all the measures that we have taken and see what can be done furthermore for this school.
Mr Speaker, Sir, I am convinced that the results will be much better this year, taking into consideration
l'aperçu que j'ai déjà sur le plan de l'absentéisme qui a baissé et l'effort qu'a fait le maître d'école - un très bon maître d'école qu'on a envoyé là-bas. Je suis sûr que cela va s'améliorer.
(No. 1B/23) Mr S. Dayal (Third Member for Quartier Militaire & Moka)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the access road leading to Petit Verger Government School, he will state if he will use his good offices to liaise with the relevant authorities for the upgrading thereof.
Dr. Bunwaree
: Mr Speaker, Sir, I am informed that the access road to the school is a non-classified one and is in a good condition. It does not require upgrading as such. However, it is narrow, with a width of about three metres and, indeed, causes hardships, and represents a security hazard for the school community and the residents of the locality.
The enlargement of the road will necessitate the compulsory acquisition of a strip of three metres of land along one side of the road.
I am informed that the Traffic Management and Road Safety Unit of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping has already initiated action for the acquisition of the strip of land.
Upon acquisition of the land, the following works should be carried out -
(i) widening of the road to 6m;
(ii) provision of a footpath of 1.5m, and
(iii) construction of a lay-by along the side of the access road between the Bois Chéri Road and the school.
(No. 1B/133) Mr A. Ameer Meea (First Member for Port Louis Maritime & Port Louis East)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Villiers Réné Government School, he will state if during the renovation works presently being carried out thereat, the students thereof will be temporarily transferred and, if so, where.
It is not proposed to transfer pupils of Villiers René Government School during the present renovation works being carried out in the school.
(No. 1B/238) Mr A. Ameer Meea (First Member for Port Louis Maritime & Port Louis East)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Jean Lebrun Government School, he will state -
(a) the cost of the phase I extension work;
(b) when the phase II construction works are expected to start, indicating
(i) its duration
(ii) the cost thereof, and
c) where matters stand in relation to the upgrading of its football ground, indicating if money has already been earmarked.
Dr. Bunwaree:
Mr Speaker, Sir, as regards part (a), the answer is Rs21.8 m. Regarding part (b), works are expected to start by end of November 2010 and completed by end of July 2012. The estimated cost of works is around Rs62 m.
As regards the upgrading of the football ground, my Ministry has earmarked funds for the implementation of the project. The National Development Unit (NDU) of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, NDU, Land Transport and Shipping, has already carried out a survey, and is now working on the design, scope of works and the cost estimates, which would be ready by next month.
(No. 1A/30) Mrs J. Radegonde (Fourth Member for Savanne & Black River)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether he is aware that the playground at the Charles Telfair Primary Government School at Chemin Grenier is in a poor condition and, if so, will he state if Government proposes to upgrade same in the interest of the pupils.
With regard to the playground at Charles Telfair Government School situated at Chemin Grenier, I am informed that upgrading works, water proofing the resurfacing of the tarmac, upgrading the blockwall and replacing the chain link fencing around the whole school including the football playground, are included in the list of priority projects to be implemented during 2010 and that funds have been already earmarked for this purpose.
Bidding Documents are being prepared at the level of my Ministry and works are expected to start in October 2010 and to be completed in January 2011
(No. 1B/282) Mr S. Dayal (Third Member for Quartier Militaire & Moka)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether he is aware of the derelict state of the administrative block of M. Ramburrun Government School at St Julien d'Hotman and, if so, will he state if consideration will be given to its renovation.
Dr. Bunwaree:
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I am informed that the administrative block of the M. Ramburrun Government School at St Julien d'Hotman is accommodated in a stone building, which dates as far back as 1951, where upgrading works are indeed required.
My Ministry has already completed, since June 2010, the first phase of works, which comprise tiling, cladding, partitioning, internal painting and construction of false ceiling in some classrooms. As a next phase, it is now proposed to carry out further upgrading works like additional painting, plastering, repairs to false ceiling, replacement of shed and fixing of new gutters to shed.
For the information of the hon. Member, I wish to table a list of other works that may be needed to be carried out by the maintenance team of my Ministry
WATER – SEEPAGE (13/07/10)
(No. 1B/288) Mr D. Khamajeet (Second Member for Flacq & Bon Accueil)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Rajkumar Gujadhur Government School at Flacq, he will state if he is aware of seepage of waste water emanating from the Police Quarters into the school yard thereof and, if so, will he state the remedial actions that will be taken, indicating the timeframe.
Mr Bunwaree:
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I am informed that there is a problem of seepage of waste water emanating from the Police Quarters into the school yard and the matter has been reported to the authorities concerned.
According to reports available, this is due to the fact that the existing wastewater disposal system at the Police Staff Quarters is not functioning due to high water table.
I am also informed that the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, NDU, Land Transport and Shipping (MPI) is currently working on a wastewater disposal system with the Police Department in order to find a solution to this problem.
As a short-term solution, the Wastewater Management Authority is proposing to sort the seepage of waste water through the pumping and carting away of the waste water by the Police Department. I understand that this is actually being done. The Health Inspectorate has also taken mitigated measures to disinfect and larvicide twice weekly the yard of the school.
(No. 1A/40) Mr G. Lesjongard (Second Member for Port Louis North and Montagne Longue)
asked the Minister of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping whether, in regard to the football ground at Vallée des Prêtres Government School, he will state when the contract was awarded, indicating –
(a) the value thereof, and
(b) whether the works have been completed and, if not, why not.
The Works Order for the construction of the football ground at Vallée des Prêtres was awarded on 12 April 2008 for the value amounting to Rs4,877,328.25 and the works were completed on 19 February 2009 and handed over to the Ministry of Education & Human Resource. The football ground at Vallée des Prêtres was entrusted to Messrs Tayelamay & Sons, the District Contractor appointed for Port-Louis Region under the contract “Maintenance, Repairs & Rehabilitation of Government Buildings (2007-2008)".
The maintenance period for these works expired on 19 August 2009.
Ms K. R. Deerpalsing (Third Member for Belle Rose and Quatre Bornes):
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, my request will be short and I know that it will add to the very long list of what the hon. Minister of Public Infrastructure has to do.
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, the children of Beau Séjour Government School as well as the inhabitants of the region of Beau Séjour have complained about the status of the football ground of the primary school. In fact, I have gone there myself. It is not a football ground, it is full of rocks and it is not flat. I would appeal to the hon. Minister if he could send his officers to look into the matter. I don't know whether it is the Ministry of Public Infrastructure or the Ministry of Education who is responsible for that, but I would appeal to the Minister concerned to ask his officers to make a site visit and look at the football ground, because it is not only the children of the primary school who use it, but also the inhabitants of the neighbourhood after school hours.
At 10.42 p.m. the sitting was, on its rising, adjourned to Tuesday 03 August 2010, at 11.30 a.m.
(No. 1B/386) Mrs A. Perraud (Fourth Member for Port Louis North & Montagne Longue)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether he is aware of the derelict state of the playground and of the garden of the Crève Coeur Government School and, if so, will he state if consideration will be given for the renovation thereof.
Dr. Bunwaree:
Mr Speaker, Sir, I am informed that the playground of Crève Coeur Government School is in a usable state but requires minor levelling works as well as grass planting in a few places. These works will be attended to by the Zone Directorate during the end of year vacation period.
As regards the garden, I am informed that, with a view to raising funds for the Parents/Teachers Association, the school had given permission to the watchman for growing ginger and banana trees on the plot of land at the far end of the school compound.
However, the latter has not made optimum use of that land lately for medical reasons with the result that there has been an overgrowth of grasses and bushes on that site since May 2010.
I am also informed that this bushy area will be cleared before the resumption of the third term and in case of continued non utilisation of the said land, the school will cancel the permission granted and arrange for the provision of additional recreational activities for the benefit of the pupils on that site.
(No. 1B/489) Mr J. Seetaram (Second Member for Montagne Blanche & GRSE)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether he is aware of the derelict state of certain classrooms, the toilets and of the fence of the playground of the Basdeo Rosunee Primary School at Bramsthan and, if so, will he state if consideration will be given for the renovation thereof.
Dr. Bunwaree:
Deputy Speaker, Sir, I wish to state that the building accommodating Basdeo Rosunee Government School is an old one, having been constructed more than 36 years ago and, therefore, requires regular upgrading works.
With regard to classrooms, I wish to inform that the Primary School Renewal Project (PSRP) makes provision for the construction of six additional classrooms in the school. The draft Tender Documents are now being prepared by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, NDU, Land Transport and Shipping (MPI) and works are expected to start in November/December, this year, should everything proceed smoothly.
I am also informed that many projects for maintenance and upgrading works have been carried out by my Ministry at the school during the years 2007 and 2008. These works comprised the construction of block wall, laying of paving blocks, waterproofing, replacement of chain link fencing, electrical installations and clearing of the yard.
As regards the upgrading works in the existing toilets, which is in the priority list of my Ministry, I am informed that the scope of works and cost estimates are presently under preparation. These upgrading works will be undertaken during the forthcoming school holidays.
During that same period, my Ministry is proposing to undertake the fencing works in the playground.
Mr Obeegadoo:
Is the hon. Minister aware that there used to be a special funded programme for the upliftment of school toilets, including the one at Bramsthan, as far as I can recall? Will he tell us whether this programme still exists - a distinct programme with budgeted funds for the upgrading of school toilets?
Dr. Bunwaree:
It has been reinforced and if I give the hon. Member the figures, he will be shocked.
Year 2011
Mr J. Seetaram (Second Member for Montagne Blanche & GRSE):
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, my point would be addressed to the hon. Minister of Environment. It concerns the Clementia primary school. Behind that school, there are bushes and high grass growing near a river, which is hidden with trees. It is causing much problem in terms of mosquitoes coming in classes while students are studying. This is causing prejudice to all the students. I would ask the Minister to do the needful, either by cleaning up or by spraying the river. This would solve the problem.
The Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development (Mr D. Virahsawmy):
I shall look into it, but I think it is a problem concerning the Ministry of Local Government.
The Deputy Speaker:
The hon. Member has got only one minute left.
(No. B/230) Mrs A. Perraud (Fourth Member for Port Louis North & Montagne Longue)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the construction of a football ground at the Vallée des Prêtres Government School, he will state
(a) the date on which construction works started;
(b) the name of the contractor, and
(c) if the works have been completed and the football ground handed over to the Ministry.
Dr. Bunwaree:
Mr Speaker, Sir, as regards part (a) of the question, I am informed that construction works for the football ground at the Vallée des Prêtres Government School started on 12 April 2008.
As regards part (b) of the question, the works were undertaken by the District Contractor of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping, namely, the Thailamay & Sons Enterprise Ltd.
Insofar as part (c) of the question is concerned, works have been completed and the final taking over of the site had already been effected. However, I must inform the hon. Member that being given that there were some snags and some materials and debris lying on the football ground, my Ministry had referred the matter to the MPI which requested the District Contractor to take remedial action. This was of no avail in the first instance thus leading to a situation whereby the school community could not benefit from this amenity.
I must also say, Mr Speaker, Sir, that there had been lack of communication and coordination between my Ministry, the MPI and the Zone Directorate insofar as all these works that had to be taken care of are concerned. But, I am also aware that in 2009, hon. Mrs Juggoo, I think, was MP of the region, had communicated on few occasions to the Ministry to sort out these matters, but I am informed, and I wish to thank the hon. Member for the question, that the matter has been sorted out by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources and the MPI and I am informed that the football ground is now ready for use and children have already started playing on it.
Mr Lesjongard:
Mr Speaker, Sir, may I ask the hon. Minister, since he has confirmed that works had been completed and that the football ground has been handed over to his Ministry, whether the works that has been carried out is to the satisfaction of his Ministry?
Dr. Bunwaree:
This is what I said at the end of the question. In fact, I was shown some photographs, taken this morning, with children playing on the playground. But, we will have to look at all the other aspects, whether everything is in order, of course.
Mr Lesjongard:
Since the hon. Minister has stated that he has seen photographs showing the state of the football ground and he has also confirmed that the football ground has been handed over; can we know what recourse his Ministry will have now for the works to be done properly?
Dr. Bunwaree:
There is no work to be done. The football ground is functioning properly now.
Mr Speaker:
Next question! Hon. Seetaram!
I don't know why there is so much murmuring in the House! Can I know why?
(No. B/306) Mr S. Dayal (Third Member for Quartier Militaire & Moka)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Petit Verger Government School, he will state if consideration will be given for the -
(a) replacement of the furniture in several classes;
(b) resurfacing of part of the ground;
(c) provision of additional facilities to the science laboratory, and
(d) installation of a gate to prevent access to unauthorised people to the school playground.
Dr. Bunwaree:
Mr Speaker, Sir, in regard to part (a) of the question, I am informed that the following items have been provided to the school during the last three months -
Items Date Issued
• 5 half steel cupboards 8 April 2011
• 50 junior chairs 04 February and 20 April 2011
• 60 junior tables 04 February 2011
• 50 senior chairs 20 April 2011
• 25 senior tables 09 May 2011
• 10 steel cupboards 24 March 2011
As regards part (b) of the question, my Ministry will initiate procedures shortly for the laying of paving blocks in the schoolyard.
Insofar as part (c) is concerned, I am informed that an assessment of the additional facilities required at the Science Laboratory is being undertaken, and action, as appropriate, will be taken by the zone Directorate, in collaboration with the Parent and Teacher's Association and other stakeholder organisations, to provide any equipment, materials or exhibits which would be needed.
With regard to part (d) of the question, I am further informed that a gate has already been installed since mid-April to prevent unauthorised access to the schools' playground.
Mr Dayal:
Mr Speaker, Sir, I would like to thank the hon. Minister. In fact, some of the works have been completed and, therefore, I would like to appeal to the hon. Minister to speed up matters with regard to those unfinished remaining works.
Dr. Bunwaree:
We will try to do as quickly as possible.
(No. B/363) Mr S. Dayal (Third Member for Quartier Militaire & Moka)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the upgrading and enhancing of the infrastructure at the L'Esperance Government School, he state where matters as to the
(a) tiling of three classrooms, library room and corridors of the new building and the toilet block;
(b) construction of a shelter in front of the new building, a second one between the new building and the toilet block and a third one at the entrance of the playground, and
(c) construction of an additional storey comprising of a staff room, a hall and three classrooms.
Dr. Bunwaree:
Mr Speaker, Sir, I am informed that in respect of parts (a) and (b) of the question, tenders are under evaluation. Should everything proceed smoothly the contract for the works which will be of a duration of 12 weeks is expected to be awarded in the first week of June 2011.
As regards part (c), I am informed that there are two classroom blocks at the school comprising 14 rooms which accommodate classrooms for teaching of core subjects and Asian languages, one library room, one ICT room, one staff room and one office for the head teacher.
Given that there is a one stream- school with a declining school population, it is considered that the existing facilities are adequate and it is not envisaged at this point in time, to construct additional classrooms. However, the possibility of providing a larger space for the staff room is being looked into by officers of my Ministry. In regard to the construction of the hall, I would like to inform the House that it is not the policy of my Ministry to provide same to primary schools.
Mr Speaker
: Time is over!
(No. A/191) Mr A. Ameer Meea (First Member for Port Louis Maritime & Port Louis East)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Abdool Raman Abdool Government School, he will state if he has taken cognizance of the bad state of the school blocks and of the toilets and of the lack of security thereat during school hours and, if so, indicate the remedial measures that will be taken.
: The Abdool Raman Abdool Government School is accommodated in a building complex with 4 blocks which have been constructed some 60 years ago.
During a recent island-wide survey carried out by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping, the buildings of the Abdool Raman Abdool Government School, among other schools, have been identified to be pulled down and replaced by new blocks.
My Ministry has, since 2009, embarked on the Primary School Renewal Project (PSRP) which consists in the demolition of old classroom blocks and the construction of new ones to cater not only for existing facilities but to provide for new ones as well.
Phase I of the PSRP, which concerns 17 primary schools, has already started and will hopefully be completed by end of this year.
Phase II of the PSRP, in respect of which preliminary works have already been started, concerns 10 other primary schools including Abdool Raman Abdool Government School. The project is expected to be implemented in 2012.
In the meantime, the Maintenance Team in my Ministry is attending to minor works in the schools.
In regard to toilet facilities, I am informed that same were upgraded by the District Contractor of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping in 2008 to the tune of Rs 1.7 m. and that they are in a satisfactory state.
Insofar as security during school hours is concerned, my Ministry has consulted the Traffic Management and Road Safety Unit which has informed that there is, in fact, little traffic on the streets surrounding the school. Furthermore, there are footpaths on both sides of the two roads at the back and in front of the school and there is also a pedestrian crossing on the street at the main entrance. Hence, considering the traffic situation on the roads, the road safety condition is considered adequate.
However, during school release time in the afternoon, there is congestion near the entrance of the school for a short period of time. With a view to dealing with the situation, a Police officer is posted at the school entrance at time of dismissal to ensure safety of the pupils.
Ms S. Anquetil (Fourth Member for Vacoas & Floreal):
Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir. The hon. Minister of Education and Human Resources is aware that the Lapeyrousse Government school is presently facing serious problems causing inconvenience to the pupils and the staff with serious roof leakage and no electricity in a few classrooms and presence of pigeons in the ceilings. The hon. Minister has taken prompt actions and works have
just started. We would like to make an appeal to the hon. Minister to ensure that the works be completed in due time knowing that the students will be sitting for examination in a few months.
Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir.
The Minister of Education and Human Resources (Mr V. Bunwaree):
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I am well aware of the difficulties that this school is having and, as the hon. Member mentioned herself, the work has started already. We are working in close collaboration with the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and I will see to it that works go along the line and follow the target.
No. A/220) Mr R. Uteem (Second Member for Port Louis South and Port Louis Central)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Labourdonnais Government School, he will state if he has been informed of the flooding problems thereat during heavy rainfalls and, if so, indicate the remedial measures that will be taken.
: I am informed that during heavy rainfall, rain water coming from slopes of Signal Mountain used to cause flooding in the school yard of Labourdonnais Government School. This problem was dealt with by the construction of external drains in 2009.
I am also informed that the existing internal drain within the school compound tends to get clogged during heavy rainfall, resulting in overflow and water accumulation in the school yard.
The matter has been referred to the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping for remedial action.
YEAR 2012
(No. B/31) Mr V. Baloomoody (Third Member for GRNW & Port Louis West)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Renganaden Seeneevassen Government School, he will state if the demolition thereof is being envisaged in the wake of the implementation of the Harbour Bridge project and, if so, indicate how and where the students thereof will be relocated.
Dr. Bunwaree:
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I am informed by the Road Development Authority that parts of the Renganaden Seeneevassen Govt. School involving two classroom blocks and one toilet block would, in fact, be directly affected by the Harbour Bridge Project.
My Ministry is looking into the best possible option for the school in due course without hampering its smooth running and without causing any undue hardship to the school community.
Mr Bérenger:
May I ask the hon. Minister whether it is not a fact that the Ministry concerned, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, went ahead without liaising with the Ministry of Education as to what would happen to that school and it is only recently that this issue came up that the school is going to be impacted upon?
Dr. Bunwaree:
There was communication, but probably not official on file. Le trace n'était pas décidé encore so we had to wait.
Mr Baloomoody:
Can I ask the hon. Minister when was he made that part of the school will be demolished and whether there has been meeting with the PTA, the parents of that school?
Dr. Bunwaree:
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, even if the buildings have to be demolished, there would be no problem. I am sure of that, because there is space there and we can build.
But, because there is a specific project of national importance and a first line that is going to run nearby, I want to be reassured of all the security measures and so on and so forth.
Mr Obeegadoo:
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, if there has been communication, will the Minister tell us what specific measures are being envisaged because while you have this construction or destruction, the children cannot remain on site. Will he tell us what specific measures have been decided by the Ministry to re-house those children during the months or years it will take for the works to be carried out?
Dr. Bunwaree
: We have not decided yet, but a decision will be taken very soon. In fact, there was a primary school there which had been transformed into a MEDCO college - which is most underutilized. It is one of the options; I am not saying that we are going to go into that direction only because we are also envisaging the construction of new buildings on the same premises where there is space.
Mrs Navarre-Marie:
Will the hon. Minister state whether parents have been advised of such a situation, whether there have been meetings with the parents and, if so when, and at what intervals?
Dr. Bunwaree:
Well, of course, I am going to meet the parents when I will have taken the decision of what we are going to do. I cannot go and meet the parents when there are many options.
Mr Bérenger:
Has the Minister been informed by the Ministry concerned that the choice that has been made is final? Are there again possibilities of changes in the alignment?
Dr. Bunwaree
: I am not aware of this, but I believe that this is the final one.
Mr Barbier:
I want to know from the Minister officially when has he been made aware of the new tracé which is now going to be mostly on the left than on the right side as it was before, as it was answered in this august Assembly and since then what has he been doing to inform the parents? Have there been meetings?
Even very recently officers of his Ministry seem not to be aware what is going to happen to the premises of the school. I know what I am talking about. We had a meeting with the Minister and his technicians. Even the Minister, at that time,
was not aware that the school is going to be affected by this project. What has he been doing in the recent past so that all stakeholders concerned are informed and a proper decision is taken?
Dr. Bunwaree:
Mr Deputy Speaker, the project each time, at each phase, has come to Cabinet and I have been informed regularly of what is happening. In fact, a few weeks ago, the tracé has been finalized and it is being looked into. I can give the assurance to the House, to the parents, to the hon. Members that I am going to see to it that there is no undue suffering for the school community.
(No. B/69) Ms S. Anquetil (Fourth Member for Vacoas & Floreal)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the allocation of Rs500,000 budgeted for the renovation and upgrading of the Government Schools in Mauritius and in Rodrigues, he will state where matters stand as to the use made thereof.
Dr. Bunwaree:
Mr Speaker, Sir, my Ministry has already initiated arrangements for the disbursement to every Government Primary and Secondary School of the grant of Rs 500,000 provided for in this year's budget.
The objectives of the special grant are to enable Government Primary and Secondary Schools to renovate and improve the school infrastructural environment and purchase modern pedagogical ICT equipment to enhance teaching and learning.
This will give more autonomy to heads of Schools and respective PTAs in the
improvements of school infrastructure and thus develop a greater sense of ownership in the management and enhancement of the school environment.
The modalities and conditions for allocation of the special grant are as follows -
(a) Government Primary School with one stream - Rs 300,000 per school
(b) Government Primary School with two streams and Above - Rs 500,000 per school
(c) State Secondary Schools - Rs 500,000 per school
To be eligible for the grant, PTAs should -
(i) be fully registered with the Registrar of Associations,
(ii) produce audited accounts showing evidence that funds have been used for the benefit of the schools, and
(iii) the accounts should be available for verification by my Ministry, as and when required.
PTAs have been requested to ensure proper utilisation of funds, in line with sound financial and procurement procedures, with quotations and tenders being sought from at least three prospective suppliers.
Furthermore, schools are required to submit their projects in line with their respective School Development Plan. A circular to that effect was issued to heads of Government Primary and Secondary Schools in December 2011 requesting them to make proposals by 27 January 2012.
As at 11 May 2012, 207 out 214 Government Primary Schools and all the 69 Secondary Schools have already submitted their projects. A total of Rs105,019,530 out of the Rs150 m. provided for this item has been disbursed.
As regards Rodrigues, a sum of Rs4.8 m. has been transferred to the Rodrigues administration to cater for the needs of the 10 Government Primary Schools.
Ms Anquetil
: Je remercie le ministre pour sa réponse. Est-ce que le ministre pourrait informer la Chambre si cette allocation de R 500,000 concerne uniquement le upgrading et la rénovation des bâtiments ou si cette allocation s'adresse aussi à la maintenance des infrastructures sportives des écoles ?
Dr. Bunwaree:
For maintenance, we have a specific budget for that. It's for the work that I have already mentioned. Even for ICT infrastructure, there is a list of projects. This has to be discussed at the level of the school with the collaboration of the zone.
Mr Jhugroo:
Mr Speaker, Sir, can the hon. Minister circulate a list of all schools that have been allocated this fund?
Dr. Bunwaree:
Almost all schools. I have mentioned 207 out of 214, and the rest will be forthcoming. As regards secondary schools, all the 69 schools have been allocated this fund.
Mrs Hanoomanjee:
Mr Speaker, Sir, the hon. Minister has just given us the amount which has been disbursed. Can he tell us how many schools, in fact, have benefited from this Rs500,000?
Dr. Bunwaree:
I have a list of all the projects. I can circulate that list school by school.
Mrs Ribot:
Mr Speaker, Sir, I would like to know from the hon. Minister whether a close monitoring is done to make sure that the fund is being rightly used and what measures are going to be taken against the PTAs and the schools that are not making proper use of that grant?
Dr. Bunwaree:
Well, they will be taken to task, Mr Speaker, Sir.
Mrs Ribot:
I would also like to know from the hon. Minister, Mr Speaker, Sir, whether it is the common procedure to give the cheque of that grant to heads of schools in presence of Ministers and MPs as was the case in Quatre Bornes?
Dr. Bunwaree:
Well, this is a question for the PTA to decide.
(No. A/77) Mr A. Ameer Meea (First Member for Port Louis Maritime & Port Louis East)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Phase II of the construction project of the Jean Lebrun Government School, he will state the scope thereof, indicating where matters stand, including the expected date of completion thereof and the upgrading of the football ground thereof.
With a view to ensuring the smooth running of school activities while works are in progress, Phase II of the construction project at Jean Lebrun Government School has been divided into three phases - Phase II A, Phase IIB and Phase IIC.
The scope of works in regard to the three Phases are as follows -
Phase II A
(i) renovation of existing Classroom Block;
(ii) demolition of existing pre-primary Classroom Block and any other existing structure on site;
(iii) construction of a new 2 storey toilet block along with pump room and water tank and all related plumbing and sewerage works, and
(iv) demolition of watchman's quarters and construction of a new store building.
Phase II B
(i) demolition of two existing Classroom Blocks, toilets, and other existing structure on site, and
(ii) construction 3 storey building consisting of classrooms, canteen, toilet complete with ancillaries like pump room, water tank, store, children's playground, parking lot, new entry gate at the rear site, new boundary wall/retaining walls etc
Phase II C
(i) demolition of two existing Classroom Blocks, Corrugated Iron Sheet Shed and
boundary wall, and (ii) construction of two storey Administration Block, CIS shed and central courtyard complete with ancillaries like, covered and open parking at the front side, entry gate at the front side, new boundary wall, landscaping, painting of new boundary wall, pavement areas, site works etc.
As regards to Phase II A, works started in May 2011 and were completed in 09 December 2011.
For Phase II B, works which started in December 2011 are ongoing and are expected to be completed in September 2012. Building works are on schedule, while site works have been slightly delayed due to difficult site conditions and inclement weather.
For Phase II C, works would start after the completion of Phase IIB, and are expected to be completed in March 2013.
With regard to the upgrading of the football ground, I am informed by the National Development Unit of the Ministry Public Infrastructure, Land Transport and Shipping that the following works are involved -
(i) reconstruction of chainlink fencing over blockwall along 3 sides of pitch (total length 166m);
(ii) removal of existing topsoil, levelling of pitch, provision of new topsoil and turfing;
(iii) provision of french drain within pitch, and
(iv) associated works such as provision of gates, water point and new access.
These works started on 11 January 2011 and have been completed last year.
However, I am also informed by the National Development Unit that following requests from the local community, additional works such as the construction of two covered spectators' stands with canopies, a footpath with drains and associated safety fencing have been included in the scope of works.
These additional works have extended the initial scope of the project and are expected to be completed by end of June 2012.
Mrs F. Labelle (Third Member for Vacoas & Floreal):
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like very briefly to raise two issues with regard to my constituency, and it concerns the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, but also maybe the Ministry of Public Infrastructure.
M. le président, cela fait plus d'une année que le problème du dispensaire de Floréal a été soulevé dans cette Chambre par les membres ici présents. La dernière réponse du ministre nous parlait du bâtiment qui est condamné, aussi bien qu'un bâtiment à côté. The answer was 'adjacent building'. Mais peut être que le ministre n'avait pas reçu l'information qu'il y a un autre bâtiment qui a été rénové récemment, dont je vais faire circuler les photos. Ce bâtiment a été rénové il y a quelque temps, ce qui me laisse croire que ce bâtiment n'a pas été condamné.
Présentement, il y a de vieux meubles, de vieilles chaises, et un tas de dossiers qu'on met dans ce bâtiment.
Ma question, M. le président, est pourquoi est-ce qu'on ne peut pas utiliser ce bâtiment, rénové il y a quelque temps, pour le dispensaire de Floréal, parce que c'est vraiment très difficile pour les habitants de Floréal, particulièrement par ce temps hivernal, d'aller à Castel, prendre deux autobus ou marcher pour des prises de sang. Il y a un bâtiment qui est là.
D'autre part, M. le président, il y a deux bâtiments qui sont occupés par le Mauritius Film Development Corporation. Ma question, M. le président, est : pourquoi ne peut-on pas bouger le Mauritius Film Development Corporation ? Quelle différence ça ferait d'avoir ce bureau à un autre endroit, au lieu de pénaliser les habitants de la région ?
Voilà les deux propositions que j'aurais aimé faire. Il y a le bâtiment du Mauritius Film Development Corporation, ou le bâtiment rénové récemment où on ne garde que des vieux meubles et des vieux dossiers. Donc M. le président, je voudrais déposer ces photos sur la table de l'Assemblée.
Mon deuxième point, M. le président concerne le Reunion Government School, aussi connu sous le nom de l'école Cantin. M. le président, les photos que je vais circuler parlent d'elles-mêmes. Je ne comprends pas comment on doit garder un baril rouillé dans la cour d'une école, qui est un risque pour les enfants. Combien de temps ça prend pour qu'un baril soit aussi rouillé, et combien de temps doit-t-on prendre pour enlever un tel drum, tôle, de la cour d'une école ?
Il y a aussi, M. le président, des tuyaux mal raccordés qui est un danger pour les enfants, parce qu'il y a plusieurs enfants qui se sont pris dans ces raccords, se sont blessés. Sur la photo, on peut aussi voir les plantes qui ont poussé sur les dalos de l'école, ce qui est un danger, et qui sont sur le point de s'effondrer.
Donc, il y a des arbres abattus - et ces photos ont été prises, M. le président, la semaine dernière - depuis un bout de temps, et il y a tout un désordre dans la cour de l'école et aussi le danger que cela représente. M. le président, ces photos vont certainement aider l'honorable ministre à voir la situation et à prendre les décisions qui s'imposent. Je fais aussi déposer, M. le président, la photo des toilettes sans porte. Les portes sont là, déposées à côté du bassin et, encore une fois, photos prises la semaine dernière mais ce n'est pas depuis la semaine dernière que les portes des toilettes sont déposées parce que, dans ces toilettes, il n'y a pas de portes.
Donc, je voudrais attirer l'attention du ministre sur cette situation. Je crois que nos enfants méritent mieux et que cela demande un peu de bonne volonté pour leur donner un environnement approprié.
Je vous remercie, M. le président.
The Minister of Health and Quality of Life (Mr L. Bundhoo):
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like to thank the hon. Member to have raised the issue with regard to the proposed construction of the Medi Clinic at Floreal.
I would like to assure the hon. Member that hon. Minister Bappoo, hon. Ms Stephanie Anquetil did raise the matter with me.
It is subsequent to their having raised the matter with me that I have answered questions in Parliament, and hon. Minister Bappoo and hon. Minister Martin have kindly agreed to put at the disposal of the Ministry of Health, to be used every Friday the Social Welfare Community in order to enable the collection of blood for the old-age pensioners in order to alleviate their difficulties. This is number one.
Number two, with regard to the construction of the Medi Clinic, as I stated earlier, the building where was located the previous Health Centre was derelict. It had to be brought down but, unfortunately, the plot of land was not sufficient for the construction of a Medi Clinic. That is why we have negotiated with the hon. Vice-Prime Minister. He has agreed to give us the plot adjacent to the previous Area Health Centre and both put together is now enough for us to construct the Medi Clinic.
I guess the hon. Member would stand up again and say thank you hon. Bundhoo for making all the efforts, first, to my answers to Parliament; second, to make provision for the collection of blood every Friday and, third, in order to start the construction of the Medi Clinic and, God willing as soon as possible.
Thank you.
The Minister of Education and Human Resources (Dr. V. Bunwaree):
M. le président, j'ai pris note de ce que vient de dire l'honorable Mme Labelle concernant cette école.
Je ne sais pas combien de temps cela dure mais je vais faire faire une enquête et prendre les décisions qui s'imposent. Merci.
(No. A/211) Mrs J. Radegonde (Fourth Member for Savanne & Black River)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the La Gaulette Government School, he will state -
(a) when construction works thereat were scheduled to start and be completed;
(b) the cost thereof, and
(c) the date on which it will be operational.
In regard to part (a) of the question, works at La Gaulette Government School were scheduled to start on 14 July 2011 and completed after 6 months by 14 January 2012.
Regarding part (b), I am informed that the contract value of the project is Rs5.31 m. including a Contingency sum of Rs 0.6 m.M and VAT.
Insofar as part (c) is concerned, I am informed that there has been delay on the part of the contractor who has been granted an extension of time of 25 working days due to additional works, such that the contractual completion date was extended to 16 February 2012. The actual completion date was 19 June 2012. In the circumstance, maximum liquidated damages of Rs300,000 due to the delay in the completion of works would be applied in the next payment certificate.
The practical handing over of the project has been carried out on 05 July 2012, and the school would be operational as from resumption of classes in the third term in order not to disrupt second term examinations which are starting as from next week.
YEAR 2013
(No. B/21) Mrs F. Labelle (Third Member for Vacoas & Floreal)
asked the Minister of Housing and Lands whether, in regard to a plot of State land located next to the Reverend Espitalier Noël Government School, in Mangalkhan, he will state if same has been allocated, and if so, the purpose therefor, and if not, if consideration will be given for the vesting thereof to the appropriate authority for the creation of a green space thereat.
Dr. Kasenally:
Mr Speaker, Sir, the plot of State land located next to the Reverend Espitalier Noël Government School in Mangalkhan was formerly used as a treatment plant by the Wastewater Management Authority. The latter has stopped its activities on this site in June 2009 and, therefore, the land has been retrieved.
I am proposing to vest the said plot of land in the Ministry of Local Government and Outer Islands, which is eventually to be put at the disposal of the Municipal Council of Curepipe for the creation of a green space.
Mrs L. Ribot (Third Member for Stanley & Rose Hill)
: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, the issue which I would like to raise concerns the hon. Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping.
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, the Primary School Aimé Césaire at Camp Levieux has been built in such a way that the school gate gives directly onto the main road.
The school children leaving the school premises are straightaway on the street. La Concorde Street is not only a very busy one, but is one of the main roads because it leads to NHDC flats, to Mont Roches and there is the main supermarket of the region on that road.
The school children, of course, Mr Deputy Speaker, are exposed to the danger of being run down by passing vehicles. Before an accident happens, I
would ask the hon. Vice-Prime Minister to see to it that handrails be placed in front of the gate and along the walls, on each side, in such a way as to protect those school children. Thank you.
The Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping (Mr A. Bachoo):
Mr Deputy
Speaker, Sir, I will look into the matter personally.
(07.21 p.m.)
(No. B/360) Mr J. C. Barbier (Second Member for GRNW & Port Louis West)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Harbour Bridge Project, he will state if the Renganaden Seeneevassen Primary School of Les Salines will be concerned therewith and, if so, how, indicating the actions taken in relation thereto.
I am informed that, in regard to the Harbour Bridge Project, a portion of an extent of 4,112 m2 out of a total of 10,410 m2 of the Renganaden Seeneevassen Government School would be concerned. This portion, where two classroom blocks and a toilet block are situated, has been retrieved from my Ministry in April last.
Officers of my Ministry and of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National
Development Unit, Land Transport & Shipping have already initiated action for the preparation of bidding documents for the construction of a new toilet block and the relocation of the playground of pre-primary unit on the remaining portion of an area of 6,298 m2.
I am also informed that there would be no need to construct new classrooms as the
existing ones on the remaining portion of land would be sufficient toaccommodate the present school population given the decreasing trend in intake at Standard I level.
Mr R. Uteem (Second Member for Port Louis South and Port Louis Central): I have a matter which is addressed to Dr. the hon. Deputy Prime Minister who, unfortunately, is not here, but it also concerns to a certain extent the Ministry of Education and Human Resources and relates to sewage problem that exists in Sunni Surti Government School at Vallée Pitot and the football ground that is next to the school.
Following works carried out by the contractor who was awarded the contract under the former Municipal Council administration, there has been some damage done to the sewage pipeline and since then there is a strong odour, bad smell and bad sight. The teachers have complained and they have written to the Ministry.
The hon. Deputy Prime Minister is very much aware of the problem because he has visited the school, but it has been more than five months now and what is needed is simply a connection of the pipe to the main sewage pipes in Vallée Pitot.
May I request the hon. Minister of Education and Human Resources to liaise with the hon. Deputy Prime Minister and see to it that the needful is done so that we can spare the pupils, the teachers and also the users of that football pitch from the bad smell.
The Minister of Education and Human Resources (Dr. V. Bunwaree): Yes, Mr Speaker, Sir, the matter has already been taken up at the level of the Ministry and, in fact, the hon. Member talked to me himself with other people and I have had a word with my colleague, the Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping. I will see to it what we can do to hasten up matters still further.
(7.33 p.m.)
(No. B/695) Mrs J. Radegonde-Haines (Fourth Member for Savanne & Black River)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources whether, in regard to the Bambous “A" Government School, located in Bambous, in Constituency No.14, he will state if there is any project for the upgrading thereof and, if so, indicate –
(a) if tender has been launched therefor, and
(b) the expected start and completion dates thereof.
Dr. Bunwaree
: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, in regard to part (a) of the question, Bambous “A" Government School is among the old primary schools earmarked for the primary school renewal project which consists in the demolition of old classroom blocks and the construction of new ones. The project at Bambous “A" initially consisted in the demolition of three old blocks and the construction of two new blocks.
The bidding documents were ready for launching of tenders. However, after receiving further representations from the PTA complaining of the bad condition prevailing in the toilet block and acute space constraint in the school, my Ministry is having further consultations with the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping and the Wastewater Management Authority with a view to creating more space to be used as play area within the school premises.
In this context, my Ministry is also proceeding with the demolition of the present toilet block and the construction of a new one on vertical extension. In so doing, the school will not only benefit from the new toilet block with additional number of cubicles but will also have additional play area. However, this will entail further amendments to the scope of works and the necessary is being done in that direction.
Insofar as part (b) of the question is concerned, once the new scope of works is finalised, which we are expecting very shortly, necessary amendments will be made to the bidding documents and it is expected that tenders may be launched by the end of September next.
Works can only start after award of contract and are expected to be of one year duration.
Mrs Radegonde-Haines:
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, since the project might start in September and will be completed in one year's duration, can the hon. Minister tell us whether arrangement has been made for the children of Bambous not to be penalised during the one year?
Dr. Bunwaree:
Yes, the Ministry has the habit of doing such types of work. Of course, the children will not be penalised. We are discussing with the PTA; we are in constant discussion with them and also the
forces vives
of the area to be able to get the children in a safe place during the course of the construction period.
Mrs Radegonde-Haines:
May I know from the hon. Minister where will the children be transferred during the one year construction of the school?
Dr. Bunwaree:
I have said we are negotiating with the PTA and we have not taken a final decision yet.
My second point, if the hon. Prime Minister would allow, can I raise another sub item?
Yes. At page 12, item
Other General Government Units
, the sum spent in excess includes
(ii) construction of additional classes to Terre Rouge Government School and Terre Rouge College
. Now, without going into policy issues, could we just be made to understand what was the reasoning? As we know, in Mauritius we have gone through the demographic transition, the school going population is now on the decrease, so there is more space available.
Do we have an increasing school population at Terre Rouge and in the case of the
college, may we have some explanation whether - as has been suggested by the Chief Minister - there has been a revision of the curriculum to adapt to Rodriguan needs? Is that why there is now need for more space? We would just like to have some information.
The Prime Minister
: Mr Chairperson, the first item was
, I think. This is
additional provision required for the payment of contribution to the National Savings Fund for the staff of the Rodrigues Division. Now, I must explain that this provision was initially made under Programme 751, that is, the
Policy and Strategy for fisheries and Rodrigues of the Ministry of Fisheries and Rodrigues
and, subsequently, transferred to the appropriate Programme 331 for Rodrigues, when Rodrigues came under the responsibility of my Office. That is basically what it is, because before it was in a different Ministry.
The hon. Member mentioned about additional classes in Terre Rouge. These are the two additional classrooms at Terre Rouge Government School and Phase II of the Terre Rouge College with the construction of six additional classrooms. The construction of the classrooms has been completed.
(No. B/886) Dr. R. Sorefan (Fourth Member for La Caverne & Phoenix) asked the Minister of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport whether, in regard to the maintenance of the infrastructure and of the buildings found on the premises of the Government Schools, he will state –
(a) if his Ministry has developed a strategy therefor and, if so, give details thereof, and
(b) how the monitoring thereof is carried out.
The Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research (Mrs L. D. Dookun-Luchoomun): Madam Speaker, with your permission, I will answer this question.
With regard to part (a) of the question, every year a priority list of infrastructural works to be effected in all schools is drawn up by my Ministry in consultation with the school community. In fact, the maintenance of infrastructure and of the buildings found on the premises of Government schools is an ongoing exercise.
The implementation of the project identified is normally carried out in a phase manner depending upon the urgency of the works to be undertaken and also on the availability of funds.
A first level of maintenance work is carried out at zonal level. The schools are presently clustered in four different zones and each zone possesses a maintenance unit which carries out maintenance works in all Government Primary and Secondary Schools throughout the year.
For maintenance works of higher complexity which cannot be undertaken by zones, they are undertaken either through the District Contractors appointed by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport or by contractors following a tendering exercise.
With regard to part (b) of the question, I am informed that monitoring and supervision of the projects are carried out by engineers and technical officers posted to my Ministry as well as engineers and architects of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport.
I am also informed that regular meetings are held on site and progress monitored accordingly.
Madam Speaker: Hon. Dr. Sorefan! Dr. Sorefan: Madam Speaker, the hon. Minister will agree with me that many of our infrastructure in the schools are in a terrible state and, as the hon. Minister is promoting NineYear Schooling, which will be on, I hope, very soon…
Madam Speaker: Yes, ask your question!
Dr. Sorefan: Will the hon. Minister see to it that the quality of learning environment and infrastructure be of good standard with no leakage of roof, well painted buildings and good electrical set up for the Nine-Year Schooling to have a good start?
Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun: We will certainly look into the matter and make sure that the environment in the school is conducive to learning.
Madam Speaker: Next question, hon. Ameer Meea!
(No. B/383)
Mr G. Oree (Second Member for Port Louis North & Montagne Longue)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the landslide problem in the region of Upper Vallée des Prêtres, she will state the measures that are being taken to repair the damages caused to the building housing the Chitrakoot Government School thereat, indicating if consideration will be given for the relocation thereof outside the landslide prone area.
Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun
: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, with a view to providing a conducive and safe learning environment to all learners, the Infrastructural Management Unit of my Ministry carries out the upgrading and maintenance of school infrastructure on a continuous basis throughout the year.
I am informed that rehabilitation works have continuously been carried out at the Chitrakoot Government School since the occurrence of the landslide problem.
Surveys and constant monitoring have been carried out by the Technical Staff of MPI for upgrading works and ancillary works in the school compound. Since May 2016, the following works have been carried out –
1. Structural repairs to toilet block and demolition of concrete canopy and replacement of same with steel canopy.
2. Removal of spalled concrete/loose detached parts of wall and reinforced concrete elements for repair with appropriate products.
3. Removal of waste and the striding of the roof, facilitating laying of water proofing membrane to roof slab and application of waterproofing paint where required.
4. General upgrading works like replacing existing openings by aluminium openings and internal and external painting.
5. Maintaining and cleaning of drains in the school compound.
6. Levelling of uneven floor in classrooms with appropriate mortar compound.
7. Uneven surface of tarmac levelled and made good with bituminous concrete.
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, we have been informed by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport that monitoring of the landslide in the region is an ongoing process and the MPI with the expertise of JICA (Japan International Corporation Agency) would soon embark on phase II of the counter measure works in the area. In effect, contract for the counter measure works in phase II will include the construction of storm water drains and French drains as well as replacement of the boundary wall by low reinforced concrete wall. The contract will soon be awarded by the MPI.
In regard to the relocation of the school outside the land slide prone area, it will depend on availability of suitable plots of land and the assurance that they are not prone to landslide. Geotechnical test will have to be carried out.
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, my Ministry has identified the Knowledge Based Training Centre to accommodate temporarily the 53 students of Chitrakoot Government School should the need arise.
The Deputy Speaker
: Hon. Oree!
(No. B/550) Mr A. Ameer Meea (Second Member for Port Louis Maritime & Port Louis East)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the Abdool Raman Abdool Government School, she will state the scope of the construction works to be implemented thereat, phase-wise, indicating if the constructed blocks are now operational and, if not, why not.
: I am informed that the project for the reconstruction of the Abdool Raman Abdool Government School was to be carried out in two phases.
Phase I comprised the demolition of the old classroom block and the construction of a block (Ground + 2) to house a pre-primary unit, a kindergarten with playing equipment at ground floor, classrooms at first floor and a Computer Block at 2nd floor. The project also includes electrical works and a new entrance gate.
Phase II of the project was expected to start after the completion of Phase I, thus allowing for part of the school operations to be moved to the newly constructed block. It involves three stages
• 1st stage relates to: the demolition of a single storey building, the construction of a new classroom block, the construction of a link with kiosk connecting the pre-primary block to the new classroom block, and construction of a new toilet block.
• 2nd stage: the demolition of the existing toilet block and the construction of an Administrative block and classrooms, and
• 3rd stage II: the demolition of the remaining blocks, the construction of a playfield and associated works.
The contract for Phase I of the project was awarded to Ajmol Enterprise Ltd in March 2014. However, works in Phase I could not be completed due to the fact that two months after the handing over of the site, the sole proprietor of Ajmol Enterprise Ltd passed away in July 2014. The company then went into receivership.
In November 2014, the advice of the State Law Office was sought by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport as to whether the company could carry on with the uncompleted works through the Receiver Manager, as per the Insolvency Act. Upon receipt of a positive reply from the State Law Office, the Receiver Manager was given the green light to proceed with the works. The new contractual starting date was February 2015 with the revised completion date 31 August 2015.
Unfortunately, the company in receivership could not complete the works within the set deadline and caused further delays. Given that on 28 January 2016 the works were still not completed, the company in receivership was notified by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport of the breach of contract and the eventual possibility of termination of contract. A second notification was subsequently issued on 23 February 2016. It was reported that the company in receivership still accumulated delays in the implementation of Phase I.
Despite all attempts by my Ministry to ensure that works under Phase I of the project be completed, no progress was visible on site. A draft termination letter was received from the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport, and the advice of the State Law Office was sought anew for the termination of the contract, following which the Ministry accordingly issued a letter of termination of contract to the company in receivership, indicating the breach of contract on 18 May 2017.
Consequently, the new block could not be rendered operational as works, namely flooring, partitioning, painting, electrical components, burglar proofing and fencing, amongst others, were still outstanding.
In June 2017, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport has been requested to prepare bidding documents for the outstanding works. Same is under preparation.
Once the MPI provides the required inputs, the tenders will be launched for the completion of the outstanding works in Phase I.
I am further informed that concurrently the working drawings for Phase II are under preparation by the Technical team of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport. Funds have been provided in my Ministry's vote for this financial year for completion of the project.
(No. B/801) Mr A. Ameer Meea (Second Member for Port Louis Maritime & Port Louis East) asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research
whether, in regard to the proposed reconstruction of the Abdool Raman Abdool Government School, she will state where matters stand.
Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun:
Madam Speaker, I wish to refer the hon. Member to the reply I made in July 2017 to PQ B/550 wherein I highlighted the infrastructural works to be undertaken at the level of the Abdool Raman Abdool Government School.
Allow me again to point out that the project was to be carried out in two phases.
The first phase comprising, amongst others, the demolition of the old classroom block and the construction of a 3-storey block, ground plus 2, and phase 2 of the project which involves 3 stages was expected to start after the completion of phase 1, thus, allowing for part of the school operations to be moved to the newly constructed block.
Madam Speaker, following the termination of the initial contract for phase 1 in May 2017, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport was requested to prepare bidding documents for the outstanding works which consisted mainly of flooring, partitioning, painting, electrical components, burglar proofing and fencing works. The bidding documents for the outstanding works were submitted to my Ministry in October 2017 and my Ministry has already launched an invitation for bids this month. According to the implementation plan the works are expected to start by end of January 2018 and completed by April 2018.
Madam Speaker, as regards phase 2, I am informed that the working drawings are being finalised by the technical team at the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport. Bids are expected to be launched by mid-January 2018 and works are due to start after the completion of phase 1.
Mr Ameer Meea:
Madam Speaker, this project dates back to 2014 and I understand that the company that was awarded the contract, the proprietor passed away and then it went to receivership and so on. But my query today is that all the pupils going to this school are being severely affected by the state of the school. It is in construction since four years. So, I will ask the hon. Minister if she can speed up the matter with the contractor so that the contract be awarded rapidly and works start as quickly as possible?
Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun:
Yes, Madam Speaker, we are trying to get the work done as fast as possible, but we have to go through the procedures.
Madam Speaker:
Next question, hon. Osman Mahomed!
(No. B/948) Mr S. Rughoobur (Second Member for Grand' Baie & Poudre d'Or)
asked the Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research whether, in regard to the Doorgachand Hurry Government School in Goodlands, she will state the amount of funds earmarked for the carrying out of renovation works thereat.
Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun
: Madam Speaker, the upgrading and maintenance of school infrastructure is an ongoing exercise for the Ministry of Education. Each year, a priority list of infrastructural works to be effected in all schools is drawn up in consultation with the school community and, depending on the availability of funds, the projects are implemented in a phased manner. Some maintenance or renovation works are undertaken at zonal level, while for some others, which are of high complexity, they are carried out by contractors appointed by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport under the Framework Agreement.
With regard to the Doorgachand Hurry Government School, I am informed that for this financial year, a total amount of Rs13.7 m. has been earmarked, Rs2.2 m. for works to be carried out at Zone level and Rs11.5 m. to be undertaken by Contractors appointed by the MPI under a Framework Agreement.
All works will, therefore, start during the forthcoming school holidays, that is, in November/December this year. Projects which will be carried out at Zone level and expected to be completed before school resumption are –
· the upgrading and renovation works of the Pre-Primary Unit;
· the dismantling of the existing damaged Corrugated Iron Sheet shelter and construction of a new one;
· the renovation of the toilet block, and
· the removal and replacement of the main entrance sliding gate.
The projects which will be implemented by the Contractor appointed by the MPI under the Framework Agreement are -
· demolition works (careful demolition of concrete beams and re-roofing works);
· demotion of the Asian Language classrooms, and provision of new classrooms with block works and profile sheeting rooftop;
· re-roofing works for classrooms;
· concrete repair and waterproofing works;
· internal and external painting works;
· construction of retaining wall along the side of the football ground, and
· drainage and landscaping works.
It is expected that works will be completed within five months.
Mr Rughoobur
: Madam Speaker, let me thank the hon. Minister, one for her reply and, secondly, for finally considering these renovation works. We have been waiting for these renovation works for quite long. I have also observed that the issue that we have been getting is the problem of resources at the level of the infrastructure unit. May I request the hon. Minister if she is contemplating to substantially increase technical resources - architects and engineers - at the level of the Ministry so that they themselves, instead of waiting one, two or three years to complete the outstanding works, can do it?
Last thing, Madam Speaker, ...
Madam Speaker
: No! Hon. Member, I am sorry. Your question, first of all, is of excessive length. Now, one question at a time. You cannot ask two questions at a time.
Mrs Dookun-Luchoomun
: We will look into the matter.
Madam Speaker
: Next question, hon. Rughoobur!
Mr S. Abbas Mamode (Fourth Member for Port Louis Maritime & Port Louis East):
Thank you, Madam Speaker. My issue is addressed to the hon. Minister of Education and it concerns the Jean Lebrun Government School. Adjacent to the place where parents normally feed their children, there is a piece of land and, during windy seasons, there is much dust. So, either there be some plantation or concrete on it because when it concerns food consumption, specially the kids, this is not a good situation to have their lunch there.
The Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research (Mrs L. D. Dookun-Luchoomun):
Madam Speaker, the matter will be looked into. I am going to make sure that the Maintenance Section of the Zone I Directorate takes care of the situation.
Madam Speaker:
Hon. Dr. Boolell!
(16.10.2 018)
Mr S. Abbas Mamode (Fourth Member for Port Louis Maritime & Port Louis East):
Thank you, Madam Speaker. My issue is addressed to the hon. Minister of Education and it concerns the Jean Lebrun Government School. Adjacent to the place where parents normally feed their children, there is a piece of land and, during windy seasons, there is much dust. So, either there be some plantation or concrete on it because when it concerns food consumption, specially the kids, this is not a good situation to have their lunch there.
The Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research (Mrs L. D. Dookun-Luchoomun):
Madam Speaker, the matter will be looked into. I am going to make sure that the Maintenance Section of the Zone I Directorate takes care of the situation.
Madam Speaker:
Hon. Dr. Boolell!
Mr R. Uteem (First Member for Port Louis South & Port Louis Central)
: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like to raise an issue which concerns the hon. Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research, it relates to Notre Dame de la Paix R.C.A. School.
Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, Notre Dame de la Paix R.C.A. School has only one exit in La Paix Street and the Head Master has drawn attention to it, but, unfortunately, not to your Ministry. He wrote a letter on 07 September 2018 to hon. Dr. Husnoo, Minister of Health and Quality of Life to say that the school was not compliant as far as fire safety regulations are concerned, because in an event of a riot or the blocking of the street in La Paix, there is no alternative second road to exit, and they have even suggested that a second exit door be opened onto the Dr. Hyderkhan Mediclinic, Plaine Verte. This is why the letter was initially addressed to the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life.
May I ask the hon. Minister to look into the matter and ensure that there is, at least, a second emergency exit door, so that in case of fire or rioting the children are not trapped inside of their school.
Thank you.
The Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research (Mrs L. D. Dookun-Luchoomun)
: Mr Deputy Speaker, I will definitely look into the matter.
(7.40 p.m.)
The Deputy Speaker
: Hon. Baloomoody!
Mr V. Baloomoody (Third Member for GRNW & Port Louis West)
: Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir.
I will raise an issue regarding the state of the drains in Cassis and more specifically at Stevenson Road, Bain des Dames. My question is addressed to the hon. Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Local Government and Outer Islands, Minister of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare, but I am sure it concerns also the hon. Minister of Health and Quality of Life.
There is along Stevenson Road a canal on the right - it depends on which direction. Anyway, on one side of the road there is a canal which is supposed to serve as a drain and it is not covered. Now, this drain is blocked on both sides, so the water is stagnant. There have been many requests to the Municipality. I have personally spoken to people from the Municipality. Their reply is that '
sa ena enn grand travay sa'
. Whether the NDU should do it or the Municipality, but now, apart from the foul smell there is
la fièvre dengue
around. There are many mosquitoes around and it is a big concern for the inhabitants with regard to
la fièvre dengue
So, I am making an urgent appeal, a request to Government, be it the Municipality, the Ministry or the NDU to look into the matter urgently and also for the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life as well to intervene.
Thank you.
(7.42 p.m.)
The Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Local Government and Outer Islands, Minister of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare (Mrs F. Jeewa-Daureeawoo)
: Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I find it strange that the Municipal Councillor of Port Louis is not addressing this particular issue if the hon. Member raised it there, because I normally preside meetings on a regular basis with all Local Authorities and all issues concerning drains are being looked at as quickly as possible. So, I don't know if it is at the level of the NDU, but, rest assured, the needful will be done. I will convey a meeting.
Thank you.