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​​​Form l ll and lll Science Syllabus


1.    Energy and matter

Learning outcomes

Ø  describe the various sources of energy such as  Solar energy, Wind energy, Geothermal energy, Biomass, Natural gas, Coal, Fossil fuel

Ø  discuss how energy is useful to sustain life

Ø  identify the seven characteristics of life

Ø  differentiate between living and non-living things

Ø  explain the significance of these characteristics (example, 'organisms move in search of food,  to escape from danger….')

Ø  demonstrate understanding of energy conservation

Ø  compare renewable and non-renewable sources of energy

Ø  demonstrate how energy can be conserved at home and school

Ø  demonstrate understanding of matter

Ø  explain the difference between matter and energy

Ø  describe the occurrence of matter in our everyday life and its importance

Ø  state the properties of matter

Ø  list the states of matter

Ø  compare the properties of different states of matter

Ø  explain the changes of states 

2.    The Environment

Learning outcomes

Ø  explain the relative positions of the Sun and the eight planets

Ø  explain the nature of the earth as a planet

Ø  illustrate the structure of the earth

Ø  describe the formation of the earth

Ø  identify the structure and composition of the Earth

Ø  discuss the importance of soil to plants, animals and human beings

Ø  identify the properties of air and the different gases present in air

Ø  discuss the importance of air

Ø  test for the presence of carbon dioxide and water vapour in air

Ø  identify the sources  and uses of water

Ø  describe the properties of water

Ø  classify living organisms by making and using simple dichotomous keys

Ø  state that unicellular organisms are made up of one cell only and multicellular organisms comprise of many cells (using appropriate examples)

Ø  compare the differences in structure of the animal and the plant cells

Ø  identify biotic and abiotic components in your immediate surrounding

Ø  outline the interaction which may exist among organisms (feeding) interaction between organisms and abiotic component (habitat)

3.    Sustainable living – Use of resources

Learning outcomes

Ø  list examples of renewable and non-renewable resources and their uses

Ø  state examples of natural and man-made resources and materials and their uses

Ø  describe some measures taken for the protection of the environment

Ø  demonstrate understanding of how resources can be managed appropriately

Ø  propose steps that can be taken to conserve natural resources

4.    Health and Safety

Learning outcomes

Ø  outline cellular organisation from cell to organism (tissue, organ, system using examples of each in animals and plants)

Ø  outline human body systems and their major functions (digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, excretory, skeletal and reproductive system)

Ø  identify practices of a healthy lifestyle such as  balanced diet, physical exercise, personal hygiene and psychological support

Ø  identify risky behaviours regarding learners' health (e.g:  substance abuse (tobacco, alcohol, solvent), sedentary lifestyle, fast food and sexual abuse(verbal/non-verbal harassment)

Ø  list examples of some diseases

Ø  outline how unhealthy lifestyle leads to obesity and diabetes as examples of non-communicable diseases (details of diseases not required)

Ø  state some preventive measures against obesity and diabetes

5.    Science and technology

Learning outcomes

Ø  produce a summary of three major discoveries in science

Ø  explain how these three discoveries have impacted on our life

Ø  explain how advances in science and technology are applied in our daily life, focusing on industry and medicine

Ø  explain the benefits of the applications science and technology in our daily life


1.    Energy and Matter

Learning outcomes

Ø  list different forms of energy

Ø  explain the conversion of energy taking place in various situations

Ø  describe energy flow in a given ecosystem

Ø  outline the process of photosynthesis

Ø  state the word equation for photosynthesis

Ø  explain how a leaf is adapted for photosynthesis (large surface area, veins, stomata chlorophyll)

Ø  identify elements as the building blocks from which all types of matter are made

Ø   explain the terms 'element', 'symbol' and 'valency'

Ø   identify some elements and classify them as metals and non-metals

Ø  distinguish between metals and non-metals based on their properties

Ø   demonstrate an understanding of the terms 'compounds' and 'mixtures'

Ø   identify compounds and mixtures

Ø   show an understanding of the terms molecules and chemical formulae

Ø   find out the chemical formulae of compounds using the symbols and valencies of the constituent elements

Ø   distinguish between physical and chemical changes

Ø   identify physical and chemical changes occurring in living organisms


2.    The Environment

Learning outcomes

Ø  investigate the biotic and abiotic components of a local ecosystem (aquatic/terrestrial/wetlands)

Ø  outline the impact of some human activities (deforestation, pollution, overexploitation of resources) on the environment

Ø  state ways to protect the environment (conservation and management, legislations)

Ø  describe the causes and consequences of air and water pollution

Ø  discuss some measures to prevent air and water pollution

Ø  describe the types of forces that exist in nature

Ø  demonstrate an understanding of forces on living and non-living things



3.    Health and Safety

Learning outcomes

Ø  describe reproduction as a process of perpetuating a species

Ø  describe briefly the male and female reproductive system

Ø  explain briefly the menstrual cycle

Ø  demonstrate an understanding of fertilisation and development of the zygote in terms of the formation of a ball of cells that becomes implanted in the wall of the uterus

Ø  determine the characteristics of an infectious disease and its risks

Ø  explain sexually transmitted infection

Ø explain HIV/AIDS as an infectious/communicable disease that involves a causative agent, mode of transmission and host

Ø  state the signs and symptoms and treatment (preventive and curative) of HIV/AIDS

Ø  outline the prevalence, social and economic impacts of HIV/AIDS in Mauritius.

Ø  demonstrate understanding of chemical substances  such as acids, bases and salts

Ø  state some properties of acids and bases.

Ø  demonstrate an awareness of the importance of acids, bases and salts

Ø  explain the terms indicators and neutralization and identify some indicators

Ø  demonstrate an understanding of the pH scale and use it to classify substances as acidic, basic or neutral


4.    Sustainable living – Use of resources

Learning outcomes

Ø  state the importance of conservation of natural resources

Ø  explain how the choice and use of sources of energy impacts on the environment

Ø  describe what is meant by sustainable living

Ø  explain how sustainable living can be practiced

Ø  plan how to conduct a simple audit of resources

Ø  demonstrate understanding of how the 3Rs concept can be practiced

Ø  propose alternatives to existing resources

5.    Science and technology

Learning outcomes

Ø  describe some common applications of science and technology in our daily life

Ø  identify some ethical issues associated with the applications of science and technology in our daily life

Ø  explain certain limitations of science and technology



1.    The Nucleus and Its Role

Learning outcomes

Ø  state that the nucleus is composed of genetic materials (chromosome, genes, DNA) (details of  DNA  structure not required)

Ø  state that chromosomes are made up of genes

Ø  outline the role of genes in determining the characteristics of an organism

Ø  define mitosis as cell division giving rise to two  identical and state its role in growth, repair of damaged tissues, replacement of worn out cells and asexual reproduction;

Ø   define meiosis as a process resulting in the production  of  cells with half the number of chromosomes and state its  importance in sexual reproduction


2.    Biodiversity

Learning outcomes

Ø  explain biodiversity and its importance to mankind

Ø  outline the threats (deforestation, pollution, degradation of habitat, invasive alien species) towards biodiversity

Ø  formulate solutions to these threats mentioned above (including conservation)


3.    Life Processes- Transport in Living Organisms

Learning outcomes

Ø  describe the movement of substances in living organisms (diffusion, osmosis and active transport)

Ø    outline the role of xylem and phloem in transport of materials in a plant

Ø    identify xylem and phloem in root, stem and leaf

Ø  outline the different components of the circulatory system (bloodblood vessel and heart)

Ø   list the components of blood and state the function of red blood cell, white blood cells, platelets and blood plasma

Ø   outline the structure and function of the blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries)

Ø  outline the structure and function of the heart (the chambers, valves and associated blood vessels)

Ø state examples of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, heart attack and hypertension.


A.   Breathing and Gas Exchange

Learning outcomes

Ø  state breathing as the process of exchange of gases in living organisms

Ø  outline the structure and function of the major parts of the respiratory system (nostrils, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli)

Ø  outline the mechanism of breathing (inspiration and expiration)

Ø  state examples of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, emphysema, asthma and tuberculosis

Ø   explain the need for energy in living organisms

Ø   define respiration as the chemical breakdown of food to release of energy

Ø   write a word equation for respiration (glucose
+ oxygen à carbon dioxide + water + energy).


4.    Health and Safety

Learning outcomes

Ø  explain malaria and influenza as examples of infectious/communicable diseases that involve causative agent, their mode of transmission and host.

Ø  state the signs and symptoms and treatment (preventive and curative) of malaria and influenza.




1.  Chemical substances

Learning outcomes

Ø  recall about elements, mixtures, compounds, symbols, atoms, valencies, molecules and formulae.

Ø    explain the meaning of radicals.

Ø   recognize the formulae and valencies of the following radicals: hydroxide, carbonate, sulfate, ammonium and nitrate.

Ø   distinguish between elements, mixtures and compounds and give examples of each.

Ø   demonstrate an understanding of the Periodic Table as a classification of elements

Ø   recall about acids and bases and their importance.

Ø   recognize the formulae of some common acids, eg. hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulfuric acid and ethanoic acid

              Ø    identify soluble and insoluble salts

              Ø   state the uses of some salts in everyday life.

Ø   state what the pH scale is and show an understanding of its importance.

Ø   list some simple indicators and state their colors in acids and bases.


2.  The Language of Chemistry

Learning outcomes

Ø  differentiate between physical and chemical changes

Ø  show an understanding about how elements and compounds are represented by symbols and formulae.

Ø  recall about how to find formulae of compounds using symbols and valencies (Form II)

Ø  demonstrate an understanding of chemical reactions, reactants and products.

Ø  appreciate that chemical reactions involve rearrangement of atoms and that during a chemical reaction new substances are produced.

Ø  convert word equations to chemical equations.

Ø  write and balance chemical equations.


3.  Chemical reactions in general

Learning outcomes

Ø  recall the meaning of chemical reactions, reactants, products, word equations and balanced chemical equations and the characteristics of chemical changes.

Ø  identify and state the importance of some simple equipment and glassware used in Chemistry.

Ø  explain how different compounds can be made by chemical reactions.

Ø  appreciate that different metals differ in their reactivity and demonstrate an understanding of the reactivity series of metals.

Ø  demonstrate an understanding of some chemical reactions as stated below:

Ø  use the reactivity series of metals to investigate and describe:

o   The chemical reactions of some metals with air, water and dilute mineral acids.

o   Displacement reactions.

Ø  describe and explain how hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide gases can be prepared by chemical reactions in the laboratory.

Ø  show an understanding of the process of rusting and how it can be prevented.

4.   Important chemical reactions

Learning outcomes

Ø  recall about acids and bases

Ø  describe neutralization reaction and some characteristic reactions of acids and bases.

Ø  show an appreciation of the importance of neutralization in cases of indigestion and insect stings, in agriculture and in the prevention of acid rain.

Ø  explain combustion, respiration and photosynthesis as chemical reactions and demonstrate an understanding of their importance.

Ø  state the importance of respiration and photosynthesis in maintaining the composition of air.

Ø  relate burning of fuels to global warming and acid rain.


5.  Experimental techniques in Chemistry

            Learning outcomes

Ø  consolidate knowledge and understanding about different types of mixtures.

Ø  recall the different changes of states (evaporation, freezing, melting, boiling and condensation)

Ø  recall about simple equipment and glassware used in Chemistry

Ø  define the terms boiling point, melting point and freezing point.

Ø  appreciate the importance of pure substances.

Ø  identify and describe techniques that can be used for separating the components of different types of mixtures, such as decantation, filtration, sublimation, crystallization, distillation and chromatography.

Ø show an understanding and appreciation of the applications of different separation techniques in real life context.



1.   Measurement

Learning outcomes

Ø  measure length using metre rule, measuring tapes and Vernier calipers

Ø explain a few types of errors in measurement and their prevention (end error, zero error, parallax error)

Ø  measure the volume of liquids using measuring cylinders

Ø  measure time using stopwatch – digital and analogue

Ø  measure mass using an electronic balance and beam balance

Ø  calculate the volume of regular solids using appropriate formulae

Ø  determine the volume of irregular solids, using the displacement method

Ø  enumerate a few precautions taken during measurement of simple quantities

Ø  explain the need to make accurate measurements


2.   Motion

Learning outcomes

Ø  explain the meaning of linear motion

Ø  define distance and displacement and state their units

Ø  explain the difference between distance (scalar quantity) and displacement (vector quantity)

Ø  calculate distance and displacement in different examples

Ø  define speed and velocity and state their units

Ø  differentiate between speed and velocity

Ø  calculate speed and velocity using speed = distance / time and velocity = displacement / time

Ø  calculate average velocity as compared to instantaneous velocity

Ø  define acceleration and state its unit

Ø  calculate acceleration using a = (v – u)/t

Ø  draw graphs to illustrate motion; distance – time graph, speed-time graph


3.   Energy

Learning outcomes

Ø  explain the meaning of energy and state its unit

Ø  illustrate the various forms/types of energy and their conversion

Ø identify some sources of energy in the local context and list their advantages and disadvantages related to global warming and climate change

Ø  explain the meaning of work done and state its unit

Ø  state the relation between energy and work done

Ø  calculate kinetic and potential energies using appropriate formulas:-

Ek = ½ mv; Ep = mgh

Ø  explain the meaning of power and state its unit, e.g., the meaning of a bulb having a power of 60W

Ø discuss ways and means to save energy (electricity and fuel) to combat climate change/global warming


4.  Optics

 Learning outcomes

Ø  demonstrate that light travels in a straight line

Ø  demonstrate that light enables us to see

Ø  differentiate between luminous and non-luminous bodies

Ø  state the laws of reflection of light

Ø  discuss common application of reflection of light

Ø  state the laws of refraction

Ø  discuss common application of refraction of light


5.    Electricity

Learning outcomes

Ø  demonstrate understanding that matter consists of charges

Ø  explain current as a flow of charges

Ø  use an appropriate analogy to explain current flow

Ø  explain what is meant by potential difference using an appropriate analogy

Ø  recognise that resistance is the opposition to current in a conductor

Ø  determine resistance using Ohm's law

Ø  determine combined resistance when resistors are connected in series and parallel in circuits (2 resistors)

Ø  calculate current, potential difference and resistance in simple circuits

Ø  state ways to use electrical energy safely at home and at school

Ø  state ways of saving electrical energy and the rationale behind it