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The Extended Programme

The Extended Programme


Secondary Education

​​​​​​State​ Secondary Schools​

Private Secondary Schools​

Secondary School Curriculum​​​

The Extended Programme

National Assessment Grade 9

Delf Scolaire​​​​

Admission in Secondary Schools​​




The Extended Programme​

Grounded on the underlying philosophy of an inclusive and equitable education for all, the Extended Programme has been specially designed for children who have moved to Grade 7 but did not attain the required standard at the end of Grade 6.

The intention remains that these students pursue the same curriculum as other students for Grades 7 to 9 and take the new National Certificate of Education (NCE) at the end of the basic education cycle.  The curriculum is, however, specially adapted for the students following the Extended Programme, the content being spanned over four years to cater for their slower learning pace.  Students following the Extended Programme therefore complete the basic education cycle in 4 years instead of 3.

The Extended Programme comprises other accompanying measures to address the special needs of the students and provide them with additional support:

      1.     Classes are of reduced size for the students to benefit from more individual attention;


      2.   The first year of the programme, called the Foundation Year, is meant to help the students connect with their new school environment and re-instil in them the drive to learn and thrive.   It also serves to improve their literacy and numeracy levels and equip them with the pre-requisites to study the Grades 7 to 9 curriculum;

     3.  A diagnostic assessment, the Secondary School Readiness, is carried out upon entry in Grade 7 to establish the profile of each student.  It enables the teachers to subsequently prepare an individual learning plan for each student;

     4.  Progress Book has been designed using a competency-based approach for teachers to monitor closely the progress of their students throughout the year;

    5.   For each class of the Extended Programme, one Educator is designated as a Facilitator, with a reduced teaching load that allows h​im to assume full leadership of the class in terms of guidance, mentoring, monitoring of behaviour and progress, follow-up and support required by the students;

      6.    Focus is placed on the development of Life skills and Values and promotion of the student’s psychological and emotional wellbeing; and

      7.    Accompanying activities that endow learners with an interest in school life and learning and restore their self-confidence and self-esteem.

In 2018, there were 3291 students enrolled in the Extended Programme at the level of Grade 7, 3051 in Mauritius and 240 in Rodrigues (Source: Education Statistics, 2018).​

Documents Links          


  Grade 9 Assessment Handbook for Schools 2019​​



Teaching and learning syllabi, e-books and other learning resources​


Student Behaviour Policy​

 Form I II and III Science Syllabus

 Physical Education as an Examinable Subject

 New Book Scheme for Needy Students

 State Secondary Schools and State Colleges 

List of Private Secondary Schools in Mauritius, Rodrigues and the Outer Islands


School Management Manual for Rectors of State Secondary Schools

Cover  Manual


Archive Secondary​ ​​